Category Archives: Other

BASCP in the Cloud Remote Programming

The Bowen After School Care Program is running remote programming for families in the community. For $5.00 per hour, less than a fancy cup of joe, your child will have access to numerous engaging opportunities throughout the week. The K-1 … Continue reading

Newtones (an award-winning a capella group at Newton South) Informational Meetings

Are you interested in singing? Looking for an a cappella group? Seeking new members from all grades to join the Newton South Newtones! To learn about their social-distanced auditions, make sure you come to an information meeting for audition details … Continue reading

Volunteer at the Newton Framer’s Market

The Newton Farmer’s Market is going strong and still needs volunteers until October 20th! If you can help for a few hours, please click HERE to sign up.

Virtual voice lessons or virtual counseling

Danielle Pinals,  a singing teacher and mental health counselor, is offering the following services: Break It Down Vocals: 15% discount on virtual voice lessons to new students through the end of September. At checkout, the discount code is: BREAKITDOWN. Real … Continue reading

Does your child have an IEP or 504 Plan?

Then check out the Newton SEPAC (Special Education Parent Advisory Council) at Newton SEPAC is a volunteer organization of parents of children with special needs from preschool through high school. They run an online Google Group – Newton SEPAC … Continue reading

CPC Meeting

The Agenda and Meeting Packet for the CPC’s next virtual meeting on September 15th is now available. Please Note: Due to the size of this month’s meeting packet, downloading may take longer than usual. To view and participate in this … Continue reading

VOICES Boston children’s chorus

Do you have a child that loves to sing and perform? Join VOICES Boston children’s chorus for the 2020-2021 season! VOICES Boston focuses primarily on singing and music literacy, with an added emphasis on dance technique and drama performance. VOICES … Continue reading

Remote Learning Care Packages

Just in time for returning to school, Newton mom Martha Hayward has launched a new business offering care packages for students, including a remote learning gift box designed to make those Zoom classes a little easier. See the options at … Continue reading

Family Voice Advocates

Family Voice Advocates is taking on both pro-bono and reduced rate clients through the end of 2020! Rates are income-dependent on a sliding scale. Please email Lani Verges-Radack at for details about how she can help with records review, … Continue reading

Give or Get Household Items at Welcome Home

Do you have extra home goods that you are ready to part with? Welcome Home will gladly accept “like-new” or new items that are not broken, stained or torn at their convenient Newton Centre location. Need essential household items? They … Continue reading