Category Archives: Education/Enrichment

Winter Food Drive

Tess and Izzy, two juniors at Newton South High School, are collecting food donations for the Centre Street Food Pantry. Please consider dropping off any of the following items so they can help those at the food pantry! Below is … Continue reading

Snow Removal: Winter Walking

Did you know that Newton residents are required to remove the snow and ice from their paved sidewalks within 24 hours? A $50 fine after an initial warning was added for 2019. The Newton Safe Routes to School Task Force … Continue reading

Purchase a Holiday Meal Box for a Newton Housing Authority client!

Thank you for helping the Newton Food Pantry reach their Giving Tuesday goal! Through the tremendous support of our wonderful community, the Newton Food Pantry is happy to announce that they reached the $10,000.00 goal of fulfilling the initial need … Continue reading

Members of Closed Gyms Invited to Join

The West Suburban YMCA offers incentive for new members seeking fitness and well-being. The closing of several local gyms in Newton and surrounding towns have left many gym-goers without a place to workout. The West Suburban YMCA? welcomes members of … Continue reading

Green Newton Student Group Presents ‘Greening the Holidays’

Green Newton Student Group Presents ‘Greening the Holidays’. Newton student leaders invite you to join this virtual public meeting (for all ages) on how we can make plans to celebrate a more sustainable holiday season. The program will include great … Continue reading

Help with FAFSA and CSS Profile

Early Action and Early Decision deadlines are coming up soon. Do you need help with the FAFSA and CSS Profile for your child’s college applications? If so, Eileen Concannon has lots of experience helping people with these forms. Please contact … Continue reading

South Stage Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough fundraiser

South Stage Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough fundraiser is running now through December 6th! Order a delicious holiday gift for yourself or someone else! South Stage is selling refrigerated chocolate chip cookie dough (yields 20-22 cookies) by the quart for $15.00. Dough … Continue reading

Gap Program Information Session

COVID-19 has turned our lives upside down. In response, many students are asking if this pandemic presents the opportunity to pursue a different avenue instead of the direct transition into higher learning. A gap year – a break from traditional … Continue reading

Visual Scavenger Hunt

A group of eight Newton South 9th graders – Zoe Hong, Ellie Gish, Naomi Weitzman, Elliot Heywood, Edward Macklin, Sylvia Jacobs, Seth Korn, Josh Wolf just put together this great outdoor activity in Cold Spring Park. It’s a purely visual scavenger … Continue reading

Women in World Jazz virtual Creative Arts and Sciences program

Creative Arts & Sciences is proud to present Women in World Jazz webinar-style virtual concerts for schools that missed their spring performances. Both live and pre-recorded performances and virtual collaborations will be included. Members of the ensemble will share information … Continue reading