Category Archives: From the PTSO

PTSO Weekly Newsletter October 10, 2021

South Stage Parents: New Parents Night and Family Ads Info

Along with Mr. Knoedler, we’ll be hosting a night for new parents and caregivers to hear all about South Stage! Join us on Tuesday, October 12 at 7 pm in the Theater Classroom, Room 9141. Masks required. 

Tickets for our first production of the year, The Three Musketeers, will go on sale Monday, October 11. They will be reserved seating only. Please check for ticket buying information then. 

In the meantime, go ahead and place your family ads! The deadline for Musketeers ads is Friday, October 15. Frosh parents, you can also get a jump on your ads and submit them now – just be sure to choose the correct show when filling out the form. Please use the link below to place an online ad order or download the Family and Friends ad form. You can also see sample ads and pay via Paypal: 

About Playbill Ads:

Congratulate your favorite company member, or even the entire cast and crew, with a special message of support. Add a cute baby or kid photo! You can create your own ad and send it as a JPG or PDF, or you can send us your message and digital image, and we’ll design it for you. 

Additional Donations:

Please consider making a donation in addition to (or instead of) placing an ad. All donations are tax-deductible, and your generosity will be acknowledged with a listing in every South Stage Playbill for one calendar year.   

South Stage does not receive a production budget from the school other than modest stipends for adult directors. Although ticket sales typically cover production costs, we rely heavily on the funds raised through Playbill ads and donations to maintain and upgrade costume, construction, lighting, and sound equipment.  

Our first meeting of the SSPG Board will be on Monday, October 25 at 7 pm, location TBD. All are welcome to join us to find out more about volunteer opportunities throughout the year. We hope to see you then!

As always, all of the latest information can be found at, or following @SouthStage on Instagram or Facebook. Please reach out if we can answer any questions.

Thank you for all of your support!

Cheryl Stober

Co-Chair SSPG

Newton South Artificial Intelligence (AI) Club will have the first meeting October 12th 2:30 pm 

Time: First Blue Tuesday of every month Lion Block,

location:   Room 3220

All are welcome!!! Let’s explore AI together!

Our guest speaker – Susan Wu

-Senior service delivery manager

NCS Group Singapore

-founder of Smart kids coding

Susan Wu

Ms Wu is an entrepreneur with more than 20 years of work experience at Multinational corporations including management positions at IBM, Dell, Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard. She currently works in Singapore. She got a bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Shanxi Normal University in China and an

MBA from the University of Manchester Business School in England.

In her spare time, she helped non profit organization YOUNGSTARS NIGERIA, where she worked with global volunteers to design and develop the mobile application, . She hopes that female students in Nigeria can benefit from this platform in their pursuit of success.

October 12th 2:30 pm

First Blue Tuesday Lion Block,

Room 3220

Newton SC Candidate Forum
The Newton SEPAC is hosting a Newton School Committee Candidate Forum on Thursday, Oct. 14, 7-9PM. All candidates have been invited and anyone is welcome to attend (virtually). Submit questions to [email protected].

Passcode: 795956

Fence Off !


Fence-off contest

The PTSO and the Booster Club are excited to sponsor the second annual Fence-Off! A fence decorating contest to showcase all the great clubs, groups and teams at Newton South. Decorate a section of the fences leading to Stadium Field and win a prize doing so!

All clubs, groups, teams are invited to claim a section of the chain link fence starting on Tuesday, October 11. Each section of the fence will be tagged with a number and QR code allowing the section to be claimed. Once claimed, you can start decorating your fence any time but Fences MUST be completed by Thursday, October 20 at 6:00 p.m. to be eligible for a prize.

Decorations must:

  • Fit the fence section you’ve claimed
  • Represent your club, group, team or Newton South
  • Be able to withstand rain/wind
  • Be positive and school-spirited
  • Face inward toward the pathway to be seen as people walk the path

$100 Cash Prize for the Winner! 

The club, group or team with the most spirited display will win a $100 prize for use by their club, group or team. Second and third prize winners will receive gift cards for a pizza party! This year’s panel of judges will be the Newton South house deans! 


Need funds? $20 Toward your supplies!
The Booster Club will reimburse up to $20 for supplies related to the fence art contest.

Use this form to upload your receipt(s)


Fence Decorating Sign Up

Sponsor a Plant for the Courtyard

Butterfly Bush

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Butterfly Bush $50

The courtyard at NSHS has been a wonderful space for students to take lunch or a break during the day. The Grounds Committee has worked hard to clean up the space and the city of Newton did their part by clearing the weeds, laying down landscape fabric, and delivering mulch. Now it is our turn!

You can sponsor everything from a single daffodil to a full butterfly bush. Choose and pay for your sponsorship items below and we will add those items to the shopping cart. Our Grounds Committee will do the rest this fall and Spring!

