The latest announcements from the Principal, PTSO, and NPS...

Newton Food Pantry

The Newton Food Pantry is now serving over 1,800 Newton residents at our renovated City Hall basement location, 1000 Commonwealth Avenue. Clients are able to shop for the items they want and need, selecting from a variety of dry goods, fresh produce, dairy, proteins, personal care items and culturally-relevant foods. Walk-in shopping hours are every Wednesday from 3pm to 7pm.

Our shoppers must be Newton residents (with the exception of Newton-based college students and staff), provide proof of residency and complete a New Client Registration Form, found here. The form is translated in four languages, as is our Get Help page.

In addition to our pantry, the Newton Food Pantry, in collaboration with other local businesses and organizations, opened the Newton Community freedge in March of 2021. The freedge is a free refrigerator and pantry open all day, every day to anyone. No forms or Newton residency required. The freedge is located at 420 Watertown Street, in the Central Drapery and Dry Cleaning parking lot.


NSHS Grade 9 Family Information Night Recording

Grade 9 families:

Here is the link to the recording of the Grade 9 parent night from Wednesday, February 2. Thank you to those who were able to attend!


Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459

NSHS At-Home Rapid Antigen Testing Program Details

Newton South Students and Families:

Our new at-home rapid antigen testing program starts Monday, February 7. Please note the following important information:


Families need to opt their child(ren) into this testing program. The easiest way to do so is through Aspen, using these instructions.

Tests will be distributed in the Faculty Dining Room on Monday during lunch and Tuesday during lunch and Lion block.

For a student to receive a test this week, families must opt in their child through Aspen by Sunday, February 6 at 11:59pm. Students may also bring in a signed and completed paper consent form.

Paper opt-in forms are available here in the following languages:

English | Simplified Chinese: ???? | Haitian Creole | Japanese: ??? | Korean: ???

Portuguese: Português | Russian: ??????? | Spanish: Español | Vietnamese: Ti?ng Vi?t


Details of Testing

  • An at-home rapid antigen test kit will be distributed at school every other week. Each kit contains two tests.
  • Only positive results need to be reported. Please take both of the following steps when reporting results:


How to Use the Tests

Here is a video tutorial.


Printed instructions are available in the following languages:

English | Arabic: ???? | Simplified Chinese: ???? | Japanese: ??? | Portuguese: Português | Russian: ??????? | Spanish: | Vietnamese: Ti?ng Vi?t


Students who are within 90 days of a COVID infection should NOT test.


Here is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the program.


Please let us know if you have any questions.




Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459

NSHS Grounds Clean Up Canceled – Rescheduled March 5


Ice is covering the NS complex. We are going to reschedule to March 5, 11am -12pm Newton South alongside Green Students Movement will be hosting a cleanup event where students, parents, and community members can help remove litter around the school and students can earn community service hours!  

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on

How can I participate?

1.) Sign up with the link above.

2.)Check in outside the main office of NSHS at 11am on March 5.

3.) Just bring yourself! All gloves and bags will be provided.

4.) What if I can’t make that day? Stay-tuned. We will be organizing more days as needed.


NSHS Weekly Update 1/31 – 2/4

Newton South Students and Families:

Here is the link to the Weekly Update for 1/31 – 2/4. This is an ORANGE week, which affects Lion Block and clubs.

Here’s to another week at South! Please let us know if you have any questions.


Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459

Opt-in for At-Home COVID Testing

Newton Public Schools is shifting its testing strategy away from pooled testing (PCR) and toward at-home weekly rapid antigen tests. This new weekly at-home rapid antigen test is for ALL students PreK-12+ (vaccinated and unvaccinated.)

We expect the new testing program to be implemented the week of February 7, 2022. Below is specific information you will need in order for your student to participate in the new at-home testing program:

  • All families need to “opt-in” to this new testing program. The previous consent form will not apply.

    • Access the Opt-in form through Aspen parent/guardian account: Aspen

    • Follow these instructions (link) once you are logged into Aspen

  • An at-home rapid antigen tests kit will be distributed at school every other week. Each kit will contain two tests.

  • NPS recommends that all families conduct a rapid test on TUESDAY of each week.

