City of Newton – Requesting All Community Members!

What values do you think should guide village center zoning updates? How do you experience Newton’s village centers and what do you hope for their future? The City of Newton is asking community members these questions until the end of October 3rd! If you only have a couple of minutes, ‘vote’ on at least 10 statements in this online interactive forum. If you have more time, do a Vision Kit with your neighbors and family. Read more about how you can contribute your thoughts in this first phase of engagement for village center zoning districts in our Zoning Redesign July newsletter!  

Thanks in advance for considering!




Nevena Pilipovi?-Wengler | Community Engagement Planner

Pronouns*: she, her, hers

City of Newton Planning & Development Department

1000 Commonwealth Ave | Newton, MA 02459

Desk: (617) 796-1140

[email protected] |