Attention NSHS Students! Join the Photo Match Contest

Dear Newton South Families,

Please let your student(s) know about the PTSO 2020 Newton Photo Match Contest.  See details below.  Teams can sign up today to receive information by December 11.  Submissions are due Dec 20th.  Winners, prizes and celebrity judges will be announced after the break. Thank you!

Hello Newton South Students!

How well do you know your city?  Can your team find 10 unique spots (all villages in the Newton South district) and win Match That Photo?

Recruit your team of up to 10 students and register by emailing a one word team name to NSHS parent [email protected].  Take the opportunity to connect with classmates you’re not seeing much this year.  Teams with members from different neighborhoods will have an advantage.  Small teams (1-5) who would like to join with others can also email [email protected].

Each team will match the 10 photos, working together or “together while apart.”  

While out and about in Newton, please wear a mask and keep 6 ft away from teammates and other people.  No photos require going indoors or onto private property.

We hope you will have fun finding the 10 sights.  If you’re playing to win, match the photos as closely as you can – same angle, same distance, same weather??

You will receive the target photos and instructions on Dec 11 and must submit your entries by Dec 20. 

Winners will be announced after winter break (along with the celebrity judges and the prize!)