  • Here are printed instructions (link) for conducting the test at home. Here is a video tutorial (link) on conducting the test. Translations are included.

  • Only positive results need to be reported to the school. You will complete this form (link) to report a positive result. Nurses will provide follow up information to families, including the date for return to school, following a positive test.

In addition to the weekly at-home rapid antigen testing program, we will continue in-school symptomatic testing for students and staff that develop symptoms during the school day. We will discontinue the Test and Stay testing program and contact tracing. Please be vigilant in checking your student for symptoms, conducting the daily health assessment (link), and staying home when sick.

All testing information can be found on our website here: NPS COVID Testing Webpage.

Teen Summer Expo, Tuesday February 15

The 17th annual Teen Summer Expo, will be held on Tuesday, February 15 at Newton South High School from 5:30-8:00pm in the cafeteria.  You’ll be able to meet in-person with the directors of the best summer enrichment programs for kids ages 12-18, with plenty of options for every interest and budget.  The Expo is free and open to everyone.  Parents and teens should attend together.

You can pre-register here to bypass the line at check-in.  Spread the word on Facebook and learn about the programs attending.   New programs added weekly.

You must show a vaccination card to attend and wear a mask at all times. Go to for more information.

Valentine’s Day

CupcakeFor Valentine’s Day we are asking families to sign up and bring sweet treats for each house. The teachers enjoy any sign of appreciation. Please sign up to participate.

Do to COVID restrictions, all desserts will have to be individually packaged and delivered by students (not parents) to the student’s house office OR dropped at 91 Nehoiden Road Waban, MA by Sunday February 14 (labeled with house name).  General Reminders:

  • Individually Wrapped Treats (anything welcome!)
  • Disposable bags/Trays etc (Do not send Grandma’s china!!)
  • Nuts are okay, please label
  • If dropping early at Nehoiden please label with house name
  • No Parents may enter building to drop desserts. If your child cannot deliver dessert themselves without your assistance, please drop at Nehoiden by Sunday. 

Please sign up here to ensure an equity of items for each house or  donate below to have  a carafe of coffee/beverage delivered. Drink donations will be divided evenly between all houses.

No Time to Make/Package Dessert?

If you would like to donate money  all proceeds will go to purchasing coffee and other beverages for each house.

Coffee Donation
Valentine's Day Coffee/Beverages


Newton South: Term 2 Report Cards Posted

Newton South Students and Families:


Term 2 report cards have been posted to Aspen. If you have a question about a specific grade, please reach out directly to your/your child’s teacher. Their name is listed on the report and you can find their email address in the Academics tab on Aspen.


Parents and guardians, if you are having trouble logging into Aspen, please call your child’s house office:

If you have a question about your report card, please reach out directly to the teacher or your/your child’s counselor.




Jason Williams (he/him/his)

Vice Principal

Newton South High School

140 Brandeis Road

Newton, MA 02459


Hate Incident at South

Dear NSHS Community,

At the end of the school day today, we found a swastika carved into a wrestling mat that was located in our gym. This symbol of hate is tremendously upsetting, a day after International Holocaust Rememberance Day and on the heels of the hostage situation in Colleyville, Texas. I know some members of our community are also aware that two swastikas were found in the boys bathroom at Brown Middle School earlier this week. We recognize the pain and suffering that this image represents and invokes and I am horrified that this happened in our school community.

We have contacted the Newton Police Department and are conducting a full investigation. We take this incident very seriously and are following all of our established protocols and procedures.

In addition, we will be offering spaces for students and adults to process this incident through our advisory block on Monday as well as our WIN blocks throughout the week. Our South Human Rights Council, in conjunction with our Jewish Staff Affinity Group, will be taking the lead in facilitating this work. We will share more specific information about these opportunities with students and staff.

I want to assure you that we as a school and district are deeply committed to addressing issues of hate and discrimination. I know this act of anti-semitism is quite upsetting, and it saddens and angers me to have to even communicate this news. I am confident our South community will come together during this difficult time and hold steadfast in our values of listening first, showing respect, taking responsibility and most of all choosing kindness.


Tamara Stras Principal