Category Archives: Other

Newton FORJ Book Group (Families Organizing for Racial Justice)

Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria
by Beverly Daniel Tatum
February 25th, 6:30-8:30 pm
Newton Free Public Library, Room B
Adult discussion

White Fragility
by Robin Diangelo
April 29th, 6:30-8:30 pm
Newton Free Public Library, Room B
Adult discussion

There is no childcare at these events.
Contact Jennifer Dirga at with any questions

Paid part-time opportunity at Centre Street Food Pantry!

Part-time paid Volunteer Manager position at the Centre Street Food Pantry in Newton Centre (12 -15 hours per week including working at the busy pantry every Tuesday 4:00 – 8:00 pm and possibly Saturday 10:00 am – 3:00 pm). When not on site, the job requires working remotely and timely communication with a diverse population. Ideal candidates are enthusiastic, good planners, kind, calm under pressure and have experience in volunteer management or training. The person should be able to comfortably carry bags of groceries or boxes of food. Send resume to

Civics Challenge

Join the LWVN Civics Challenge! This is meant to be a true community builder for anyone in Grade 8 or older. There will be snacks and prizes, including a MA State House tour for the winning team.

Anyone who registers as an individual will be placed on a team OR groups of 3 or 4 may register as a team. The registration deadline is February 28th.

For more information visit

Registration at

See a flyer at

March 1st,  3:30 – 5:30 pm
Cabot School

Artemis Girls Stand Strong, Stand Tall

Artemis Girls Stand Strong, Stand Tall is for girls ages 10 – 13. The six week series starts soon. This wonderful, girls’ empowerment program is just right for when girls need a safe, welcoming, judgement free zone! Program includes yoga, mindfulness, breath work, creative expression and self-reflection and it generally sells out, so sign up if interested. Class is led by Tracy Affonso and Amy Hrobak, both experienced, adolescent educators, mindfulness and yoga instructors as well as Amy is a licensed social worker with a specialty in teens. Please reach out to or call 617-393-3590 if you have any questions

Fridays, March 6th – April 10th,  4:00 – 5:30 pm
Registration fee: $150 for six week series, not a drop-in program
Register or learn more at
Artemis Yoga, 639 Mt. Auburn Street, Watertown

Here’s what some recent girls said: “I liked being able to be myself and talking about things without worrying what others would think.”, “I really learned some new ways to be kind to myself in the self-care day.”, “Amy and Tracy made it fun to come to class and I was able to meet some nice, new people.”, “I liked the vision board project!”

Provide your input on the Open Space & Recreation Plan

Newton is required to update its Open Space & Recreation Plan every five years. The City is in the midst of updating it now. To learn more about the Open Space Plan visit

The on-line community survey will allow everyone an opportunity to provide insights and personal priorities regarding open space and recreation. You can access the survey using this link: until February 13th.

The second public meeting (date TBD) will serve as an opportunity for residents to provide feedback and comments on a full draft of the OSRP. Please check the website link listed above in the Survey section, to check for announcements regarding the date, time, and location.

Do you want to improve sustainability in Newton schools?

Join parents, educators and students who are working together to promote sustainability in Newton schools.

If your school does not yet have a Green Team, they can help you to establish one. Representatives of the group participate in discussions to improve food quality and sustainability in school cafeterias. They are also advocating for more in-depth climate science to be taught in our schools, as well as setting up textile recycling collection containers outside of each school building. All are welcome to participate and share experiences and ideas.

For more information contact or visit

February 13th,  3:45 – 5:00 pm
Third floor arc area of the Newton Free Library

Comedy for a Cause ????!

Jesse Appell ??? Newton Fundraiser for Wuhan

Help a good cause and learn about life and comedy in China! Jesse is a comedy star in China, performing for millions on TV. Jesse’s one-man-show about life in China and the situation in Wuhan is a one-of-a-kind event. (Attached is the flyer)

NNHS Chinese Program and Jingshan Exchange Program invite you to enjoy Newton North alum Jesse Appell’s comedy show, along with the NNHS student performance. Buy tickets and make donations here

This performance will be in English. All ticket sales will be donated to Jingshan School and to buy medical supplies for Wuhan University Hospital.

