The latest announcements from the Principal, PTSO, and NPS...

NSHS Grounds Clean Up


April 10, 11am -12pm Newton South alongside Green Students Movement will be hosting a cleanup event where students, parents, and community members can help remove litter around the school and students can earn community service hours!  


Sign Up!

How can I participate?

1.) Sign up with the button  above.

2.)Check in outside the main office of NSHS at 11am on Sunday April 10 at 11am

3.) Just bring yourself! All gloves and bags will be provided.

4.) What if I can’t make that day? Stay-tuned. We will be organizing more days as needed.


WECO Week at Newton South

The funds raised will go directly to the class officers for class specific events.

Budget Meeting April 4, 2022

Reminder: The Newton School Committee will hold a public hearing on the proposed FY23 budget on Monday, April 4, 2022 at 6:00 p.m. Login details are below.

If you wish to speak at this public hearing, please fill out this form:

Form – Request to Speak at Public Hearing

The form will close at 6:00 pm on April 4, 2022. There will be an opportunity to sign up in “real time” during the meeting by using the “raise your hand” feature on Zoom. Speakers will be called in the order in which they signed up, first come-first speak, followed by those who raise their hand during the meeting, or at the discretion of the Chair. 

To call into the meeting via Zoom, please follow these instructions:

Zoom meeting link:

Call-in information:  1-646-558-8656

Call-in meeting ID: 390 017 072 ???????

All budget documents can be found here: FY23 Budget Documents Folder.

A presentation on the FY23 budget can be found on this webpage: FY23 Budget Presentation

Update to yesterdays communication from Principal Stras

Dear NSHS Community,


I want to follow up on my communication regarding the image of the swastika found in the lobby of the field house bathroom at South yesterday. We have completed our investigation and have determined how it happened. While I cannot share the details of the investigation, I can assure you that appropriate consequences and corrective actions are in process for the individual responsible. I can also share with you that this incident is not connected to the antisemtic slur found last week, which is still under investigation. We have shared all of this information with the Newton Police and we are currently working with the Anti-Defamation League. 


As you know, we take these incidents very seriously and are now focused on helping the community heal and move forward. Not every student knows or understands the very real and harmful impact the image of a swastika has for members of our school community. As a result, we are working with the Jewish Student Union on a responsive lesson to be shown during advisory in the next few weeks. In addition, we will continue to utilize supports here in the building through our South Human Rights Council.


I am so thankful for all the supportive emails and additional resources we have received over the past few weeks. Your partnership with the school and making this an inclusive and safe community is truly appreciated. We will continue to work together to help students learn so we can honor and celebrate each other and come together in solidarity.



Tamara (Tamii) Stras

Incident at South March 28, 2022

Dear NSHS Community,


I wish that I was writing with better news. I am devastated to share that we found a set of swastikas drawn on a toilet seat in our boys’ bathroom located in the Field House lobby. As you know, this is the second incident of antisemitism in as many weeks. I cannot express the anger and frustration that we all feel.


As always, we are conducting a full investigation using our Non-Discrimination protocol. We have also contacted the Newton Police Department and the Anti-Defamation League to ask for their assistance.


We will continue to offer space during our Advisory block on Monday, as well as during WIN blocks throughout the week for students to process this incident. Our South Human Rights Council, in conjunction with our Jewish Staff Affinity Group and the Jewish Student Union, will be taking the lead in facilitating this work. We will share more specific information about these opportunities with students and staff in the coming days.


I want to assure you that we as a school and district are deeply dedicated to addressing issues of hate and discrimination and to educating our students to stand up against hate. To that end, an important part of our 10th grade History curriculum is Holocaust and antisemitism education. We are also engaging with the Lappin Foundation, who will be helping us to deliver a five-week Holocaust Symposium during some upcoming WIN blocks. All students are welcome to sign up.


I know today’s news is quite upsetting, and it saddens and angers me to have to even communicate this information. In fact, before sending this, I paused, because I do not want these emails to desensitize us. However, I decided to bring this to the forefront because I believe that we must actively call out hate in all its forms, in order to work towards an inclusive environment where everyone is welcome.


