Dear Parents/Guardians of the Class of 2022,
We hope you will be able to join the counseling department for a webinar on how counselors support students and their families through the logistics of applying to college and other post-secondary plans students may be considering. Counselors will walk you through the procedures students will follow and answer any questions you might have. This program is a complement to the senior guidance seminars counselors will be leading for students in the class of 2022 during next week’s WIN blocks.
The information for joining next Thursday’s webinar can be found below. Additionally, we invite you to complete this google form to share your priorities for topics you would like to learn about as well as any questions you have and would like to see answered. Participants will also be able to submit questions during the webinar and we will make every effort to answer all questions live (as time allows). We look forward to seeing you next Thursday and working with you throughout this exciting year.
Dan Rubin
Director of School Counseling