WHO: Parents of 10th Graders, Dan Rubin (Head of Counseling), Charle Myette (Class Dean) Lexi Micheals and Talia Gallagher (Class Advisors), Kathy Sabet and Christina Brown (Counselors)
WHAT: Parent Coffees are in-person get togethers at Newton South to discuss upcoming milestones for each grade.
WHERE: Goldrick Commons (See map below)
WHEN: Thursday, January 19th at 9am
WHY: Get your questions answered.
Typical Questions from Previous 10th Grade Parents:
- What is Sophomore Slump and is it real?
- What sort off Junior Year Planning should we be doing
- Whats on the schedule for end of year class activities, MCAS, etc
- When and how to explore the career discussion and my kid’s personality