Message from Unified Basketball Coach Strongin

Dear Unified Athletes & Families,

Coach Jesus and I are looking forward to starting the season with a team of 30 strong!

We have many new athletes this season, so a little background on Unified Basketball. The Special Olympics designed Unified Sports for the High School level, with the goal of building teams made up of people with and without disabilities. Fully recognized as a varsity sport at NSHS, Unified Sports’ goal is to give every athlete a meaningful, fun, and rewarding athletic experience. The Unified Basketball season starts on September 21.

Meeting for Parents

Please contact the coaches at [email protected] if you have registered your student for the Unified Basketball team but didn’t receive the Zoom link for the Parents’ Meeting.

Meeting for Student Athletes

In person • Tuesday, September 14 • 2:35 – 3:25PM, in Gym B

For more details and to get inspired about the Unified program at South, check out this video

Coach Alex Strongin