Category Archives: From the PTSO

Newtones Acapella Info Meetings 9/14 & 9/17. Auditions 9/20-9/22

Do you like to SING or BEATBOX? Audition for Newtones Acapella! We are Newton South’s student-run Acapella group, and auditions are right around the corner! Informational meetings are scheduled for this week so don’t miss out! Go to an info meeting and then sign up for an audition here:!/showSignUp/10c0d44aead2aa0ffc61-newtones1

Speech and Debate Team Info Sessions: 9/13 and 9/14 at 7PM

Newton South Speech and Debate Team Information Sessions:
Monday September 13 and Tuesday September 14 at 7PM

Debate teaches impactful skills such as critical thinking, effective research, argument development, all of which help students grow into powerful advocates, which is especially important during these times. It’s a wonderful community of people who mix passion with intellectualism—people who will change the world. 

Integrating into Newton South can be difficult for freshmen, but with debate practices, tournaments, and team bonding opportunities, joining the debate team is a great way to be part of a close-knit community. Through our mentorship program, each novice is thoughtfully paired with an upperclassman debater who guides them through the activity and high school.

On Monday (9/13) at 7PM, there will be a demo debate on whether or not the United States should adopt Medicare-for-All. If your child is interested in public speaking, learning about interesting topics, or argumentation, this is the place to be!

On Tuesday  (9/14) at 7PM, there will be demonstrations of different speech events. Examples of speech events are Dramatic Performance, Informative Speaking, and Poetry Reading.

If you think your child might be interested in joining the Speech and Debate team, please fill out this form:

For more information, don’t hesitate to send an email to @[email protected] or check out our website: 

Here’s the Zoom information for both meetings (you have to be signed into your Newton email account to join the meeting):
Meeting ID: 894 1419 0551
Password: nshs

From the Vice Principal – Schedules and Chromebook Reminders

Please click here for the full letter including the following:

  • Full year schedules posted on Aspen
  • Chromebook Agreement Form (for Grade 9 and transfer students)
  • Student Schedule Frequently Asked Questions

9th Grade Parent/Guardian Meet & Greets

Thank you to all of our parent hosts: Allison Lopez, Kim Sprunk, Jessica Rhein, Jane Curry, and Sarah Dupre-Healy. These sessions were well attended and helped answer many of our questions. Thank you to our Principal Tamii Stras, Vice Principal Jason Williams, Dean Marc Banks (Goldbrick House), Dean Meaghan Martin (Wheeler House), Dean Josepha Blocker (Cutler House), Dean Charlie Myette (Goodwin House), Special Education Department Chair Melissa Gamble, and METCO Counselor Katani Sumner for taking time out of their incredibly busy schedules to help us navigate this new world!

Click here to see the ZOOM night

Click here our FAQ from the Evenings and Virtual Event

Bus Passes Now Available on Aspen

Bus Passes can now be downloaded from Aspen. All bus passes contain a seat assignment. Please make sure your student knows their seat assignment. Please do not board a bus without a bus pass and a seat assignment. If you have any questions, please contact the NPS transportation department at:


[email protected]

Here are the instructions for downloading the pass:

1) Log into Aspen :

2) Click on Family Tab at the top

3) Click on Child’s Name

4) Click on Documents Side Tab

5) Look for and download Bus Pass 2021-2022 document

Secondary students with a smartphone can download or display a screenshot of the bus pass on their devices.

Some bus routes may have been updated or changed for the 2021-22 school year. Be sure to review your bus route on our NPS Bus Stops and Schedules Webpage.

Thank You for the Teacher Appreciation Donations!

Thank you to all the parents who donated to the Teacher Appreciation luncheon on September 2. There will be more opportunities to donate and volunteer thought the year. Stay Tuned! A huge THANK YOU to Ilana Steel for coordinating the donations, delivery, and set up. The event was enjoyed by all!

Where do the PTSO Dollars Go?

We are almost half way to our goal. Support PTSO programs and events with our annual Fundraiser of $70 per family. Please click here to donate by credit card or check.

Global Education Leadership Fund (GELF)

Remember the exotic exchange programs at your high school? French Club ’s adventure in Paris where everyone came back with Toblerone and a beret? People with different accents roaming the halls? I do!

We are looking for 4 Newton South parents to join an existing board to help fundraise for GELF.  GELF is a fantastic scholarship fund that provides scholarships to low-income students at Newton North or South to participate in life-changing international educational travel opportunities. GELF opens doors and changes lives. Although COVID may restrict travel currently we have an eye toward Spring 2022 and beyond.

We would love parents passionate about exchange programs and a little experience with fundraising a plus. The GELF Committee has 4 Newton North parents  on the board and a treasurer. Meetings are quarterly or as needed and typically are scheduled 4-5:30. The first meeting is mid September..

Please contact Michelle Wetlaufer or Star Lew if you are interested in this amazing opportunity!

Do You Have a Fall Athlete? Watch the Parent Night Video

Due to weather conditions, the Parent Night scheduled for September 2 was switched to a “virtual” information session.

If you have a Fall Athlete, please view the video for important information about the fall season.

Coaches will communicate with families regarding their individual team meetings.

Welcome to Fall 2021 – Fall Season Important Information  

Sign up for Newton South’s Athletics Newsletter

Be sure you are up-to-date on all things athletic at South by signing up for Newton South Athletics News, published by Newton South’s Booster Club.

The newsletter covers weekly news from the Athletic Director, updates on South’s teams and the Booster Club. It’s currently published every Saturday.

You don’t have to be a parent/guardian of student(s) on an athletic team to enjoy coverage and news about our school. NSHS Boosters’ mission is also to promote community and school spirit.

Click here to sign up now! 

Once on this page, scroll down to the bottom and click the box next to “South Athletics Booster Club.”

Go Lions!