Help Light the Way Gala Sat, Mar 28!

Please join us at the Help Light The Way fundraising Gala at the Sheraton-Needham Hotel, on Saturday evening, March 28  from 6-8PM.  This event will raise funds to purchase and install permanent lights for the outdoor sports stadium at Newton South High School.   The night will include a silent and live auction, as well as lots of raffles. We need your help to make this a successful event!

Please join us and purchase your Gala Tickets today!

There will be a silent and live auction with lots of wonderful options.  We’ve listed some possible items for donation below.  Please contact Penelope Nam-Stephen ([email protected]) or Bella Gelman ([email protected]) to donate items, or if you have questions.

Ways you can Help Light The Way

  • Make a monetary donation to the fundraising campaign: Donate $
  • Donate goods, services or vacations to our auction and raffle: Donate Goods
  • Volunteer your time in one or more of many different opportunities: Volunteer
  • Come to the Gala and Buy Tickets today

Below is a list of ideas for donations….be creative: (Items must be new)  Donations to Newton South Boosters are tax deductible (501(c) (3) organization).  We would be grateful for assistance during the evening of the Gala.  Please contact Bella or Penelope

  • Tickets to sporting events
  • Theater tickets or subscriptions
  • Concert tickets
  • Vacations, travel, getaway weekends, ski house stays, Disney, Islands, Europe, Boston Hotel weekends, autumn foliage trips, etc.
  • Professional services: Including……dental services, skin care, photography, plumbing, electrical, kitchen design, pet sitting, landscaping services, interior design, hair styling, catering, music lessons, manicures, etc., etc.,  Be creative!
  • Autographed memorabilia….sports, bands, celebrity, entertainment, noteworthy individuals and events.
  • IPads, laptops, etc.
  • Fitbits, headphones, ear buds, etc.
  • Apple Watches
  • Cell phones
  • PlayStation, Xbox
  • Large electronics, TV’s, sound bars, etc.
  • Bicycles
  • Home fitness equipment
  • Health club, fitness and lifestyle memberships
  • Restaurant gift cards
  • Golf outings
  • Lift tickets at ski mountains
  • SAT/ACT prep courses
  • Lottery Tickets
  • Special Boston events
  • Birthday party events and entertainment
  • Diner cruises, Duck Tours
  • Major appliances (washer, dryers, refrigertor, dishwashers)
  • American Girl dolls, significant toys or theme toys
  • Bucket List items and destinations