The PTSO is sponsoring an event for the Class of 2022. All students received an email from Interim Vice Principal Hardiman on Friday, Nov 13th about the event. This is an in-person event for all students who are able to participate.
Please encourage your child(ren) to attend if they are able for a fun night of games and music under the lights this Friday, November 20 (rain date November 21), from 5:30-7p at the NSHS stadium. If there are more than 100 signups, we will have a second session from 7:30-9pm.
*Please note*: Students must register for the event by noon on Thursday, November 19th. An e-ticket confirmation is required to participate.
Social distancing requirements at the event include: masks at all times, a minimum 6ft physical distancing, and no close contact (standing or sitting and speaking while being less than 6ft apart).
For questions, email Melissa Monokroussos: [email protected]