Category Archives: From the PTSO

February 2, 2023 Luncheon

9th Grade Coffee Feb 2, 2023

Thank you for attending the 9th grade coffee this morning. If you were unable to attend her are the slides from the event.


February 9th Grade Parent Night and PTSO Coffee (1)

Valentine’s Day House Desserts

The PTSO will be setting up dessert buffets in every class house right after lunch on Tuesday February 14th. Please sign up to donate to your student’s class house. You can drop off in the morning/afternoon on February 14 at Newton South at the main office. You can also email [email protected] to coordinate a different drop location. If you would like to donate money to the event please use main donation link on website and add Valentine’s Day and House name in the comment.

Thank you!

Please Donate to the STAFF LUNCHEON THURSDAY Feb 2, 2023


We’re providing lunch for Newton South’s staff on Thursday, February 2, 2023. Please help us show our support by donating to the luncheon. We will serve a great selection of sandwiches, salads, pastas and deserts

Please use the form below to  donate to this event.

Teacher Appreciation Meals February 3, 2022
Meals for Teachers

10 Grade Coffee

WHO: Parents of 10th Graders, Dan Rubin (Head of Counseling), Charle Myette (Class Dean) Lexi Micheals and Talia Gallagher (Class Advisors), Kathy Sabet and Christina Brown (Counselors)
WHAT: Parent Coffees are in-person get togethers at Newton South to discuss upcoming milestones for each grade.
WHERE: Goldrick Commons (See map below)
WHEN: Thursday, January 19th at 9am
WHY: Get your questions answered.

Typical Questions from Previous 10th Grade Parents:

  • What is Sophomore Slump and is it real?
  • What sort off Junior Year Planning should we be doing
  • Whats on the schedule for end of year class activities, MCAS, etc
  • When and how to explore the career discussion and my kid’s personality

NSHS Fine and Performing Arts presents Winter Concert Series 2023

featuring Vocal Ensemble, Madrigals, Festival Singers, & Orchestra
Wednesday, January 11 at 7 PM

WinterFest I
featuring Jazz Improv, Jazz Combo, Jazz Ensemble, & Lab Jazz
Thursday, January 12 at 7 PM

WinterFest II
featuring Symphonic Band & Wind Ensemble
Wednesday, January 18 at 7 PMAll concerts are in the Newton South Seasholes Auditorium.  $5 suggested donation.  Proceeds allow our music groups to participate in spring music contests and festivals, as well as supplement the small budget for sheet music and instrument purchases and maintenance.  Thank you for your support.

Staff Winter Party 2022

Thank you to everyone who donated money, time, and food!


Staff Winter Party

Donate Money for Holiday Party (Cookies, Coffee, Hot Chocolate etc)

Holiday Party Donation
Money For Cookies


Sign up to bring items/help at event


NSHS Music presents an
Alumni Holiday Jazz Concert
Thursday, December 22 at 7 PM
Newton South Seasholes Auditorium
Recent grads join the award-winning South jazz groups onstage for a festive evening of swingin’ holiday hits.
$10 suggested donation.  Proceeds allow our music groups to participate in spring music contests and festivals, as well as supplement the small budget for sheet music and instrument purchases and maintenance.  Thank you for your support.

From the Vice Principal Nov 13, 2022

November 14 – 18, 2022


Newton South Students and Families,

We are fewer than two weeks away from Thanksgiving! We hope that term 2 has been off to a good start for everyone here at South. Students, remember that you have a number of resources available to you if you ever need any assistance. If you do need any help, be sure to reach out to your teachers, counselors, dean, or another trusted adult.

As a reminder, now that term 2 has begun, you will want to make sure your schedule on Aspen is showing your Q2 schedule and not your Q1 schedule. Here are instructions on how to do this.

Students and families: Report cards will be posted later this week to Aspen. You will receive an email notification when this happens.

The district released a newsletter on Wednesday, November 9 that can be found here.

Here’s to another week at South! Let us know if you have any questions.


Jason Williams (he/him/his)

Vice Principal

Newton South High School


Updates This Week


South Stage Presents The Visit, a Tragicomedy by Freidrich Dürrenmatt

Thursday-Saturday, November 17-19 at Newton South Seasholes Auditorium

Tickets at

A wealthy woman returns to her hometown to exact revenge on the man that betrayed her—or, as she puts it, to “buy justice.” Will the town vote to execute the man who betrayed her for justice (and the money she is offering), or will their compassion for their fellow citizen save his life? Directed by Paige Perkinson.



MCAS Retests Continue This Week

MCAS retests will take place on the following dates:

  • Math: November 15 and 16
  • Makeups: November 17 and 18

**the previous newsletter incorrectly reported Math happening last week. ELA took place last week and Math is taking place this week.**

Students who are testing should have received an email on Wednesday, November 2 with details. If you are signed up to take the test but did not receive this email, please email Mr. Williams as soon as possible.

For students who are testing: Bring a charged, NPS-issued Chromebook and #2 pencils. Report directly to your testing location by 9 AM.

For all other students: The library will be open for quiet study only on November 15 and 16. Students from directed study will not be allowed to go to the library on these dates.


