Newton Public Schools is shifting its testing strategy away from pooled testing (PCR) and toward at-home weekly rapid antigen tests. This new weekly at-home rapid antigen test is for ALL students PreK-12+ (vaccinated and unvaccinated.)
We expect the new testing program to be implemented the week of February 7, 2022. Below is specific information you will need in order for your student to participate in the new at-home testing program:
All families need to “opt-in” to this new testing program. The previous consent form will not apply.
Access the Opt-in form through Aspen parent/guardian account: Aspen
Follow these instructions (link) once you are logged into Aspen
An at-home rapid antigen tests kit will be distributed at school every other week. Each kit will contain two tests.
NPS recommends that all families conduct a rapid test on TUESDAY of each week.
Here are printed instructions (link) for conducting the test at home. Here is a video tutorial (link) on conducting the test. Translations are included.
Only positive results need to be reported to the school. You will complete this form (link) to report a positive result. Nurses will provide follow up information to families, including the date for return to school, following a positive test.
In addition to the weekly at-home rapid antigen testing program, we will continue in-school symptomatic testing for students and staff that develop symptoms during the school day. We will discontinue the Test and Stay testing program and contact tracing. Please be vigilant in checking your student for symptoms, conducting the daily health assessment (link), and staying home when sick.
All testing information can be found on our website here: NPS COVID Testing Webpage.