Author Archives: Manisha Kasana

Strength and Conditioning Clinic

Strength and Conditioning Clinic is offered this Fall to our out of season athletes. The starting day is Thursday, Oct. 1st spanning 13 sessions until November 12. The deadline to sign up is Wednesday, Sept. 30. A maximum of 30 … Continue reading

Guidelines for sports events regarding face covers

The districts of each DCL member school have specific guidelines for their sports events regarding face covers. The majority of them, like Newton, require fans, officials and players to wear fitted face masks. Gaitors are not allowed in these communities. Below you … Continue reading

2020 Fall 1 Athletic season

Welcome to our 2020 Fall 1 season! We are happy to see athletes and coaches in our campus enjoying each other and the sports they love! Following COVID modifications the DCL has created an abridged schedule for the Fall. You … Continue reading

Protocols for athletic events

Protocols for athletic events    NSHS COVID coach is Mr. Ted Dalicandro. You can reach him at [email protected] if you have a COVID-19 related question. Coaches will use screening questions before EACH practice and game. They record the students’ answers in the … Continue reading

Father’s Day Gift

NEED A FATHER’S DAY GIFT?  OR A SUMMER BIRTHDAY GIFT?  Surprise them with Newton South SPIRIT GEAR and support the Booster Club!  Email Wendy Woodruff Pike at [email protected] with the details of your order (hoodie, crewneck sweatshirt, blanket, sweatpants, ladies’ … Continue reading


NEED A SPRING REFRESH? OR A GRADUATION GIFT? Please help out the Newton South Booster Club by getting yourself some new sheets. They would make a nice graduation present for anyone who is getting their first apartment or going off … Continue reading

Congratulate our 2020 graduates

Congratulate our 2020 graduates in South’s only print newspaper, The Lion’s Roar. A special Graduation Edition devoted to the Class of 2020, will be distributed to seniors and their families at their homes in early June. If you would like … Continue reading


LOOKING FOR SPIRIT GEAR?  Most of the inventory is inaccessible in the school, but I happen to have lots of Newton South socks (orange and blue with a lion – $12), baseball hats (trucker hats are $20 or canvas hats … Continue reading

GET A SPRING REFRESH and help the Newton South Booster Club Earn Money!

This may be our last chance to raise money for the teams at Newton South this year. Please help us out by getting yourself some new sheets. They would make a nice graduation present for anyone who is getting their … Continue reading

Girls JV tennis coach, Sarah Kittredge,

We welcome Sarah Kittredge, our new Girls JV tennis coach. Her experience is broad having played at the High School level and at juniors tournaments in New England. She currently plays in multiple USTA leagues. She has led teams to USTA … Continue reading