Freshman Secret Student Game – Sign up by Wed, Sept. 30

PTSO Freshman Secret Student Game

WHEN: October 1, thru October 31, 2020
To sign up CLICK HERE. Provide your name, email address, cell phone number, mailing address, and any allergies. Sign up ends 9/30.

Participants will receive an email with contact information for one classmate by October 2.
Connect with other 9th grade students for some fun and friendship.

Here’s how it works… All who sign up will be assigned a classmate to be an anonymous
“Secret Student” to for one month. This role involves sending regular encouraging texts, memes, video links, emails, letters, or small gifts (under $5) and clues to your identity.

Simultaneously, every participant will also be on the receiving end of a Secret Student.
At the end of 4 weeks (on October 31) all identities should be revealed and a special Halloween Treat provided (think candy bar, silly photo, or fun meme).

Hopefully, some friendships will be sparked. At the very least, two connections will be made, and the previous 4 weeks will have included some mystery and fun to pass the

Click to view details about the game – NSHS G9 Secret Student

Questions, please contact our parent coordinator Julia Hamilton