A few of you contacted me last week to extend your support, and I deeply appreciate it. I am counting on your partnership as we continue to work through this; if you so choose, please check in with your South student about what happened and reinforce the ongoing negative impact of antisemetic and hateful symbols on our community and the world. We will do the same. I will continue to keep you informed, as I am able, as we move through our process.





Tamara (Tamii) Stras

NSHS Weekly Update 3/28 – 4/1

Newton South Students and Families:

Here is the Weekly Update for 3/28 – 4/1. This is a BLUE week, which affects Lion Block and clubs.

Here’s to another week at South! Please let us know if you have any questions.


Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459

NSHS Weekly Update 3/21 – 3/25

Newton South Students and Families:

Here is the Weekly Update for 3/21 – 3/25. This is an ORANGE week. Additionally, this is MCAS ELA week, which will have significant effects on this week’s schedule. Please see the red box at the beginning of the Update for more information.

Here’s to another week at South! Please let us know if you have any questions.


Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459

On Friday March 18

Good Afternoon NSHS Community,


On Friday March 18, in conjunction with faculty, our Gender Equity Club is holding a ‘white shirt’ day. Our student leaders in this club are encouraging South students and staff to wear white. I plan on wearing white to support the cause of gender equity. I am proud of these student leaders and their efforts. This event is particularly timely given recent concerns that have been raised by students about gender equity and harassment. The students organizing this intend for this to be a time to express solidarity.


I am also aware that some students within the South community have planned a peaceful walkout for tomorrow afternoon during school hours. In speaking with one of the student organizers, their goal is a peaceful walkout from the building for the purpose of empowerment. While this event is not organized or sanctioned by the school, I understand that some students may choose to walk out of their classes and onto the school fields during F block.


Please know that the students anticipate a large crowd. To ensure the safety of all, the Newton Police Department has been notified and will be present, as well as administrators and other faculty members. I also encourage you to have a conversation centered around safety in large crowds with your child should they choose to participate in the walkout.


Our students continue to inspire us with their activism and enthusiasm for social justice. We are proud to work with and learn from young people who care about being better citizens in this world.




Tamara (Tamii) Stras

Incident at South March 16, 2022

Good Evening South Community,


Unfortunately, I write to report to you a disturbing incident that has occurred here at South. At 4:00 p.m. today, a student brought to our attention that there was toilet paper hanging in the shape of a noose in a stall in one of our boys’ bathrooms. We want to acknowledge the responsibility of the student who was thoughtful enough to bring this to an administrator, who then immediately removed it.


Our administrative team has launched an investigation and is currently reviewing camera footage. We encourage any student who has information to contact their dean, counselor, or another trusted adult. We notified the Newton Police Department of this possible hate incident as soon as it was reported to us. Our investigation will also consider the possibility that it could be a student who is reaching out for mental health support. We will continue to follow all possible leads as we investigate this incident.


This is extremely upsetting, to say the least, and comes at a time when our community is working diligently to address issues of discrimination, harassment, and hate. We stand firm against acts like these that are harmful to the entire community and reiterate our commitment to be a safe and welcoming place for all students.


We ask families to have conversations with your children about the impact and historical context of this imagery, as a noose is one of the most powerful symbols of hate against the African American community. In addition, I also worry that a student may be reaching out for help. Please have open and honest conversations about these extremely important issues with your children. We are working with our Department of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for support and will engage our South Human Rights Council to create opportunities to process and heal. We will share more information as appropriate with students and families in the coming days. 




Tamara (Tamii) Stras

Course Request Window in Aspen Open For Students Until March 21, 2022

Good afternoon,


The window to enter course requests in Aspen for the 2022-2023 school year for Newton South High School is open. This window will remain open until 11:59pm on Monday, March 21, 2022.


Please use this guide to help you through this process. Note that only students may enter course requests, though families may also view them using these instructions.


You may view our Program of Studies here. For students in the Class of 2026 who will be joining us next year, please see this page for more specific information, including elective courses that are available to you.


If you have any questions about this process, please review the Q&A on this page and direct any other questions to your/your child’s counselor.