If you child is a leader of a Club, please let them know that the PSTO would like to organize a mini Club Fair for Grade 10 students in the next few weeks (hopefully the weather will hold).
We like to have 5-10 Clubs for the Fair, up to 2 representatives from a Club. You will have the opportunity to engage with Sophomores who may be interested in your Club. The ‘mini Club Fair’ would be the first 30 minutes of the event for the Sophomores. We anticipate the event to be in the evening at the Newton South Stadium from 5:30-7pm.
Please email the PTSO at [email protected] by Nov 20th if you are interested in participating. Also, if you want to post any event that your Club is having, virtual or in-person, please send your announcement to [email protected] by Thursday of the week. Your announcement will be posted on Sunday. Thank you!