Author Archives: Manisha Kasana

Girls’ Basketball team

The girls’ Basketball team opened its series with Cambridge win a win by ample margin. They will host the Falcons Varsity team on Friday and their JV team on Saturday. Here are the links to the games: Girls varsity … Continue reading

Alpine Ski team

The Alpine Ski team raced on Thursday at Nashoba. The team competed in their first slalom race of the season.

Nordic Ski team

The Nordic Ski team competed at Weston on their third race of the season. Coach Riklin reports that the team is having lots of fun and enjoying their time at the course.

Swim and Diving team

The Swim and Diving team competed against WA this week. Our team faced a very strong opponent and matched them stroke by stroke with our swimmers improving their times.

Newton South Girls Gymnastics

Last Thursday, Newton South Girls Gymnastics had their first remote meet against Acton Boxboro. Final Score: South – 138.5. AB – 130.7 The team competes against Westford Academy this week. Final scoring will not be completed united WA completes the virtual … Continue reading

Newton South’s Booster Club

NEWTON SOUTH’S BOOSTER CLUB INFO NIGHT – SUPPORT SOUTH STUDENTS & ATHLETES Wednesday, January 27th at 7:00 PM With winter sports underway, spring around the corner and a fresh new year ahead, we’re rebooting Newton South’s Booster Club. The Booster … Continue reading


NEWTON SOUTH’S BOOSTER CLUB INFO NIGHT – JOIN US! Wednesday, January 27th at 7PM With winter sports underway, spring around the corner and a fresh new year ahead, we’re rebooting Newton South’s Booster Club. The Booster Club is a parent … Continue reading

NPS COVID-19 Communications Protocol

Due to rising COVID-19 cases in communities belonging to our league, several games are canceled at this time. We do not have control over these decisions and we have to keep our safety protocols without mixing teams and communities each … Continue reading

Girls Gymnastics

Our Girls Gymnastics team had its first virtual meet scoring a high 138..5 points. The zoom recording of their performances is posted on the team page at

Boys Gymnastics

The boys gymnastics team is defending its state crown this year. Two gymnasts from South are competing in the team guided by coach Tom Steeves and first-year coach Rani Jacobson.