Category Archives: From the PTSO

PTSO Grants – Spring Deadline March 3, 2025!

One of the ways the PTSO supports our students and faculty is through our Grants program. Each year, the PTSO allocates funds for new initiatives, special projects, and programs that support and enhance learning, well-being, and our community. Last fall, the PTSO Grants Committee awarded funds to 10 programs!

We are excited to announce that we will offer a second grant opportunity this Spring! Faculty, staff and students are invited to apply.

Detailed information is available on our Grants page. This page provides information about the Grants program as well as guidelines, selection criteria, and requirements. Note that students are welcome to apply, but unfortunately, we cannot fund clubs. Most grants range from $100 to $500. To submit a proposal, please go to our Grant Application page.

The deadline for submitting Spring grant application is Monday, March 3, 2025. Decisions will be announced in late March and funds must be used and receipts submitted this school year, by no later than June 30, 2025.

2025 Senior Activities!

The PTSO sponsors several end-of-year senior activites and we are grateful for your contributions now!  Go HERE to make your Senior-specific contribution below.

  • Order a Class of 2025 Lawn Sign (with or without your student’s name) and have it delivered right to your house in May.
  • Contribute to SouthFest, our well-attended and popular afterprom party hosted on Tuesday, June 10th at the school which provides a safe AND FUN night for our seniors.
  • Contribute to the Senior Sendoff lunch Friday, June 6th, a great end-of-year tradition for all of our seniors.

It’s South Spirit Week!

NSHS Annual Pie Sale is Underway

Purchase a $30 Picnic Rock Farms Homemade pie for your Thanksgiving table and two pies will be donated to the faculty and staff of Newton South High School. Rave reviews about these pies last year!

You can pick up your pies at: 91 Nehoiden Road Waban, MA 02468 on Tuesday, November 26th 6PM – 9PM or Wednesday, November 27th 9AM-11AM, or email [email protected] to set up a different pick-up.

DEADLINE TO ORDER: November 7, 2024

If you would like to donate additional funds to the teacher’s pies, check one of the boxes at the bottom of the order form (no pie order necessary to contribute to the teacher’s pie fund)

PTSO Grants – Spring Deadline March 3, 2025!

One of the ways the PTSO supports our students and faculty is through our Grants program. Each year, the PTSO allocates funds for new initiatives, special projects, and programs that support and enhance learning, well-being, and our community. Last fall, the PTSO Grants Committee awarded funds to 10 programs!

We are excited to announce that we will offer a second grant opportunity this Spring! Faculty, staff and students are invited to apply.

Detailed information is available on our Grants page. This page provides information about the Grants program as well as guidelines, selection criteria, and requirements. Note that students are welcome to apply, but unfortunately, we cannot fund clubs. Most grants range from $100 to $500. To submit a proposal, please go to our Grant Application page.

The deadline for submitting Spring grant application is Monday, March 3, 2025. Decisions will be announced in late March and funds must be used and receipts submitted this school year, by no later than June 30, 2025.

Celebrate South 2024

What is Celebrate South? Celebrate South is a weeklong+ event coordinated by the NSHS Booster, the PTSO, faculty, and students, where we celebrate all the students that make South an amazing place to learn and grow. During October 17-27 we will showcase and celebrate all things South. There will be lots of athletic competitions, the Frosh Play, a Club Fair, a Dance Competition, Student Appreciation Events, and Spirit Week all Week! Click HERE to see the full calendar. And please consider doatating or volunteering below.

How is the PTSO Supporting this Event? The PTSO will be hosting a school-wide woopie pie station on Tuesday during Lion Block and ice cream cups event on Thursday during WIN block. Office Leo, our community resource dog, will be in attendance both days, hopefully with his local officer resource dog friends!

How Can I Help The PTSO? You can help the PTSO is three ways… Spread the Word, Volunteer during the week, Donate.  Please sponsor the event in any way appropriate for your family.

Much like the Teacher Appreciation events we plan on hosting Student Appreciation events throughout the year. Your generous donations will make it possible to keep these events going for our almost 2000 student population.

Click HERE to Volunteer or Donate.

Back to School Night – Thurs 9/12/24

Back to School Night
Thursday, September 12, 2024

Back to School Night at South is coming up! We have a few helpful tips below to make the night better.

Print Your Student’s Schedule:  Your student’s schedule for Back to School Night will be posted to Aspen on Wednesday, September 11th. Print it out in advace to have with you for the night.

Arrive Early:  Expect a LOT of traffic in the parking lots and surrounding streets. Drive safely, consider carpooling, and arrive early to give yourself plenty of time to find your first classroom. Some parents prefer to park by Brown and Oak Hill Middle Schools and walk over past the ball fields.  

Navigating the School:  The first classroom number tells you which building to go to, the second number tells you which floor, and the third and fourth numbers are the classroom. If possible, look at the school map in advance and have your student highlight where their classrooms are. The school is large, so wear comfortable shoes and expect a lot of walking. And if you’re lost, please ask for help! 

Please stop by our PTSO table to connect with us and say hello. You’ll find us between the 2000s and 3000s wings.

School Photo Day – Thurs 9/5/24

School Photo Day will come up on us fast – mark your calendars for Thursday, Sept 5th. Schedule those haircuts and consider volunteering to help day-of. Nothing is more fun than getting a chance to see our students IRL at school, AND volunteers are provided with a Legacy Studios’ free underclass package, or 50% off a senior package. Please reach out to our PTSO Photo Day Coordinator, Sherie Heywood, with questions.

Welcome Home – Welcome Back

Welcome home to Newton South and welcome returning and new families! Please find some helpful back-to-school info below.

PTSO Newsletter The PTSO works with South Administration and staff to communicate information in a timely manner, help support and engage our community for input and ideas, and to stay connected. Please click here to subscribe to the PTSO Newsletter.

Annual Dues Campign Your annual Dues donation is used 100% to support our school community and enrich the experiences of our students at South. The PTSO relies on annual donations of $75 from each Newton South family. Click the image below to donation today.

We Love our Volunteers! Please click HERE to see the full list of open volunteer opportunities. If you have questions or you would like to volunteer for one of our committees please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].  Stay tuned for more news as we prepare for the start of the school year on September 3, 2024.

Stay well and enjoy the rest of the summer!

NSHS PTSO Co-Presidents,
Maggie Schmidt & Barbara Talvitie

2024 New Family Meet & Greets

Parents of New Families to Newton South are encouraged to attend.

The PTSO along with Principal Stras, Vice Principal Williams, our house deans, Caitlin Brown, Mark Banks, Ted Dalicandro and Meaghan Martin, METCO Counselor, Katani Sumner, and Department Head for Special Education, Kimberly Borgida are hosting three in-person and one virtual New Family Meet & Greets. Space is limited so we ask only one parent from each family attend the in-person events. All are welcome to the Zoom call. Click HERE to sign up.

  • August 20: 20 Ferncroft Rd, Waban, MA 6-7PM (SEPAC representative will be available)
  • August 22: 48 Butts St, Newton Upper Falls, MA 6-7PM
  • August 27: Zoom (Passcode: 2028)
  • August 29: 22 Wales Street, Dorchester, MA 6-7PM METCO Families (METCO liaison will be available)