Category Archives: School Fundraiser

The Zervas Online Auction Has Begun!

It’s Back! And it’s happening from March 25th thru April 2nd.

Our Zervas PTO annual online auction has returned! Please visit now and BID!

This auction is open to EVERYONE. Share it with your family, friends, neighbors, Facebook groups, schools, and clubs.

This is one of the PTO’s largest fundraisers of the year. Any bid helps!

Over150 items to choose from, including sporting events, fitness clubs, spas, restaurants, summer camps, shops, and activities for the entire family.

**Need help with raking? The NNHS Science Team has you covered!**

The Newton North High School Science Team is a club that participates in science and engineering competitions. We are currently offering our leaf raking services as a FUNDRAISER for our competition fees and supplies. If you are interested, please contact us at [email protected] to discuss a time and price for the leaf raking job. Thank you for your support!