Category Archives: Other

General Support Resource

The Newton Public Schools, in collaboration with Newton Health and Human Services, is providing a support phone number for families with children enrolled in our schools. This service is staffed by Newton Public Schools counselors and is designed to support families experiencing food scarcity, housing scarcity, domestic or substance abuse, and other mental health struggles exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

The phone number, 617-559-6021, is answered live Monday -Friday from 8:00 am – 3:00 pm and is equipped with voicemail.

Help the Newton Food Pantry by making face masks

Want to help the Newton Food Pantry by doing an at-home craft project?

Consider making and donating cloth face masks that are individually packaged in a ziplock bag for distribution to Food Pantry clients. These mask donations can be dropped off at 36 Metacomet Road or at 61 Ballard Street.

Help them meet their goal of 400 masks!

Honor Thy Teacher

Over these past weeks, many parents have developed a deep appreciation for the job that our teachers do each day. Here is a way to say thank you.

By donating to Newton Schools Foundation’s Honor Thy Teacher program in the name of one or more teachers, you can show your appreciation for them AND support your children’s schools.

In recent weeks, NSF directed its resources toward the challenges of COVID-19 with a $85,500 grant for the Newton Public Schools to purchase 300 Chromebooks for students needing access to online learning during school closures. Dollars raised will go to funding grants for promising educational initiatives, professional development and programs that close gaps in opportunity and achievement.

NSF will notify each teacher honored of your gift and share their names with Principals and the Superintendent. A list of honored teachers will appear on the NSF website and in the Newton TAB.

It’s easy to donate online at .

Parenting in the Time of Corona; How parents can care for the social-emotional needs of their children

SEL4Newton and Newton Public Schools will be holding an hour-long Zoom Webinar  specifically for Elementary School Parents. The panel will address “Parenting in the Time of Corona; How parents can care for the social-emotional needs of their children now and in the coming months”.

A panel of Newton experts will be discussing social-emotional learning (SEL) strategies for parents in this unusual time and with opportunities for you to express your challenges.

To register, click on

Zoom virtual meeting
May 27th, 7 :00 pm

Breathing Room- A Place for Special Families

Join Breathing Room, a FaceBook private group for parents and caregivers of children with special needs. Members may be caring for kids with any kind of special need from subtle to severe.

Cindy Kaplan will be guiding the group with wisdom from Conscious Parenting, her years of yoga practice, and 18 years of experience learning from her daughter, Mira, who has significant special needs. Cindy is a local Conscious Parent and Family Coach with an MA in Psychology. She has been working with parents and families for over 20 years through private practice, workshops, group coaching, and speaking engagements.

No surprise, there will be a deep focus on self-care and learning how to deconstruct generations of patterns and beliefs so that you can free yourselves from guilt, the “shoulds and what ifs”, and ultimately take care of yourselves so that you can truly be the best that you  can be for your children.

Please take a look, and share with those you know who could benefit from being a part of a community that will allow them to feel less alone and more whole.

Zoom Open Houses for Highlands After School Program

The Highlands After-School Program, just for middle school children, is hosting Zoom Open Houses for interested families in May and June. Here’s the link for additional information on how to join:

SPACE IS LIMITED! This is a terrific opportunity for parents learn more about the program as they plan for the upcoming school year. If you can’t make an Zoom meeting or would like more information contact Rochelle Acker at 617-999-4617 or or visit the website https://www.highlandsafter-schoolprogram.

Join the Newton Food Pantry Teen Ambassador Program (TAP)

Interested in building your leadership skills while supporting the efforts of the Newton Food Pantry? Consider joining the inaugural Teen Ambassador Program (TAP) with other teens who are developing their passion for making a difference in our community.

Find out more about the TAP program and the Newton Food Pantry at To apply to the TAP program please complete the TAP Application today.

2020 Newton Schools Foundation Honor Thy Teacher

Over these past weeks, many parents have developed a deep appreciation for the job that our teachers do each day. If you are looking for a way to express that appreciation during Teacher Appreciation Week or after, here is a way to say thank you.

By donating to Newton Schools Foundation’s Honor Thy Teacher program in the name of one or more of your children’s teachers, you can show your appreciation for them AND support your children’s schools. NSF will notify each teacher honored of your gift and share their names with Principals and the Superintendent. A list of honored teachers will appear on the NSF website and in the Newton TAB.

Your tax-deductible donation will go towards funding NSF grants for promising educational initiatives, professional development, and programs that close gaps in opportunity and achievement. In furtherance of those goals, in recent weeks NSF directed its resources toward the challenges of COVID-19 with a $85,500 grant for the Newton Public Schools to purchase 300 Chromebooks for students needing access to online learning during school closures.

It’s easy to donate online at or you can mail your donation to Newton Schools Foundation, P.O. Box 590020, Newton Centre, MA 02459. Please be sure to include the names of the teachers and/or staff that you are honoring.

To find out more about the programs NSF funds, visit their website at


Teacher Appreciation Week

Next week we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week! Please join us to say thank you to all NPS teachers by submitting a thank you card, photo or video. Use this form to submit your creation and look for it on our social media channels next week!

Newton Food Pantry

The Newton Food Pantry would like to extend a huge thank you to the community for the incredible support over the last 6 weeks. COVID-19 has brought about a challenging and uncertain time for many in our community but our hearts are full from your overwhelming love and support.

Because of your generosity, the Newton Food Pantry is able to continue its commitment to help those in need across Newton by offering:

  • Curbside pickup twice a month to Newton residents (previously clients were able to shop once a month.) From March 18th through April 22nd, the Newton Food Pantry served a total of 978 households. Thirty percent of these households are new to the Newton Food Pantry since March 18th.
  • Bulk grocery deliveries to seniors residing in 9 different Newton housing facilities to keep them safe and sheltered in place. From March 18th through April 22nd, over 40% of the total households served (411 households in all) were senior bulk grocery and home deliveries.
  • Home delivery to clients who are homebound because of disability or severe medical conditions.
  • Optimum safety and efficiency for both clients and volunteers with use of 3 new PODS located outside City Hall.
  • Canned and dried goods for the city’s Food for Families Backpack program.
  • The Newton Food Pantry is distributing more than 8,500 pounds of food per week. In addition to distributing a dry goods bag, a produce bag and a refrigerated goods bag, the Newton Food Pantry clients are also receiving personal care items and cleaning agents.

HOW CAN YOU HELP? Aside from donating double-bagged grocery bags and egg cartons (please drop off at 61 Ballard Street or 36 Metacomet Road ONLY), please consider a financial donation at

Check out this little jingle just to show you how serious they are about double-bagging.