Please see the update from Pat Gonzalez, Athletic Director
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Protocols for athletic events
NSHS COVID coach is Mr. Ted Dalicandro. You can reach him at [email protected] if you have a COVID-19 related question.
- Coaches will use screening questions before EACH practice and game. They record the students’ answers in the given spreadsheet and report it to the COVID coach.
- Coaches will follow this protocol: In case a student responds affirmatively to any of these questions they will contact the COVIS-19 coach immediately and they will also call/text the Athletic Director. The student will not be allowed to participate. City Board of Health protocols for schools are activated.
- Each student will be given an identification provided by the DCL to allow one family member to attend games home or away. Without this identification, access will not be granted at any field.
- NS will use QR code signing in at each home game.
- Players, coaches, and fans are required to wear fitted masks with ear loops by BOH requirements. Gaitors are NOT permitted.
NSHS-Specific Guidance
- Sport Specific Guidelines-The MIAA sports have been modified to keep athletes safe and all the modifications to the specific sports are listed on the MIAA COVID Taskforce site.
- Our remote learning classes finish at 3:55 pm. Practices will not start before 4:30 PM due to transportation issues.
- Restrooms. We will be using Porta-Potties facilities in each field. These are not changing rooms or to be used in such a manner.
- Physical. You must have an updated and in-person physical (within 13 months), per Massachusetts law, and there are no exceptions to this. You can mail physicals to the Athletic Department at 140 Brandeis Road, Newton MA 02459 or email them to Gail Kramer [email protected].
us or to Kristen Hoffman at [email protected] - Transportation. Coaches will be in touch with their team around transportation. We are asking that whenever possible, students/their families provide their own transportation to practices and/or games. Please let your coach know if transportation is a concern for you and we will work to provide accommodations on an individual basis but may be limited by available resources.
- Transportation Waiver. Parents must complete this NPS Transportation Waiver in order to transport their child to games. Please notice that we need the note three days in advance in order to secure a bus. Please send the Waiver form to David Pagett at [email protected].
DCL school protocols will be shared ahead of our traveling to their sites. Schools will connect before the first day of competition to check the last health reports for their respective districts.
The State of MA 50 people in attendance rule is in place at each venue.
Thank you for your help in making this season possible for our athletes.