2nd Annual Turkey Toss Wednesday, November 23

Back by popular demand is the 2022 Turkey Toss! Last year, we had over 1000 students and staff join us in these festivities, and we hope to have even more of you join us this year! The Class of 2023 would like to invite you to our 2nd annual Turkey Toss, hosted by the Senior Class Officers. This year, it will take place on Wednesday, November 23rd.

Do you and a friend have what it takes to assemble and represent your Graduating Class? If so, please email Mr. PJ Quern and Ms. Sabet to reserve your spots for a mandatory tryout during WIN1 on Wednesday 11/16. Consider now and keep an eye out for more details through Schoology updates and Class Office social media pages. Winners will receive a trophy for bragging rights and a $20 gift card.

Being mindful of food preservation, the Senior Class Officers have found two families who have generously offered to receive the frozen turkeys for consumption over Thanksgiving Recess. A huge thank you to those two families for making sure these turkeys don’t go to waste while ensuring our Newton South students have the best time expending their energy through fowl play (yes….puns absolutely intended!).

Here is the schedule for Wednesday. All classes will meet for 35 minutes, followed by the Turkey Toss at the Stadium. Students will then have a chance to pick up lunch back in the cafeteria on the way home.


Close Up Washington, DC Trip

The registration deadline for our March 2023 Close Up Washington, DC trip is approaching soon! 10th, 11th, and 12th graders interested in civics, government, and history will spend a week in our nation’s capital and experience our democracy at work. Please see this information sheet for more details on the trip and registration process. The deadline is November 17, 2022.

Email Lisa Soo Hoo, NSHS history department, [email protected] with questions.


Ligerbots FLL Robotics Tournament & STEAM Expo on 11/19

The LigerBots, Newton’s award-winning high school robotics team, will be hosting a FLL Robotics tournament and a STEAM Expo on Saturday, November 19th, from 12-5pm at Newton North High School. Watch middle school teams who built and programmed robots out of Legos to compete in the FIRST Lego League Competition (FLL) go head to head at the tournament. Also come to the free STEAM Expo event open to the public, to support South and North Clubs who have come to help LigerBots spread STEAM, interact with other High School Robotics teams from across the state, and visit local companies/organizations like the Massachusetts National Guard.

Masks are required except for designated eating locations and admission is free! We hope you can stop by!


Superintendent Search Updates

Superintendent Search Survey Open Until November 21

The superintendent search has entered its “engagement” phase in which the search committee is soliciting feedback and input from the Newton community to help identify and select the next superintendent for our district. Your feedback will assist the School Committee in understanding your perspective as candidates are recruited, screened, and interviewed for the position.

The survey linked below is designed to solicit perceptions of the district and its services to students, staff, and families. Based upon these perceptions, you will also be asked for input on what you consider to be the most effective characteristics for the district’s next superintendent.

Newton Superintendent Search Survey

The survey will be open from November 7 – 21, 2022.

Please also watch your email for upcoming opportunities to provide feedback via in-person and virtual focus groups. As always, detailed information can be found on the search committee webpage on the district website.


Focus Group Sign Up for Students

The Newton Public Schools Superintendent Search Committee is conducting a series of in-person and virtual focus groups designed to solicit perceptions of the district and its services to students, staff, and families. Participants will also be asked for input on what they consider to be the most effective characteristics for the district’s next superintendent.


There are several focus groups between November 17-20th. If the group is virtual, you will receive a link via email prior to the focus group. All in-person groups will take place at 100 Walnut St. in Newton.

To sign up for the focus group, please use this link to a Sign Up Genius form (you do not need to create an account to sign up:

*Please note that names will not display on the Sign Up Genius form to maintain confidentiality prior to the group meeting.

If you are unable to attend the focus groups, you may provide feedback through the online survey at:



Other Information

NPS Newsletter from Wednesday, November 9

The district released a newsletter on Wednesday. If you missed it, you can find it here.


Upcoming Events

November 23: Half Day (schedule here)

November 24-25: Thanksgiving Recess

November 28: Winter Season Begins

December 7: Parent Teacher Conferences, 4:30 – 7:30 PM

December 13: Parent Teacher Conferences, 2 – 5 PM

Winter Sports Registration Opened November 1

Winter Sports registration opened on November 1, 2021 on FamilyID. Here is the link to register. Please send updated physicals to Ms. Kristen Hoffman in the athletics department prior to the start of tryouts.

The winter sports season begins on Monday November 28. Tryout times will be announced on the Athletics website at a later date.


Book Drive from November 7 – 18

Do you have any old (but still in good condition) books that you’d like to donate? From Monday, November 7th to Friday, November 18th, there will be bins outside of the main office and at the Wheeler entrance to collect books. Donated books will be brought to the Cradles to Crayons Giving Factory, where they’ll be sorted and distributed to kids in need throughout the Boston area. Please make sure that any donated books are appropriate for children and teenagers, and that they are still in good condition (covers should be on, pages shouldn’t be ripped, etc).


Get Involved!

It’s never too late to get involved at Newton South!

Want to catch a game? View the athletic calendars here: Newton South Athletics Calendar

Want to join a club but don’t know where to start? Here are a list of clubs at Newton South!


Math and Writing Center Schedules

Need extra help in math or writing?

Here is the Math Center Schedule. If you have any questions, reach out to Mr. Marchica.

Here is the Writing Center Schedule. If you have any questions, reach out to Ms. Dornbrook.