Contact Us

Current PTSO Officers and Committees:

General Information/PTSO Co-presidents ( Maggie Schmidt and Will Adams

SOUTH Related Newsletter Submissions(*) (

Any Community Newsletter Submission (*) (

Directory ( Ran Hong

Treasurer ( Saumya Rao


Newton South Boosters Club: Teri Ginsburg, Melissa Dietrich

Mailing Address:
Attn: Newton South PTSO
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton Centre, MA 02459

(*)  The PTSO, at its discretion and as space allows, posts announcements from organizations that offer a direct service to children/families in our community. The PTSO does not endorse the subjects or sources of these announcements. Parents/ guardians are solely responsible for determining suitability and appropriateness for their families. The PTSO may run ads relating to presentations that are given at school or within the community at large. The PTSO does not endorse any one point of view of any particular individuals or businesses whose presentations are advertised. Submit announcements to by Thursday 5PM for Sunday publication.