Newton South Families Organizing for Racial Justice (FORJ) Welcome Night – Monday, Oct 5 at 7PM

Newton South Families Organizing for Racial Justice (FORJ) Welcome Night – Monday, October 5, 7-8:30PM – Save the date and RSVP HERE!

Bring a friend!

The Zoom link will be sent on Monday, October 5 to your email after you RSVP.

Parents, Teachers, and Students – Please join us to:

* hear about Affinity Clubs at NSHS from our student leaders

* learn about steps NSHS is taking to promote antiracism from faculty and parents

* contribute your ideas about ways to create more connection and belonging at NSHS!

Newton South FORJ is a growing group of parents, guardians, teachers, students, and administrators at NSHS who work together to promote antiracist initiatives, inclusion of all families, and an atmosphere of safety, equity, and inclusion at South.

Questions? Email Amy or Cindy at [email protected] or cinde[email protected] or Ms. Sumner at [email protected]