Newton South High School
Winter 20-21 Athletic Department Update
Effective December 14, 2020
Based on the recent guidelines established by the EEA, DESE, MIAA, Dual County League, and Newton Public Schools, the following has been established for the Winter 2020-21 Season
Boys & Girls Alpine Ski, Boys and Girls Basketball, Boys and Girls Gymnastics, Boys and Girls Ice Hockey, Boys and Girls Nordic Ski, Boys and Girls Swimming and Diving will take place this Winter Season. Tryouts/practices will begin the week of Monday, December 14th with Newton Health Department and School Committee approval.
The MIAA Board of Directors voted the following changes:
Indoor Track will take place during the Fall 2 season with tentative season dates of 2/22/21-4/25/21.
Winter Cheering, Winter Dance, and Wrestling have been moved to the Spring Season.
First day of the winter season is December 14, 2020.
DCL first games are currently scheduled to start the week of January 4th, 2021.
MASKS ARE REQUIRED AS SPECIFIED BY MIAA SPORT SPECIFIC RULE MODIFICATIONS AND THE NEWTON HEALTH DEPARTMENT for all participants, coaches, and officials at practices and games. In accordance with Newton Public School Health and Safety Policies, GAITERS and BANDANAS ARE NOT PERMITTED for athletic participation or for attending games in Newton.
All student-athletes participating in a winter sport must have an IN-PERSON physical within the last 13 months l sports participation (must be dated 11/14/19 or later) on file with the athletic office. The physical can be emailed to [email protected]. Despite the pandemic, the Massachusetts DPH will NOT accept physicals via telehealth for winter sports.
All Basketball games will be played on Tuesdays and Fridays in January and February. Sub-varsity teams will travel only on Saturdays and will have intramural games on Wednesdays.
Boys Varsity Ice Hockey games will be played Wednesdays and Saturdays based on rink availability. JV matches will be arranged with the school in the pod for any given week. Our JV home games will be on Sundays at 5:40 PM at Ryan Arena.
Gymnastics and Swimming meets will be held in the virtual mode at Newton North.
Alpine and Nordic Ski season is contingent on the opening of the practice/competition venues.
It is expected that the majority of the sub varsity traveling games will occur over the weekend.
Newton South will compete against one school in all sports in the same week to limit contact and exposure and to also help with contract tracing should it be needed at any point during the season.
Families are encouraged to provide their own transportation to practice during the week (as students will be arriving at practice from remote learning each afternoon) and on Saturdays and holidays for respective games. A waiver form has been created for that purpose. Families that cannot transport their children to games will be offered transportation. Bus transportation is limited to 25 students per State guidelines.
The DCL, in line with all District 4 leagues, has voted to not allow spectators inside the gyms, rinks, and pools. The policy will be revisited after the first three weeks in January. Athletes, coaches, and officials’ attendance protocols will be strictly enforced in all locations. Masks and social distancing will be expected for all in attendance.
Student-athletes are required to fill out the COVID-19 Symptoms Check form in order to be admitted to our practices and games. The form is due every day by 1 PM.
You can bookmark the link below or use your phone to scan the QR code on top of the FamilyID registration page.
The standard NPS High School User Fee will be collected at the time of registration. The NPS Business, Finance, and Planning Department have decided that No refunds will be provided if the season is canceled.
Financial assistance will be provided for families that need it
The Winter 2020-21 online athletic registration process is ongoing, and it will close Friday, December 11. All student-athletes interested in trying out for a winter sport must be registered by 12/11. Due to strict health and safety guidelines, NO LATE REGISTRATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED AFTER 12/11. Registration will be through Family ID, and will be available through the Newton South Athletic Website.
All information in this document is subject to change. Thanks for your patience as we work through these challenging times. We look forward to seeing our student-athletes on the field soon!