The latest announcements from the Principal, PTSO, and NPS...


It is time for the third annual Newton Neighbors Thanksgiving Gift Card Drive!

Did you know that 1 in 10 of our neighbors struggles to feed their family?  1 in 10 of our neighbors sits down to an empty plate. Help us to support our neighbors in need this holiday season.

Last year, through the support of our community, Newton Neighbors provided 150 families throughout Newton, Brockton and Waltham with $50 supermarket Gift Cards!  With increasing food costs, the goal is to give out $75 gift cards this holiday season through partner agencies to families in Newton, Waltham, and Brockton.

The Thanksgiving Gift Card Drive will run from November 1 – 19.  Any donation, of any size, will help us achieve our goal. Donate online at or mail a check to Newton Neighbors, PO Box 590141, Newton, MA 02459.

Newton Neighbors is working through partner organizations in Newton, Waltham, and Brockton to distribute gift cards to families and will not be distributing gift cards directly. All direct requests will be referred to appropriate partners.

Newton Neighbors’ mission is to facilitate community connection, mutual aid, and access to resources and support for all people who live, work, pray, play and/or learn in Newton, MA, and other local communities.

Letter from the VP October 31 – Nov 4


Newton South Families,

Welcome to the last week of term 1! Quarter classes are coming to a close, and semester classes have almost reached their halfway point. Now is a great opportunity for students to check in with their teachers to ensure they are on track to have a successful end to first quarter. The last day of term 1 is this Friday, November 4, and teachers will submit grades on Aspen by Monday, November 14. Report cards will be posted to Aspen during the week of November 14.

As you know, our principal, Tamii Stras, has been on maternity leave since the beginning of the school year. On Tuesday, November 1, she will be returning from her leave and reassuming the role of principal. We would like to give special thanks to Josepha Blocker for doing an amazing job with the principal duties in her absence. Additionally, we would like to thank Ted Dalicandro for all his hard work as the acting Cutler House dean. As of Tuesday, Josepha will be returning to her role as Cutler House Dean and Ted will be returning to the CORE program.

The district released a newsletter this past Wednesday. If you missed it, you can find it here.

Here’s to another great week at South!


Jason Williams (he/him/his)

Vice Principal

Newton South High School

Math and Writing Center Schedules

Need extra help in math or writing?

Here is the Math Center Schedule. If you have any questions, reach out to Mr. Marchica.

Here is the Writing Center Schedule. If you have any questions, reach out to Ms. Dornbrook.


Term 1 Wellness Newsletter

Attached is the Term 1 Wellness Newsletter from Newton South.


Book Drive from November 7 – 18

Do you have any old (but still in good condition) books that you’d like to donate? From Monday, November 7th to Friday, November 18th, there will be bins outside of the main office and at the Wheeler entrance to collect books. Donated books will be brought to the Cradles to Crayons Giving Factory, where they’ll be sorted and distributed to kids in need throughout the Boston area. Please make sure that any donated books are appropriate for children and teenagers, and that they are still in good condition (covers should be on, pages shouldn’t be ripped, etc).


The Class of 2024 is Selling Merch!

Rep your class and purchase your Class of 2024 MERCH today!Check out our MERCH LINK here!Store will remain open until Wednesday, November 9th.Questions? Ask a Class Officer, Ms. Fitz, or Ms. Maillet!


Upcoming Events

Tuesday, November 8: PD Half Day

Thursday, November 17 – Saturday, November 19: The Visit (South Stage), in the Auditorium

November 23: Half Day

November 24-25: Thanksgiving Recess


Get Involved!

It’s never too late to get involved at Newton South!
Want to catch a game? View the athletic calendars here: Newton South Athletics CalendarWant to join a club but don’t know where to start? Here are a list of clubs at Newton South!

Teacher Appreciation

Our next Teacher Appreciation event is November 8th. The PTSO is sponsoring a luncheon for the teachers. Our luncheons always include desserts and drinks including allergy options. Please donate a meal below.

At this luncheon we will also be including note cards from parents/students thanking the teachers. We will be printing out all notes that are submitted though the form below and placing them on the tables at the luncheon. The teachers REALLY LOVE seeing their names and all the thanks. 


Teacher Appreciation Meals February 3, 2022
Meals for Teachers


Teacher Appreciation Thank You Notes: November 2, 2021
Include Family Name on Thank You Note?

Student Appreciation Events Donations

Donate to sponsor student appreciation events. Student Appreciation Days are sponsored by the PTSO and happen 4-5 times per year. So far we have been able to give out ice cream and donuts. 

Student Appreciation
Sponsor Student Appreciation
Start Over

Celebrate South Pictures

Thank you to all the parents who donated time and money so that we could provide treats for the students during Celebrate South week. We would love to do 3 more  Student Appreciation Events throughout the year. Please donate below to help support that endeavor!


Student  Appreciation Events Donations

Student Appreciation
Sponsor Student Appreciation
Start Over



If your child is receiving special education services at NSHS, please click on this link to view our first “SEPAC at South” newsletter. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns about your child, please contact us anytime – thanks!

Your NSHS SEPAC Liaisons
Kim Gallaugher – [email protected]
Karina Simonian – [email protected]


Taking the Advanced Placement (AP) exam is an important part of all AP courses. Newton South High School expects that all students enrolled in an AP class will register for and take the AP exam. Scoring well on an AP exam can often help students earn college credit. There are TWO steps to the AP exam registration process. Both steps need to be completed for an exam to be ordered.

The DEADLINE is November 15, 2022. Late registration remains open until March 15, 2023, with a $40 late fee.

For more information on exam schedule, registration directions and registration questions, click here.

HOST FAMILIES NEEDED NOV. 5-19: For Argentinian Exchange Students & Chaperones

After several Covid-imposed delays, we are eager to finally launch our first language and cultural exchange with our sister school in Argentina, and we are looking for a few additional host families!

The students and their chaperones are arriving on Saturday, November 5, and will be with us until November 19.  Host family responsibilities include integrating the student in your family life, so that they get a glimpse of daily American life as they practice their English language skills.

Students will travel to school in the morning with your child, and after a day or two of shadowing, will spend school days with their chaperones on a variety of excursions around the Boston area.  On the weekends, you will incorporate them into your usual routines, and have them participate in whatever activities or chores your family typically engages in together.

While this is obviously an excellent opportunity for a family with a child studying Spanish, this is not a requirement!  All that we ask is that you be eager to share your daily lives and rhythms with a teen who is eager to learn about our life in the Boston area.

Please contact Cynthia Manthei ([email protected]) as soon as possible if you are interested or have any questions.


From Surviving to Thriving:  Parents’ Journeys Through Suicide Grief

An interactive workshop for anyone in a parenting role whose child has died by suicide.

FREE Workshop content includes:
• Exploring the unique and complex experience of suicide loss
• Addressing the impacts of suicide loss on individuals, couples, and families
• Learning from long-term parent survivors
• Re-building hope skills

Visit here to preregister and learn more.