Category Archives: Other

It’s never too early to start thinking about summer camp!

Several New Hampshire summer camps have generously donated gift cards to the Bowen PTO, and they’re auctioning them off to the highest bidders. Your child gets an amazing camp experience, you save money on summer camp, and Bowen PTO gets additional funds to continue supporting the amazing staff and programs children enjoy!

To submit your bid, simply email by 11:59 pm on February 2nd with:

Your name
Your email address & phone number
Which camp you’re bidding on
Your bid amount

  • Camp Cody – Two Gift Cards, $1,750 each

Camp Cody welcomes boys and girls age 7-15. The gift cards can only be used by families attending the camp for the first time, and only for Session 1 (June 21st-July 4th, 2020) or Session 4 (August 2nd-15th, 2020). The winner is responsible for the difference in the cost, $2,200 and a $500 deposit is due at the time of sign-up. One gift card per family.

  • Camps Kenwood and Evergreen – One Gift Card for $1,000

Camps Kenwood and Evergreen welcome boys and girls age 8-15. The gift card can only be used by families attending the camp for the first time. The winner is responsible for the difference in cost, which will depend on the session selected.

Winners will be notified on February 3rd. If you have any questions, please email

Public Hearing on Housing Authority Acceptance of CAN-DO Affordable Housing

The Community Preservation Committee and Planning & Development Board will hold a joint public hearing on the Newton Housing Authority’s funding requests ($1,105,000 CPA, $1,200,000 CDBG) for accepting the portfolio of affordable rental housing developed throughout Newton by CAN-DO (Citizens for Affordable Housing in Newton Development Organization). The full proposal and supporting documents are available from the CPC website at

For assistance or with questions, contact Eamon Bencivengo at 617-796-1145 or

February 11th, 7:00 pm
Newton Senior Center, 345 Walnut Street, Newtonville

You’re invited to a Climate Change Forum

The wildfires in Australia and the flooding of Indonesia and Venice are examples of tragic climate events that have raised alarm bells across the globe. Climate change is here in real time and will feed an increasing number of devastating, extreme weather events. Facing inaction on climate legislation at the federal level, state and local governments must pick up the slack.

Join the League of Women Voters of Newton (LWVN) together with the Leagues of Framingham, Needham, Wayland, Wellesley and Weston, when they co-host a community conversation you won’t want to miss! You’ll learn how Massachusetts can join other states and hundreds of cities across the country working to reduce carbon emissions which is  “Job One” if we are to avert the worst impacts of climate change.

Discussion topics will include:

  • The current state of client change science and the implications for society
  • The current status and importance of the regional transportation and climate initiative
  • The plan to help transition gas utilities to delivery of clean, safe, renewable energy and the importance of the FUTURE Act

To present this topic, they’ve assembled an outstanding panel that includes Craig Altemose, Co-Founder and Executive Director of Better Future Project; Jordan Stutt, Carbon Programs Director of the Acadia Center; and Audrey Schulman, Co-founder and Executive Director of HEET (Home Energy Efficiency Team) and/or Zeyneb Magavi (Director, HEET). State Senator Cynthia Creem, a sponsor of the FUTURE ACT, will be attending as well and providing remarks.

RSVPs to or on Facebook are appreciated!

Scandinavian Cultural Center
February. 26th, 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Newton Youth Hockey for girls

It’s never too late to learn! Newton Youth Hockey is hosting a free introductory skating and hockey event for girls ages 9-14. This is a great opportunity for girls interested in hockey to try it out.

While this is a free event, registration is required in advance. More information can be found at RSVP at

February 15th at 5pm
Daly Rink