The latest announcements from the Principal, PTSO, and NPS...

Picture Day Postponed

Picture Day will not be happening tomorrow, September 14, 2021. The photographer has postponed. More information to follow.

From the Athletic Director

Vaccination Requirements-Testing

The NPS School Committee is requiring that student-athletes and students involved in extracurricular theater be fully vaccinated or participate in weekly surveillance testing. (We strongly encourage that you do both!)

Please read this important information from our Vice-Principal.

To provide proof of vaccination, students must log in to their NPS Google account and use the NPS Student Vaccination Confirmation Form to upload a photo of their vaccination card. Students must be logged into their NPS Google account to use this form, allowing NPS to easily connect their response with their last name. Please have each student in a family log in separately or on their school-assigned device to complete the form.

Students are also required to check symptoms daily before attending practices by using the Fall 2021 Daily CV-19 Attendance Form regardless of vaccination status.

Vaccination information:

Evidence continues to show that the vaccines are highly effective at preventing infection, hospitalizations, and death.

Still not vaccinated? Attend a Clinic!

NPS is hosting COVID-19 vaccine clinics in September and October for people 12 and older at two sites, Newton North and Newton South High Schools. (The time and dates are the same for both locations)

Saturday, Sept. 11, 8:00 a.m. to noon and Saturday, Oct. 2, 8:00 a.m. to noon

Newton South Sign Up Link:

Newton North Sign Up Link:

Vaccines are also readily available at pharmacies including Keyes Drug in Auburndale, Union Pharmacy in Newton Centre, CVS and Walgreens, and at other locations in Newton and across the state. Find a location at

In addition to the health benefits to individuals and the community, fully vaccinated students will experience fewer quarantine/testing requirements in NPS Schools.

NPS COVID Protocols for Athletics and Extended Theater Productions

You can find the NPS protocols here. Please review them with your student-athlete as soon as possible.

Indoor masks: Indoor mask use is required of all athletes, coaches, officials, and spectators. Gaitors are not allowed in NPS.

Spectators: This season two (2) family members per player will be allowed to attend the indoor competitions. There is no limitation for outdoor spectators at this time.

Locker rooms: Locker rooms will only be used to change into gear. A limited number of students will use the space at the same time and distancing must be maintained. No equipment nor clothes will be left in the locker rooms. As during last year the student gym bag is their locker.

Food: Sharing food or drinks is not allowed at this time (no cakes, cupcakes, pizza, fruits, seeds, etc.)

Transportation: Per state mandate, students must wear a properly fitting face mask while riding the bus. In addition, windows must be kept open and proper distance maintained.

Bus Driver Shortage – How You Can Help

Can you help transport our athletes to games and matches in the event that the regional shortage of bus drivers impacts bus availability?

Please read these details from Vice Principal Williams’ letter to parents and guardians this week, including instructions on how parents can help:

As you may have heard in the media, regional bus companies are experiencing severe bus driver shortages to start this school year. We learned today that this shortage is already impacting us in Newton and is very likely to complicate athletics transportation for at least the fall season. 

More specifically, we expect this shortage to limit the availability of busses to games and practices. Athletic Director Pat Gonzalez is meeting with coaches to discuss options and will also be reaching out to Athletic Directors within our league to identify solutions. 

Our plan is to proceed with the schedules as planned and to address situations as they arise. The Athletic Department will let you know as soon as possible when we are aware that a bus will not be available. While canceling games will be a last resort, we do expect that this issue will lead to at least some postponements or cancellations. 

To prepare for alternative transportation in the event we do not have a bus, we are asking family members who may be available to transport student-athletes to please complete a Volunteer Driver Application and a CORI/SORI Form and submit both forms, along with a copy of your driver’s license, registration and insurance information to the front office at South.  Please note: if student-athletes drive their own vehicle, they may only transport themselves and not another student.

Given that we believe this situation will be ongoing through the fall, we will be discussing additional alternative transportation solutions and contingency plans for athletic events. We will share more information with you shortly. 


Message from Unified Basketball Coach Strongin

Dear Unified Athletes & Families,

Coach Jesus and I are looking forward to starting the season with a team of 30 strong!

We have many new athletes this season, so a little background on Unified Basketball. The Special Olympics designed Unified Sports for the High School level, with the goal of building teams made up of people with and without disabilities. Fully recognized as a varsity sport at NSHS, Unified Sports’ goal is to give every athlete a meaningful, fun, and rewarding athletic experience. The Unified Basketball season starts on September 21.

Meeting for Parents

Please contact the coaches at [email protected] if you have registered your student for the Unified Basketball team but didn’t receive the Zoom link for the Parents’ Meeting.

Meeting for Student Athletes

In person • Tuesday, September 14 • 2:35 – 3:25PM, in Gym B

For more details and to get inspired about the Unified program at South, check out this video

Coach Alex Strongin


Booster Club – New Date for First Meeting: 9/23 at 7:30 pm

Please join the Booster Club for its first general meeting of the 2021-22 school year, now scheduled for Thursday, September 23 at 7:30 pm via Zoom. The Booster Club supports the student-athletes, coaches and athletic program of NSHS and promotes school and community spirit. Please join us to learn how you can get involved, support your child’s team and the overall sports program at South. All parents are invited to join. Register here to join the meeting







Become a Team Rep!

The Booster Club is expanding! 

As part of our efforts to strengthen the Booster Club’s support of South’s athletes, teams, coaches and Athletic Department, we are adding the position of Team Rep to our organizational structure. Our goal is to have a Rep for each team, at all levels, who coordinates support for their child’s team and provides a connection to the larger Athletic community through the Booster Club.