February 12th, 7:00 pm
Newton North auditorium

Jesse Appell is a Fulbright fellow alumnus based in Beijing who researches and performs Chinese comedy. He is the disciple of Cross-talk Master Performer Ding Guangquan. Jesse’s TV and Internet performances have reached hundreds of millions of viewers in China and around the world. He aims to use comedy to bring people together.

Below are some media coverage of Jesse:

CBS Evening News with Seth Doane
Jesse on the front page of the Boston Globe
The Chinese standup routine from a major TV show (with subtitles)

You’re Invited to a Northland Project Forum presented by the League of Women Voters

Yes or No – Proposed Northland Development Project on Needham and Oak Streets

Newton voters will have a chance to decide the future of the Northland Development Project in a binding referendum election to take place on March 3rd, 2020 (coinciding with the presidential primary election).

The question to be placed before the voters is “Shall the following measure which was passed by the City Council be approved?

A measure which changes the zoning of parcels of land located at 156 Oak Street, 275-281 Needham Street and 55 Tower Road (commonly known as the Northland Project) from Mixed Use 1 District (MU1) to Business 4 District (BU4). The zoning change would allow for the construction of the Northland Project as described in a special permit and site plan approval granted by the City Council.”

Join the LWVN Forum and learn about this referendum question. You will hear from presenters on both sides of the issues and, at the end of the presentations, attendees will have an opportunity to ask questions.

RSVPs to or via Facebook are appreciated!

February 13th, 7:00 – 8:30 pm
The Durant Kendrick House, 286 Waverley Avenue, Newton

For more information about the Northland Project, visit the City of Newton website; The Committee for Responsible Development; Yes for Newton’s Future .

You’re invited to the Help Light the Way Gala

The Help Light the Way Gala will raise funds to purchase and install permanent lights for the outdoor sports stadium at Newton South High School. The night will include a silent and live auction, as well as lots of raffles and they need your help to make this a successful event!

Ways you can Help Light The Way

  • Make a monetary donation to the fundraising campaign by clicking here: Donate $
  • Donate goods, services or vacations to our auction and raffle by clicking here: Donate Goods
  • Volunteer your time in one or more of many different volunteer opportunities by clicking here: Volunteer
  • Come to the Gala. Please click Buy Tickets to purchase tickets.

Co-chairs, Bella Gelman and Penelope Nam-Stephen are planning a fun night for the  community. Please contact them if you are able to work on this campaign.

For more info email either or

March 28th, 6:00 – 10:00 pm

What’s Happening at the West Suburban YMCA

Early Spring Registration is Open! Early Spring Session runs February 24th – April 19th. Sign up for swimming lessons, small fitness training classes, sports, or creative arts! Register and find out more information here.

Family Fun Night, February 11th, 6:00 – 7:00 pm. Bring the whole family to the Y for some family fun time. Featuring arts & crafts, bouncy house, gym games and more! Free and open to all. Family Fun Nights occur on the second Tuesday of every month.

February Vacation Week Programming February Vacation Week is around the corner! They offer three childcare programs from February 18th – 21th. Out of School Time Vacation Programs are structured similarly to a day at camp, with a mix of activities such as fun games, creative projects, and free swim. Sports Vacation Clinics may include soccer, basketball, baseball, swimming, and more. In addition, there are also new Creative Arts vacation programs! To learn more about vacation week programs, visit

Camp Registration is Now Open! Send your child to day camp at Camp Pikati or Camp Chickami, or try the overnight experience at Camp Frank A. Day. Learn more and register here:

Camp Info Sessions. Want to learn more about the summer camp offerings? Stop by the Y for one of these camp info sessions.

February 8th,  2:00 – 4:00 pm
February 26th, 4:30 – 6:30 pm
March 10th, 3:00 – 5:00 pm

Work at the Y: The West Suburban YMCA is hiring for a variety of full-time and part-time positions in member services, childcare and youth development, aquatics, fitness and more. The Y offers generous benefits, free membership and professional development opportunities. Please contact Laura Snow, Director of Human Resources, at or visit

Financial Assistance is always available for Y Memberships and Programs. The West Suburban YMCA is a non-profit charitable organization and it is their mission to never turn anyone away due to their inability to pay. Please contact our Membership Department at 617-244-6050 ext. 3653 for financial assistance with membership or program participation.