Save-the-Date for the COVID Pool Testing Program Webinar at Newton South on Thursday, March 4 at 6:30PM.
See details and webinar link below from Interim Vice Principal Chris Hardiman.
March 2, 2021
Dear NPS High School Families,
As we shared last week, we are preparing to implement COVID-19 testing for students and staff in the Newton Public Schools. Testing for in-person high school students will begin next week. You received instructions for providing consent to opt into the testing program last week. For reference, here is a link to information on the program and the instruction document for providing consent.
To answer your questions about the testing, we are offering an informational webinar on Thursday, March 4, 2021, at 6:30 pm. Our testing partner, JCM Analytics, will provide a brief overview of the testing program and process. Dr. Dori Zaleznick, as well as district and school-based members of the NPS COVID Testing Team. will also be present. We will then take your questions via a live, moderated Q&A.
To log into the webinar, please use this link:
We look forward to sharing more information with you then.
Thank you,
Chris Hardiman
NSHS Interim Vice Principal