Overdue: Confronting Race and Racism in Newton – Wed, Aug 12 @6:30PM

Overdue: Confronting Race and Racism in Newton virtual conversation with Professor Ibram X. Kendi followed by a discussion about race and racism in Newton. This event will be moderated by Dr. Brandon T. Crowley, Pastor of Myrtle Baptist Church.

Please log in at 6:20 PM as we will be starting promptly at 6:30 PM. Because the event has been fully subscribed (3000 attendees), please be logged in no later than 6:40 to secure your entry before the link is shared with people on the wait list.

Unfortunately we are not permitted to release the recording of the event afterwards, in case you are late or unable to attend. While this is a wonderful opportunity for our community, this particular event is ‘ephemeral’ in nature.

We are so glad you can join this important conversation. This event is the start of our journey towards dismantling racism and there will be many opportunities throughout the year to continue learning and taking active steps towards antiracism.

Zoom information is as follows:

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Meeting ID: 973 4279 8891
Passcode: 455568
* Please note that you will be prompted to enter the passcode when you click on the link above. Be sure to have it handy as you log on to the event.

Join Zoom webinar by phone:
Meeting ID: 973 4279 8891
Passcode: 455568

Closed captioning and ASL interpretation will be provided.

Overdue: Confronting Race and Racism in Newton is a coalition of organizations and individuals that aims to equip and empower our community with the understanding, knowledge, and skills to actively fight racism both in Newton and beyond. We provide residents with opportunities to listen, to learn and to act in order to dismantle systemic racism within our city. This series of events will challenge us to do better and to examine the way we treat each other in order to make Newton a more welcoming place to live.

Questions about this event or other parts of the Overdue series? Contact [email protected]