2020 Yearbook pick up G9, G10 & G11 Update!

This message is for students who ordered yearbooks.  Please disregard if you didn’t order a yearbook.

Below are the details for picking up yearbooks.

Monday, July 13 — 1:30-4:30pm — Students from Wheeler and Cutler houses can pick up yearbooks in the athletic lobby outside of Gym B.

Wednesday, July 15 — 1:30-4:30pm –Students in Goldrick and Goodwin houses can pick up yearbooks in the athletic lobby outside of Gym B.

If you haven’t purchased a yearbook yet and would like to, there are a limited number available online at www.yearbookforever.com. There will also be a handful of books to sell in person at the times above for $100 — cash or check made out to Newton South.

If you are not sure if you’ve purchased a yearbook yet: check the list HERE.

A reminder that everyone must wear a face covering when they come to pick up their materials.

For any questions about yearbooks, please contact Mr. Baron: [email protected]
