South’s spring teams are honoring their seniors as the season comes to close. Those honored this week and next include the following. More teams to follow.
Unified Track
Unified Track honored its seniors Wednesday at its home meet against Concord Carlisle. The seniors on this team are the founders of our Unified programs. We are grateful for their dedication and love of Unified Sports.
The seniors include Emily Ball, Sophie Blumberg, Anthony DePalmaIII, Daniel doran, Lydia Scott, Yael Shiner, Abebe Ticktin, Rebbekkah Tunik, and Kendall Wilson.
The Wrestling team will recognize its seniors during the meet against Newton North on Monday, June 7 at 5 PM. Wrestling team seniors include Devin MacBain, Mikael Rotberg, Vlad Martinez, Philip Amitan, and David Maciejuk.
Boys Volleyball
The Boys volleyball team will recognize their seniors on Wednesday, June 9th at 6:30 PM before their game against Boston Latin School. The seniors in the squad include Collin Joy, Malachai Dansinger and Tomer Wenderow.
The baseball team will have their Senior recognition day on Wednesday, June 9 before their game against Concord Carlisle. The senior ballplayers are Liam Forristall, Gavin Cotter, Brian Powtak, Liam Schofield, Winston Wacha, and Mitchell Waksler.
Congratulations to our South senior athletes!