Update School Building and Safety Protocols

Dear NPS Families,

We continue to prepare our school buildings for the return to school in September. As such, we have drafted documents that provide more specificity on the modifications and improvements we have made over the past several months. We have also provided information on the personal protective equipment (PPE) and clearing supplies that will be available in all buildings, as well as the protocols for cleaning and maintenance that are in place now. Please see details below:

  • Facilities fact sheet – this document provides information on HVAC systems, cleaning supplies/protocols, and building maintenance.
  • Cleaning protocols – this document provides specific information on how buildings will be cleaned throughout the day and in the evening.

Additional health and safety protocols are forthcoming next week, including face coverings. In addition, next week Newton Health and Human Services Department will share a comprehensive instructional guide for families and staff to manage and mitigate COVID-19 transmission and infection in schools. Please look for additional information via email and on our website https://www.newton.k12.ma.us/domain/1361 next week.

If you have not yet submitted your selection for the educational model in which you would like to start the year, please do so immediately. Please submit your student’s name, grade level, school, and sibling cohort preference (if choosing hybrid) to [email protected].

Thank you.