I’d like to donate:

Plant name


Progress and other Projects brought to you by the Grounds Committee



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Virtual Meet and Greet with Principal Tamii Stras and Vice Principal Jason Williams

Newton South Families:

Here is the link to tomorrow’s Zoom for the meet and greet with Principal Tamii Stras and Vice Principal Jason Williams. This webinar will run from 6 PM – 7 PM tomorrow, Thursday 9/30.

As a reminder, you can use this form to ask a question in advance of tomorrow evening’s meet and greet. We will answer as many of these questions as we can!

We look forward to seeing those of you who can make it tomorrow evening!

Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459

Weekly Update 9/27 – 10/1

Newton South students and families,

We hope you had a great first full week of school last week!

Here is a link to the Weekly Update for 9/27 – 10/1. Note that this is an BLUE week – this affects club meetings during Lion block on Tuesday.

Here’s to another great week at NSHS! Please let us know if you have any questions.

Interested in theater arts or joining South Stage?

Is your SOUTH high schooler interested in theater arts or joining South Stage?

Did you know that South Stage has a parent group to support the staff and students in our amazing theater program?
If you are a new parent or returning parent please join us for a “South Stage Parent’s Social Event”  to meet others and hear more about the program.
Please join us on 10/3/21 from 4 PM – 6 PM at the home of Cara Attanucci and James Miner, 87 Winslow Street, Waban, MA.
This get together will be in the back yard and include drinks and snacks.
Please RSVP at  [email protected].

Annual Charity Car Wash this Saturday


The Newton South Girls Varsity Soccer Team will hold their Annual Charity Car Wash this Saturday (9/25) from 11:00AM – 2:00PM in front of the school.  2021 marks the 20th year that the girls have washed cars to raise money in support of many worthy charities.  Please come out and support the girls this Saturday.

PSAT Registration for Sat Oct 16 Test at South

The PSAT will be given at Newton South High School on Sat, October 16, 2021.

  • Juniors are eligible to take the exam and are encouraged to take this exam as part of the preparation for spring SAT tests.
  • Juniors may qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program based on their PSAT score.
  • There is no make-up date for the PSAT.

Registration Fees:

  • The registration fee for the PSAT at NSHS is $30.00.
  • Payment will be made via the online registration system, MySchoolBucks. (See below for details.) DO NOT send payment to school.
  • If a student qualifies for free/reduced school lunch, MySchoolBucks should recognize eligibility and waive the fee. If you are not registered for free/reduced price lunch but the registration fee is a hardship for your family, please contact your school counselor to discuss your registration.

Registration Dates and Information:

  • For the 2021 PSAT/NMSQT, students at NSHS will be registering online. This registration will take a few minutes and can be completed from any computer with Internet access. Paper and pencil registrations WILL NOT be accepted.
  • Newton South High School is excited to offer families the convenience of paying exam fees online at the time of registration. Please be sure to have a debit or credit card available before beginning registration. If you do not have a method for online payment or prefer not to complete an online transaction, please contact your child’s counselor.
  • Online Exam registration will begin on Wednesday September 1, 2021 and end on Friday October 1, 2021. In order to register, students should click on the link provided on the school website or visit to register. Please note, this link will only work for families with a Newton South junior.
  • Registration Tutorial Video

Information Regarding APPROVED College Board Accommodations:

  • Students who have approved testing accommodations must include their SSD number on their registration.
  • If a student has an IEP or a 504 Accommodation Plan with the Newton Public Schools, they are not automatically guaranteed approval from the College Board.
  • Students who want to apply for testing accommodations should contact their Special Education Liaison and/or School Counselor if they have any questions.

NPS COVID Testing Begins Mid-Sept. Consent Required.

Consent forms for the NPS COVID testing program are now available in Aspen. You ARE REQUIRED to provide consent for your student to be tested. Please log into Aspen to sign the consent form. Here is the Aspen Login Link. Please follow these instructions for accessing and signing the consent form.
Testing is scheduled to begin in mid-September.

Here are the details on the state-sponsored multi-tiered COVID testing program administered by CIC Health:

  • Symptomatic Testing: This protocol (a rapid test), will be used for students and staff who develop symptoms while at school.
  • Test and Stay (Close contact testing): This protocol (a rapid test) will be used to test unvaccinated asymptomatic individuals who have been identified as close contacts following possible exposure at school.
  • Routine (Weekly) COVID Pooled Testing: This protocol (anterior nasal swab) will be used for all individuals who opt-in to participate in the weekly COVID testing program.

Having trouble logging into Aspen? Email: [email protected]

Mock Trial Kick Off Mtg: Wed Sept 15 7pm

Mock Trial Kick Off Meeting
Wednesday, September 15
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Location: Newton South Room 1204
For more info contact: Mr. Loynd
Theodore Loynd [email protected]