Excerpt from email from Superintendent Fleishman
September 7, 2020
Dear High School Families,
As we head into another busy week during which we will finalize schedules and team placements for our middle and high school students, I want to provide you with more detail on a few outstanding items.
School Start Times
While we have a relatively small number of secondary students beginning the year in person, the transportation needs for elementary students and the capacity limits on our buses and vans require us to make changes to our start and end times.
Below are the new start and end times for our secondary schools based on our current schedules:
High School – 9:15 a.m. and 3:55 p.m.
Student Team Placements and Schedules
Depending upon the high school, the list of classes and/or schedule will be released on Friday, September 11 or Monday, September 14. Both North and South have shared specific information with their school communities on the dates and times of schedule release.
High School Athletics
On Thursday, September 10, North and South principals will present to the School Committee on the proposal for fall athletics at both high schools. We are required by the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education to seek approval from the School Committee on participation in fall sports offered in our respective leagues. To tune into the meeting, follow login instructions at this link: https://www.newton.k12.ma.us/domain/68
First Day of School – September 16, 2020
As a reminder, the first day of school is Wednesday, September 16. Both middle and high schools are in distance learning and students will login to their scheduled classes on that day. Schools will send more specific information on the first day of school and the start of the school year soon. If you do not have access to a device for distance learning, please email [email protected]
I hope you have had an enjoyable long weekend. I look forward to continuing to share more details with you as we approach the first day of school.???????
David Fleishman
Superintendent of Schools