Literacy Specialist/ESL Teacher

Literacy Specialist/ESL teacher available for private Summer tutoring and systems navigation. Newton mom and former Newton literacy specialist with 20 years experience in public education and proud parent of two kids with complex learning and social-emotional needs.

Lani Verges-Radack has experience in a variety of methods and she can assess your child to design the best plan for progress. She works on ALL areas of literacy – decoding, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, writing, oral language and phonics/spelling – depending upon the needs of your child.

  • State certified in ESL, Reading, Early Childhood, English. Completing requirements for Moderate Special Needs certification by summer.
  • Experienced with all ages, with specialties in early childhood and elementary.
  • She can help you navigate state, private, and local systems of care, especially for foster/adopted kids as well as kids with complex social-emotional profiles.
  • Rates available upon request.

Please email for additional information