Category Archives: For Seniors

Newton South PTSO Welcome 2021

Welcome home to Newton South!  Welcome returning and new families! I hope this email finds you and your loved ones doing well!

I am Michelle Wetlaufer and I am so excited for my first year as Newton South’s PTSO’s President.  I look so forward to working with all of you to make this school year great.

I am so happy to welcome so many new members to our community including our new Principal, Tamara Stras, and our new Vice Principal, Jason Williams. I am excited for you to meet them as we get the school year started!

The PTSO works with South Administration and staff to communicate information in a timely manner, help support and engage our community for input and ideas, and to stay connected even when we are apart. Please click here to subscribe to the PTSO Newsletter.

As we kick off our 2021-22 school year, the PTSO is launching our School Directory Confirmation process and our Annual Dues Campaign Look for an email to confirm your families’ directory information.  Every family must confirm their information to be included in the online and printed version.  When you confirm your information you will have an opportunity to contribute to our annual Dues Campaign.  Your annual Dues donation is used 100% to support our school community and enrich the experiences of our students at South. The PTSO relies on annual donations of $70 from each Newton South family. This donation will ensure we meet our 2021-22 budget of $66,000.

As this school year begins, I thank you all for joining me on this journey whatever part you may play. I ask you to keep in mind my personal motto  ‘that which does not bend breaks’. Whether it is from an Aesop Fable or Tanzanian Proverb it has especially come in handy these last 18 months. I hope that you can join me in maintaining flexibility as we re-enter the new school year.  I know we all are looking forward to creating an amazing (slightly normal?) year for our kids.

If you have questions or you would like to volunteer for one of our committees please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected].  Stay tuned for more news as we prepare for the start of the school year on September 9, 2021.

Stay well and enjoy the rest of the summer days!

NSHS PTSO President,
Michelle Wetlaufer

Hello Newton South Seniors!

Senior Parking

If you would like to park on campus Semester One, you must enter the Senior Parking Lottery following the directions listed below.


Before applying for the Parking Lottery, please read directions below:

  • You MUST use your NSHS student email address to submit the lottery form.
  • Deadline to enter the Semester 1 Parking Lottery is Tuesday, August 17 at 11:59pm. NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • Your lottery submission will NOT BE ACCEPTED if you submit any INCOMPLETE or INCORRECT information or documentation.
  • All successfully entered Seniors will be notified via email by end-of-day, Friday, August 20th. Email will specify if you have received a spot or if you are on the Waitlist.
  • Deadline for parking spot recipients to pick up Parking Tag will be Friday, Aug. 27 at 2:30pm to pay for their spot.
  • Access the Senior Parking Lottery Form HERE


PLEASE NOTE, if you are selected to receive a parking spot at NSHS: 

  • You will need to come to NSHS in person and pay the $175 parking fee.
    • ONLY Checks or Money Orders made payable to the ‘City of Newton’ will be accepted.
    • This fee mirrors that of the bus transportation fee.
  • You will be issued a Parking Tag and Student Parking Sticker that must be displayed in the approved vehicle at all times when parked on campus.
  • Your approved vehicle(s) is the ONLY vehicle(s) allowed to park in your assigned parking spot.
  • Parking Tags are only valid for the duration of Semester One. A Semester Two lottery will be released to all Seniors at the end of Semester One.

Seniors Graduation Photos

Dear Newton South Families,

Julie Stonehill, Newton South Graduation Committee Chair told the PTSO that the photographer will be contacting Seniors families shortly regarding the photos during the diploma ceremony.  Stay tuned.

LAST Reminder DUE JUNE 3 – Parent Consent Form for June 6 Event

Seniors who are missing their parent consent form for the June 6 Event have received their last reminder email on June 2, 2021.

Check if you have submitted the Parent Consent Form for June 6 with the link below:–rqyASUl_BG2_HeyQFv4DJTP9CaukGbjwoknOU8Y/edit?usp=sharing

Forms are due June 3rd.

Seniors completing the form after June 3rd will need to bring a printed copy on June 6th to attend the event.  

SENIOR Families – June 6 Ticket Purchasing is CLOSED


Reminder emails were sent to Seniors who have pre-registered and did not purchase a ticket, and/or the parent/guardian’s email from the PTSO school directory.

As of today, May 31, 2021, tickets for the June 6 2021 Senior Celebration is officially closed.  For those who purchased a ticket, an Eventbrite email was sent the day it was purchased.  Please make sure your Senior(s) check their email and SPAM folder. They will need a copy of the Eventbrite ticket when they check-in.

Here is the copy of the FINAL REMINDER email that will be sent on June 5.

Let’s the Celebration Begin
The event is on June 6, 2021 from 8-11PM.


PARKING: Any spot at the school main lot or street. (NOT the visitor areas in the front of the school.  DROP OFF ZONE is on visitor spots on Brandeis Rd., not next to the school)

Check-in begins at 7:30PM outside the main entrance at South.