The Team Rep will share team requests, provide communication, feedback and support broader initiatives that help all South teams and the Athletic program. This coordination will allow the Boosters to provide consistent support to all our teams, student-athletes and coaches.

Team Reps must be the parent/guardian of an athlete on the team they representing. If you are interested in becoming a Team Rep, please be in touch with your child’s coach, and plan to attend the Booster Club’s first meeting on Thursday, September 23 at 7:30 pm. Questions? Email us! 

Team Rep Responsibilities: 

Provide Team Support – *As directed by the Coach*

Lead and or coordinate volunteers to:

  • Support the team coach with strengthening team spirit (e.g., team dinners, senior recognition events, community service activities)
  • Support the coach on fundraising initiatives
  • Build community among team parents and fans at all team levels (e.g., distribute rosters, email lists, coordinate family meet & greets)
  • Promote news about the team to the Booster Club
  • Work with coaching staff to understand needs of the team and appropriate resources for funding (team fundraising vs. Booster Club)

Serve as Team Rep to the Booster Club 

  • Represent their child’s team at monthly Booster Club meetings
  • Share updates, spirit-building ideas with other teams through Booster Club meetings
  • Provide input on Booster Club activities and participate and promote Booster Club fundraising efforts back to individual team
  • Vote on funding requests to the Booster Club (to come)
  • Serve as a point person for funding requests to the Booster Club (to come)

As mentioned above, the role of the Team Rep is to coordinate support for a team, not to do it all on their own. We also appreciate parent input/feedback on this position as we grow and evolve our program.

We look forward to working with you!


Strength & Conditioning Trainer Returns to South Fitness Center

Will McGrath, a certified strength and conditioning trainer from Marathon Physical Therapy, is now on site to provide daily supervision to athletes who use the Fitness Center.

Coach McGrath will work with our athletes, coaches, and out-of-season teams to provide challenging workouts in a safe and controlled manner. The Center will be open daily for three hours after school.

Fitted face masks and cleaning protocols are required to use the room. Students must check-in by using their phone cameras to scan the QR code at the door. For safety reasons, the room can only be used while supervision is present.

Please welcome Coach McGrath to South!

Lions’ Pride Day – A Great Day at South!

On Friday, September 3rd athletes and coaches gathered at South’s stadium field for a morning of games and community-building activities led by South Wellness teacher and coach Mr. Alan Rotatori.

The day was a chance to be together as one big team for the first time in many months and to understand the value of belonging to the Lion family! Our new principal, Ms. Stras, also addressed the students and shared a fun morning with us. To wrap up the day, the Girls Volleyball players led all athletes in a South cheer.

For images from Lions’ Pride Day, check out Ms. Stras’ Twitter feed @strasprincipal

Good luck to all our student-athletes this season!

PSAT Registration for Sat Oct 16 Test at South

The PSAT will be given at Newton South High School on Sat, October 16, 2021.

  • Juniors are eligible to take the exam and are encouraged to take this exam as part of the preparation for spring SAT tests.
  • Juniors may qualify for the National Merit Scholarship Program based on their PSAT score.
  • There is no make-up date for the PSAT.

Registration Fees:

  • The registration fee for the PSAT at NSHS is $30.00.
  • Payment will be made via the online registration system, MySchoolBucks. (See below for details.) DO NOT send payment to school.
  • If a student qualifies for free/reduced school lunch, MySchoolBucks should recognize eligibility and waive the fee. If you are not registered for free/reduced price lunch but the registration fee is a hardship for your family, please contact your school counselor to discuss your registration.

Registration Dates and Information:

  • For the 2021 PSAT/NMSQT, students at NSHS will be registering online. This registration will take a few minutes and can be completed from any computer with Internet access. Paper and pencil registrations WILL NOT be accepted.
  • Newton South High School is excited to offer families the convenience of paying exam fees online at the time of registration. Please be sure to have a debit or credit card available before beginning registration. If you do not have a method for online payment or prefer not to complete an online transaction, please contact your child’s counselor.
  • Online Exam registration will begin on Wednesday September 1, 2021 and end on Friday October 1, 2021. In order to register, students should click on the link provided on the school website or visit to register. Please note, this link will only work for families with a Newton South junior.
  • Registration Tutorial Video

Information Regarding APPROVED College Board Accommodations:

  • Students who have approved testing accommodations must include their SSD number on their registration.
  • If a student has an IEP or a 504 Accommodation Plan with the Newton Public Schools, they are not automatically guaranteed approval from the College Board.
  • Students who want to apply for testing accommodations should contact their Special Education Liaison and/or School Counselor if they have any questions.

NPS COVID Testing Begins Mid-Sept. Consent Required.

Consent forms for the NPS COVID testing program are now available in Aspen. You ARE REQUIRED to provide consent for your student to be tested. Please log into Aspen to sign the consent form. Here is the Aspen Login Link. Please follow these instructions for accessing and signing the consent form.
Testing is scheduled to begin in mid-September.

Here are the details on the state-sponsored multi-tiered COVID testing program administered by CIC Health:

  • Symptomatic Testing: This protocol (a rapid test), will be used for students and staff who develop symptoms while at school.
  • Test and Stay (Close contact testing): This protocol (a rapid test) will be used to test unvaccinated asymptomatic individuals who have been identified as close contacts following possible exposure at school.
  • Routine (Weekly) COVID Pooled Testing: This protocol (anterior nasal swab) will be used for all individuals who opt-in to participate in the weekly COVID testing program.

Having trouble logging into Aspen? Email: [email protected]