Every year, the PTSO need parent volunteers to help organize Grade-Level activities. In light of the current structure of our school year, we hope to encourage more Parents, Teachers and Students to brainstorm together.
PTSO is actively trying to get in touch with all class officers (Class of 2025 still needs officers) through their South Staff advisors. If your child is currently an officer, please have them reach out to [email protected] so we can have their contact information and start the process of getting student input.
If you are interested in helping organize Grade-Level programs/events, please let us know by emailing [email protected]. We are seeking 1-2 parent liaisons to take the lead in communicating with parents/students. As always, every program/event will need volunteers.
Please join us for our first PTSO Welcome on September 21st from 7-8PM.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 819 1345 9054
Passcode: NSHS2021
Dial by your location
Passcode: 68252758
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kyCp5QPDw
It will take a village as always to make a difference.