Newton South Families:
We hope that you are having a safe, restful, and enriching summer! The first day of school is just two weeks away, and Acting Principal Josepha Blocker and I are getting ready for another exciting year here at Newton South High School! We have a number of updates for you below.
Note that we will be switching to Smore for our newsletters this year, which gives us two advantages:
If you have not had an opportunity to see last week’s update from Acting Principal Josepha Blocker, you can access it here.
We look forward to seeing incoming ninth grade families at our PTSO meet and greets starting this evening, and we are excited to see all of you in just a couple of weeks on Tuesday, September 6!
Jason Williams (he/him/his) Vice Principal |
Annual Student Information UpdatePlease see the following important update from the district.
Every year, you are required to update student information in Aspen, our student information system. It is very important that families update addresses, emergency contacts, health records, and permissions so that schools have the most accurate and up to date information for students.
This system is also used to determine what student information can be released. Please note that we do have new Opt Out Permissions for the 2022-2023 school year that need your review and preference selections.
Families must update their students’ records by Friday, September 30th. Please use these instructions to access the information and forms in Aspen: Student Information Update Instructions. |
Schedules |
First Day of School ScheduleWe are excited to welcome students to Newton South on our first day of school, Tuesday, September 6. School runs from 9:00 AM – 3:25 PM on Tuesday (9:00 AM – 3:45 PM on other days of the week).
Here is a copy of the schedule. Grade 9 students will arrive at 9 AM following the regular bus schedule (see below). For students in grades 10 through 12, buses will start their run at 12:00 PM for an arrival to South by 12:30 PM. They will otherwise follow the same stops in the bus schedule detailed in the next section. Note that lunch will only be provided for grade 9 students.
The bus schedule for Boston routes can be found here.
We are planning to post student schedules to Aspen on Friday, September 2. Please follow this schedule for A-G blocks on the first day of school. If you have any questions about your schedule, please see your counselor at the start of school |
Bus Schedules for SY 2022-2023
Bus schedules are now available on the Newton Public Schools website. Click the school bus in the top right corner or here to see all schedules.
Upcoming Events |
PTSO Meet & Greets The PTSO has graciously offered to host parents and guardians of 9th grade students and those new to Newton South for a series of parent meet-and-greets. Please sign up to join us for one of these informal conversations, where you will learn a little more about Newton South from the PTSO Co-presidents, Vice Principal Jason Williams, me, and a few other members of our team. To maximize the number of families who will be able to join us, the PTSO asks that only one member of each family attend the in-person events. All are welcome to the Zoom event. All events are from 6 pm to 7 pm.
In anticipation of the beginning of the school year, there are various dates that we wanted to send your way so you can mark your calendars. More details about these events will be forthcoming.
Student Events:
Family Events for Parents and Guardians
Chromebooks |
New Students: Sign the Chromebook Loan Agreement
Every student in the Newton Public Schools is issued a Chromebook. The Chromebook is for use both in school and at home. Entering 9th graders are provided with a Chromebook they will use for the length of time they are in high school. Devices are kept by the student over the summer.
Chromebooks are issued in September. To issue your student a Chromebook, and for those who have not yet completed the form, please do the following:
In addition, we encourage you to examine some of the resources on Online Safety and Digital Citizenship posted on our website, and engage your children in conversations on these topics on a regular basis. More information about the 1:1 Device program can be found on the NPS 1:1 Technology Overview Page. |
All Students: Optional Chromebook Repair FundAll students in grades 6-12 are issued a Chromebook to use both in school and at home. As part of the Chromebook Loan Agreement, families are responsible for accidental damages to the device.
In lieu of purchasing outside insurance, NPS is offering families the option to participate in a NPS Repair Fund that will fully cover the costs of accidental damages.
Please see this document for more information and how to apply. |
Food Services Updates |
Meals at NPS This School Year
Please see the following update from the district newsletter regarding School Meals at NPS:
Once again this year, Massachusetts will provide free meals in schools. However, the program this year is different from the last two years. Please read to understand the differences and actions you must take.
What is free? FIRST meals are free for all students. However, SECOND meals and A LA CARTE ITEMS (at middle/high school) must be paid for with cash or through the MySchool Bucks account.
What is the cost of a SECOND meal? The student charge for second meals is $5.25 for elementary students and $5.50 for middle and high school students.
What do you mean by “all meals must be validated by student?” This means that all student meals will be served from the cafeteria and each student must have their meal scanned at the Point of Sale register – even though the first meals are free. Student ID barcode cards will be provided for all K-5 students on the first day of school. The cards will remain at school, and each school will determine how the students will access their cards each day.
How can I pay for SECOND meals and A LA CARTE items? Please create or check your family MySchoolBucks lunch account to ensure there are funds available if your child purchases a second meal or a la carte items (middle and high school only). |
Summer P-EBT and Financial Assistance Waiver RequestFrom the district newsletter:
Summer P-EBT The Department of Transitional Assistance is providing summer P-EBT for children who are identified as free or reduced-price eligible through 8/31/22. If you believe you may qualify and have not received confirmation of Direct Certification, please access the online application or the printable application on the NPS website to apply for eligibility determination by the 8/31/22 deadline. A notification letter will be sent confirming eligibility within one week of submitting an application.
Financial Assistance – Waiver Request
Families who are notified of free or reduced-price eligibility through Direct Certification should also visit the NPS website to apply for district-level financial assistance, which can be accessed by submitting a financial assistance and waiver request. Applying for the district fee waiver is a separate and necessary step to receive this additional financial assistance. |
Other Updates |
Most Recent District NewsletterThe most recent district newsletter was posted on August 17, 2022. It can be accessed here. |
The Class of 2023 Is Selling Merch!The Class of 2023 has created a CustomInk page for students to buy merchandise. |
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