Here are highlights of some in-person events that happened in October at Newton South High School. It always takes a village to support each other.
If you are interested in organizing future student in-person opportunities or virtual events for our school community, please contact the PTSO at [email protected].
Senior Outdoor Collective: Newton South Teachers Eliza Tyack, Alan Reinstein and Dave Weintraub have organized a new program called theSenior Outdoor Cooperative, which aims to bring together Newton South faculty and seniors outdoors in ways that are safely socially distanced and yet still provide opportunities for meaningful connection, discovery, and togetherness during a remote school year. About 200 hundred seniors have signed up to participate at some point. As of Sunday, November 8th, the Cooperative has led the first batch of five expeditions ranging from affinity group meet-ups at Chestnut Hill Reservoir to ambitious hikes to Mt. Monadnock hike with over twenty seniors.
Theatre: 30 actors and video crew/technicians and two staff members present to shoot the recent production of Sense and Sensibility. Students participated in in-person rehearsals two days a week (outdoors, distanced, masked), starting in late September and ending on Oct. 24. Those rehearsals had eighteen students and one faculty member present. The Frosh Play is online and eight students and one staff member who will be on campus outside for one shooting day.
South Stage Tech has eight students and one staff member on campus (inside, distanced, masked) after school five days a week. Due to interest of twenty to thirty students interested in South Stage Tech, and our scene shop square footage limits us to nine people in the room, we have a rotating schedule for this activity. This will continue through the winter. Visit SouthStage for updates on events.
Grade 9 Community Event on Oct 20 – About 300 Grade 9 students came to South to meet/greet students and staff, and 37 students logged on to the Zoom portion of the Day. The 90-min session involved CommunityBuilding activities such as “Bazinga,” “Follow the Leader,” “What’s Different,” and “Socks,” “Scavenger Hunt,” “Connections.” More than 25 staff, 20 South Administration team, 28 Grade 9 Advisors, and 12 Staff on Zoom made the event possible. PTSO sponsored a small gift bag for students, including a Class of 2024 Stressball.
Senior Drive-In Movie Night – 248 Seniors in 67 cars enjoyed the 1984 Ghostbusters movie. Thanks to the 15 parent chaperones who helped make the concession treats, and chaperoning the event at the Chestnut Hill Mall parking lot.
Two Senior Sunsets on the Baseball Field – 182 Seniors got an opportunity to come to the baseball field at South to meet. Masks and social distancing allowed for many who had not seen each other since the closing of the school in March 2020. Students registered and the event was chaperoned by parent volunteers.
Fall Athletics – 290 athletes and 19 coaches have been competing in the DCL league schedule since September. Thank you to our Athletic Department team Pat Gonzalez, Kristen Hoffman, Molly Estrada, Patrick Jordan Quern, John Conway, Matthew Palmer, Jesus Rodriguez, Jim McLaren, Adam Hryniewiczs, David Padget, and our COVID19 coach Ted Dalicandro. Without their diligence and dedication games couldn’t be possible. The cooperation of athletes, coaches, staff, and parents was key to the success of the season.