  • You must bring your school photo ID to check-in (ID or photo of school ID that shows you are the Senior).
  • Show your Eventbrite Ticket on your phone or paper copy
  • NO Walk-Ins, No Exceptions
  • No large bags/backpacks. All bags will be searched
  • You will be given a breathalyzer test prior to entry (Failure of the test will result in no entry)

Cheers to the Class of 2021 Seniors!

Look forward to Celebrating Together!

Benjamin, Saylor, Andrew, Phillip, Ahrav, and Noga.
~ Class Advisors Crosby and Bhattacharya
~ The Newton South High School PTSO

Parent Consent Form REQUIRED June 6 Senior Celebration

Hello Senior Families,

Your senior(s) should have all received an email confirmation from Eventbrite with the link to their ticket.  Please check their non-school email account Spam folder.  Thank you.

REMINDER that the Parent Consent form is required for all seniors attending the event. NO EXCEPTIONS.  FORMS ARE DUE JUNE 3, 2021.  Thank you!

Looking forward to a great celebration for our Seniors!!

Questions? please contact the PTSO at [email protected].  REMIND your senior(s) that they must use a non-school email to contact the PTSO.  NPS does not send out those emails. 


In light of the updated guidelines from the state, there will now only be ONE graduation ceremony for all seniors on Thursday, June 10th at 5pm. (The Rain Date is Friday, June 11th @5:00pm)

In order to be able to fit 500 graduates, their guests, and faculty and staff on the Winkler Stadium field and in the bleachers, we are maintaining our 4 guest maximum for each graduate. 

Info for Graduates

  1. You should arrive at Newton South at 4:00 pm wearing your Cap and Gown. Since we are graduating on the field, please consider your footwear on the turf field (no pointy heels allowed). Also, graduates who wish to decorate their cap and gown, please be sure to look at the FAQ and fill out the cap decoration form
  2. When you get here, our faculty will be helping you line up, by house, in alphabetical order. When you arrive at 4 pm, you should meet your dean, and the rest of your house, at the following locations for line-up:
      • Goldrick House – 1st floor Goldrick
      • Goodwin House – 2nd floor Goldrick
      • Cutler House – 1st floor 3000s, 
      • Wheeler House – 1st floor breezeway near the planter/cafeteria
  3. Since we are lining up inside, masks will be required for that portion. Once we are outside, you will no longer need a mask. 
  4. Please see this 5/28 Senior Update for other important deadlines (grades, yearbook, NPS files, MySchoolBucks balance)

Infor for Guests

  1. Please be aware that Brandeis Road will become one-way, towards Greenwood, at 3 pm, and will remain so until the end of the ceremony, when it will become one-way towards Parker Street. Your family and guests can park anywhere on the Newton South lot with the exception of the area near the rotary by Goldrick House. (That area will be roped off for graduates to assemble.) Please let your family and guests know that. We also respectfully ask that you limit yourself and your guests to one car due to the size of our parking lots. Please also be respectful of neighborhood parking rules.
  2. Winkler Stadium (our football field) will be open to guests starting at 4 pm and will close for the period between 4:55 pm and 5:15 pm to allow for the procession of the graduates. Please plan accordingly.

SENIORS: Survey Due Today, FRIDAY, 5/28.

A reminder that each member of the Class of 2021 needs to fill out this graduation registration/survey form, even if you are not planning to attend graduation. PLEASE FILL OUT THE FORM BY THE END OF THE DAY THIS FRIDAY, MAY 28TH. (Reminder: you can go back and edit the form AFTER 5/28 but we need every senior to fill out as much as you know for now).

DEADLINE TONIGHT for June 6 Senior Celebration

Hello Senior Families,

If your senior(s) is planning to attend the June 6 2021 Senior Celebration (aka “Prom”), they must purchase their ticket TONIGHT by MIDNIGHT THURSDAY, May 27th:

Please also complete the Parent Consent form by JUNE 3, 2021 so you senior(s) can attend the event.  Thank you!

Looking forward to a great celebration for our Seniors!!

If you Senior has not received an email from the PTSO or Eventbrite (please check their non-school email account Spam folder), please have them contact the PTSO at [email protected] ASAP.  Tickets must be purchased tonight!!

~ Benjamin, Saylor, Andrew, Phillip, Ahrav and Noga.
~ Class Advisors Crosby and Bhattacharya
~ The Newton South High School PTSO

CONSENT Form for June 6 Senior Celebration & Ticket Reminder

Hello Senior Families,

If your senior(s) is pre-registered and plan to attend the event,  you can click here to purchase their ticket by THURSDAY, May 27th:

Please also complete the Parent Consent form by JUNE 3, 2021 so you senior(s) can attend the event.  Thank you!

Looking forward to a great celebration for our Seniors!!

~ Newton South High School PTSO