Can you help transport our athletes to games and matches in the event that the regional shortage of bus drivers impacts bus availability?
Please read these details from Vice Principal Williams’ letter to parents and guardians this week, including instructions on how parents can help:
As you may have heard in the media, regional bus companies are experiencing severe bus driver shortages to start this school year. We learned today that this shortage is already impacting us in Newton and is very likely to complicate athletics transportation for at least the fall season.
More specifically, we expect this shortage to limit the availability of busses to games and practices. Athletic Director Pat Gonzalez is meeting with coaches to discuss options and will also be reaching out to Athletic Directors within our league to identify solutions.
Our plan is to proceed with the schedules as planned and to address situations as they arise. The Athletic Department will let you know as soon as possible when we are aware that a bus will not be available. While canceling games will be a last resort, we do expect that this issue will lead to at least some postponements or cancellations.
To prepare for alternative transportation in the event we do not have a bus, we are asking family members who may be available to transport student-athletes to please complete a Volunteer Driver Application and a CORI/SORI Form and submit both forms, along with a copy of your driver’s license, registration and insurance information to the front office at South. Please note: if student-athletes drive their own vehicle, they may only transport themselves and not another student.
Given that we believe this situation will be ongoing through the fall, we will be discussing additional alternative transportation solutions and contingency plans for athletic events. We will share more information with you shortly.