The latest announcements from the Principal, PTSO, and NPS...

Grade 9 Parent Information Night on Wednesday 2/2, 7pm

Newton South High School cordially invites you to our annual Grade 9 Parent Information Night. This event will be a virtual webinar, held on Wednesday, February 2 at 7pm. At this event, you will have the opportunity to hear from our principal Tamii Stras and some of our department heads. You will also have the opportunity to ask general questions about the grade 10 curriculum.


A copy of next Wednesday’s program can be found here. The link for the webinar will be sent in a separate email early next week.


We hope you are able to join us!




Jason Williams (he/him/his)

Vice Principal

Newton South High School

140 Brandeis Road

Newton, MA 02459


NSHS Weekly Update 1/24 – 1/28

Newton South Students and Families:

Here is the link to the Weekly Update for 1/24 – 1/28. This is a BLUE week, which affects Lion Block and clubs.

Here’s to another great week at South! Please let us know if you have any questions.


Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459

Letter from the Principal January 21, 2022

Dear Newton South Community,


As we head into the weekend, I am thinking of our Jewish families and students, as some of you may be returning to synagogues for the first time since the horrific events in Colleyville, Texas last weekend. We all deserve a chance to worship freely without fear, and we want you to know that we stand with you and are here for you.


It is not lost on us that these awful events serve as another reminder of the increased antisemitism that is happening worldwide and across the United States. We recognize how important it is for us to remember the needs of our Jewish students, staff, and community members during this moment. To that end, earlier in the week the Newton South Human Rights Council provided resources for educators to work with students to discuss this event and the rise of antisemitism more generally.


We stand with you, and offer thoughts of peace, strength, support and compassion. If any student would benefit from additional support, we encourage them to connect with their guidance counselors and deans.



Tamara Stras

Vaccine Booster Clinic: Tomorrow

We wanted to highlight the Vaccine Booster Clinic featured in Superintendent Fleishman’s newsletter sent yesterday. This will take place on Saturday, January 22 from 9 AM – 4:30 PM. See below for information from the newsletter:


Newton HHS has again worked with the Holtzman Medical Group to organize a vaccine booster clinic for all eligible students. If your student has not yet received a booster and is eligible, we encourage you to “get boosted!”


Location: Newton North High School (457 Walnut St.)

Date: Saturday, January 22, 2022

Time: 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.

Eligibility: Anyone 12 and over who is eligible for a booster (or 1st or 2nd dose)

Vaccines: Pfizer (12+) and Moderna (18+) available.

Book Appointment


Thank you to the Holtzman Medical Group for their ongoing partnership.

NSHS Grounds Clean Up


January 29, 11am -12pm Newton South alongside Green Students Movement will be hosting a cleanup event where students, parents, and community members can help remove litter around the school and students can earn community service hours!  

Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on

How can I participate?

1.) Sign up with the link above.

2.)Check in outside the main office of NSHS at 11am on January 29.

3.) Just bring yourself! All gloves and bags will be provided.

4.) What if I can’t make that day? Stay-tuned. We will be organizing more days as needed.


Reserve your NSHS yearbook today!

Help your child look back on their memories for years to come by reserving their copy of the Newton South High School yearbook! Yearbooks are selling fast, so order a copy for your child before it’s too late! 

Make sure to order today! Jan. 29 is the last day to order a book with a personalized name stamp on the cover. 

Not sure if you’ve already purchased? Check the list HERE

Reminder for Junior Post-Secondary Planning Night tomorrow Thursday 1/20 @ 6:30 pm

Dear Juniors and Caregivers –

We are looking forward to tomorrow evening’s webinar to introduce the post-secondary planning process. You can find information to login to the webinar below. Students in the class of 2023 are welcome to view the webinar with their families. Counselors will be meeting with juniors in seminar groups during WIN blocks between 1/21 and 1/28 to review this information and to learn how counselors will support each student’s individual planning throughout the spring.

The webinar will begin promptly at 6:30 and will be recorded and posted on the College & Career Center website early next week.

We hope you are able to join us tomorrow evening!

Dan Rubin, Director of School Counseling

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Jan 20, 2022 06:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: Junior Post-secondary Planning Night

Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Passcode: 2023

Or One tap mobile : 
    US: +13017158592,,84675402867#,,,,*2023#  or +13126266799,,84675402867#,,,,*2023# 
Or Telephone:
    Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
        US: +1 301 715 8592  or +1 312 626 6799  or +1 646 558 8656  or +1 253 215 8782  or +1 346 248 7799  or +1 669 900 9128 
Webinar ID: 846 7540 2867
Passcode: 2023
    International numbers available:


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Dan Rubin

Director of Guidance

Newton South High School

pronouns: he/him/his


Mr. Rubin’s Virtual Appointment Book

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FORJ Event

We invite you to join the Newton North and Newton South FORJ chapters to discuss how we are building school community through affinity groups on Thursday, January 27 at 7-8.30pm. Students, teachers and administrators will be discussing the history of affinity groups, what they are (and what they are not), and how they function in our schools for various members of our community. Please click here to RSVP, and you will receive a Zoom link on the day of the event.

NSHS Weekly Update 1/17 – 1/21

Newton South Students and Families:

Here is a link to the Weekly Update for 1/17 – 1/21. This is an ORANGE week, which affects Lion Block and clubs.

As a reminder, Monday, January 17 is Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and we will not have school. We will see you on Tuesday!


Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459

Mathcounts Club Update

Newton South High School students – Elena Baskakova, Steven Hu, Aaron Lu, Isaac Gordon, Alexander Loo, Shelley Wei, David Shaar, and Sophie Song – organized and ran the School Mathcounts Competition at Oak Hill Middle School. The event was held on January 11 and attracted over 30 students! It was a fun event consisting of both individual and cooperative rounds, which generated a lot of energy and excitement among the participants. For many of them it was their first competition experience where they had to collaborate with their teammates on solving math problems. The high school students proctored the competition, did live grading, and gave out awards. Congratulations to all students who participated in the event and, especially, to Noah Kim, Jared Mi, Vedant Kulkarni and Sophia Yan, who had the top four scores.

Most of the students who ran the school competition also run the Oak Hill Mathcounts Club, putting together weekly practices and taking middle school kids to local math competitions. The club provides a great opportunity for middle school students to learn and practice topics outside the typical school curriculum, and for the high and middle school students to get to know each other better, establish connections, and make new friends.

The school competition is the first in a series of Mathcounts competitions that includes Chapter, State and National level competitions. In the next few weeks, coaches will finalize the list of students who will participate in the Mathcounts Chapter. The competition will be held online on February 17.