Video Dec 9th HyFlex Q&A & District HyFlex Email

Hello Families and Students,

Here is a link to a recording of last night’s  HyFlex Q & A webinar for anyone that was unable to watch live.

Principal Aronson also wanted to clarify one of his responses to a question last night about voluntary staff Covid testing. Below is the accurate information:

“Staff will be tested once a month to begin the NPS voluntary covid testing program. Initially NPS will test ~500 High Needs educators, who are in close contact with students before break. Then other educators working with students in person (elementary and middle), then HS educators and others will be tested in mid January”

Regarding the HyFlex vs. Distance model survey, the district sent it out to all families yesterday via School Messenger. This is exactly what the email from the district looked like:

From: NPS Office of Secondary Education <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, Dec 8, 2020 at 11:30 AM
Subject: High School Learning Model Selection

Dear NPS High School Families,

As you know, the high school is transitioning to a Hyflex hybrid model at the end of January. To determine the number of cohorts and student placement within specific cohorts, we are beginning the process now.

Below is a link to the form to select your learning model. You should receive one email for each student and you must complete one form for each student. The student ID is pre-filled into the form. The form must be submitted by Sunday, December 13 at 11:59 p.m.

If you didn’t receive it, first please check your email folder. If you still can’t find the email with the survey link, please contact me and I can send you a link to the form. A reminder that the deadline to fill out the form is 11:59pm this Sunday, 12/13.

Finally, to answer a FAQ that has already come up….

We need you to do the best you can, right now, to make a selection. Your selections now will impact how many cohorts we build. We need to build cohorts so that we can assign classes to rooms etc before Jan 27. There will be opportunities to change your model, after Jan 27, though we don’t yet know how frequently. You should anticipate that this selection, that you make now, will be in place through AT LEAST February vacation. 

Chris Hardiman
NSHS Interim Vice Principal