Q: What time does school start?
A: The school day starts at 9:10AM and ends at 3:55PM (M-F), except Wed ends 3:15PM
Q: What if my student will be late or absent?
Make sure to call your child(dren)’s house office before 10AM if your child will miss school to ensure all absences are excused. The house secretary is available to answer questions should they arise. House information is available here.
Q: What is a “Block Schedule”?
Newton South’s schedule is divided into sections, or blocks, labeled A through G. These blocks correspond with your student’s classes. Please note that Newton South is on a five day schedule, so every Monday is the same as every other Monday. However, Monday’s schedule is different from Tuesday’s and the other days. When your student receives their schedule, look it over closely so you understand how things work. Don’t worry, students understand the schedule much more quickly than parents do!
NOTE: Distance Learning 2020-21 NSHS FY21 Block Schedule
Q: What teachers are absent?
The teacher absence report is posted on the monitors around the school. This information is also reported on the Denebola website.
Q: What time does school end?
A: This varies on a daily basis, and also depends on whether your student participates in a J Block activity (see below). Please refer to the Block Schedule.
Q: When will my child be where?
A: With a copy of your student’s schedule and the Block Schedule, you can figure this out. You can view the Block Schedule here: http://www.newton.k12.ma.us/Page/1520
Q: What is the bus schedule?
A: The morning bus schedule depends on where you live. After school, buses leave around 3:30PM from the breezeway, which is across from the tennis courts.
Q: Where to pick up and drop off?
A: Unlike elementary school, there is no Blue Zone. Please drop off your student only at the Field house, Main/Goodwin entrance, or Goldrick/Wheeler entrance in the morning. You will need to agree with your student on a meeting place after school where it’s safe for you to park. The traffic after school is somewhat lively and includes new drivers, so it may take a few tries to find the right spot for you.
Q: When are the Early Release days?
A: You can find this information on the Newton Public Schools website here.
Q: My student just broke his/her ankle and is on crutches. How is s/he going to be able to maneuver around the school that way?
A: Please call or email your Guidance Counselor about this situation and ask them to notify your student’s teachers. The teachers will make allowances for an injured student to get to class late and leave early if necessary. The Guidance Counselor can also arrange for your student to use the school elevators.
Q: What is the “Open Campus Policy” at Newton South?
A: Both Newton South and Newton North High School believe in gradually providing greater independence to students over the course of their four years of high school. The goal of this policy is to create mature adults who are ready and able to take care of themselves when they go on to college or the next phase of their lives.
Q: Where can my student eat lunch?
A: Of the freshman class, 90% usually eat their lunch in the cafeteria, also known as the student center. This is a good time to see friends with whom you don’t have classes. Some students find the cafeteria too noisy. They are allowed to sit outside in the courtyard on nice weather days, eat in a classroom with teacher approval, or eat in one of the House common areas. Eating in the hallways is not allowed.
Q: Can my student use a cell phone at school?
A: Cell phone usage is restricted to the Student Center/Cafeteria, the House Common rooms and the outdoors.