The latest announcements from the Principal, PTSO, and NPS...

New Family Night at Newton South

New Family Night is September 8th. At this event the faculty and administration will have a presentation for new families to discuss Newton South and what your child should expect. Because the new family event is one week before our In-Person Back to School Night on September 15th, the administration is asking new families if they would like both events in- person OR if they would like the New Family Night to be on zoom.


You can complete the survey here. One question should take 5 seconds to complete.



Beginning of Year Checklist

Your Beginning of Year Checklist

  1. Sign up for Newsletter
  2. Confirm Directory Listing and Pay PTSO Dues
  3. Check out open Volunteer Positions
  4. Make any extra donation with a credit card or PayPal

August 21, 2022

The official kick off to the school year has begun! Each Sunday evening you will receive a newsletter from the PTSO presidents.  It is organized in three sections:

  • The President’s Letter: This letter will highlight the previous week and call attention to any new events for the week/month ahead. 
  • Announcements: These are announcements that have been sent to [email protected]. Everyone is welcome to submit. 
  • Upcoming Events: A snapshot of the calendar for the upcoming weeks

This week we will be having our Meet and Greets for Freshman and new families. All sessions are from 6PM-7PM. The usual format is a short introduction, the dean in attendance will give a brief overview of what to expect, then it opens up for questions. Please RSVP here to attend one of the evenings.

Tuesday, August 23rd 83 Agawam Road 
Wednesday August 24th, ZOOM
Thursday, August 25th, 42 McCarthy Road
Monday August 29th, 1446 Beacon Street (SPED director will be available for questions)
Tuesday August 30th 930 Washington Street Dorchester (METCO Families)

We are about 10% to our goal of $66,000 for our Annual Dues Campaign As we kick off our 2022-23 school year, the PTSO is launching our School Directory Confirmation process and our Annual Dues Campaign.   Every family must confirm their information to be included in the online and printed version.  When you confirm your information you will have an opportunity to contribute to our annual Dues Campaign.  Your annual Dues donation is used 100% to support our school community and enrich the experiences of our students at South. The PTSO relies on annual donations of $70 from each Newton South family. Please pay your dues today!

I can’t wait to see many of you at the meet and greets! 
Michelle Wetlaufer & Will Adams
[email protected]

Welcome Back

Welcome home to Newton South and welcome returning and new families! We hope this email finds you and your loved ones doing well. 

Parents of New Families to Newton South are encouraged to attend one of our Meet and Greets held during the next two weeks. You will be able to meet Principal Stras, our VP Mr. Williams and a dean and/or department liaison at each event. Space is limited so we ask only one parent from each family attend the in-person events. Sign up here.  All are welcome to the Zoom call:

  • August 15: 19 Crescent Avenue Newton, MA 6-7PM
  • August 17: 147 Plymouth Road Newton, MA 6-7PM
  • August 22: 108 Alabama Street Boston, MA 02126 6-7PM METCO Families (METCO liaison will be available)
  • August 24: 91 Nehoiden Road Waban, MA 6-7PM (SEPAC representative will be available)
  • August 28: Zoom 6-7PM

PTSO Newsletter The PTSO works with South Administration and staff to communicate information in a timely manner, help support and engage our community for input and ideas, and to stay connected.. Please click here to subscribe to the PTSO Newsletter.


Your annual Dues donation is used 100% to support our school community and enrich the experiences of our students at South. The PTSO relies on annual donations of $70 from each Newton South family. 

If you have questions or you would like to volunteer for one of our committees please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].  Stay tuned for more news as we prepare for the start of the school year on September 5, 2023.

Stay well and enjoy the rest of the summer!

NSHS PTSO co-Presidents,

Maggie Schmidt and Will Adams


Mock Trial attorney

Please see the attached flyer – Newton South is looking for a Mock Trial attorney coach for the upcoming 2022-2023 season.

Newton South seeking Mock Trial attorney coach for 2022_23 season_flyer_8.8.22

If you are interested in participating as an attorney coach or would like to learn more about this volunteer commitment, please contact teacher coach Theodore Loynd at [email protected] or history teacher Talia Gallagher at [email protected].


Principal Stras

Newton South Families and Community:

I hope you all are having a great, well-deserved, restful summer! Please see the attached announcement from Principal Stras – she and her husband are excited about the new addition to their family!

As a reminder, Principal Stras is currently on maternity leave and plans to return on November 1, 2022. Josepha Blocker will be Acting Principal during this leave, and she and I will have more updates for you regarding the opening of school in the coming weeks.

For now,  enjoy your summer and you will be hearing from us soon!


Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459

Birth Announcement & August Update from Principal Stras

Semester One Senior Parking Lottery

Newton South Seniors:


I hope you are having a great summer, and congratulations on entering your senior year of high school!


We are writing to let you know that the Semester One Senior Parking Lottery is officially open. If you would like to park on campus for first semester, beginning Tuesday, September 6, 2022, you must enter the lottery. Please note the following:


  • You must use your NPS student email to submit the lottery form ([email protected]).
  • The deadline to enter is Tuesday, August 16 at 11:59 PM.
  • Your lottery submission may not be accepted if the information you submit is incorrect or incomplete.
  • Seniors who are either granted a spot or waitlisted will be notified via their NPS email by 5 PM on Friday, August 19.
    • Seniors who receive a parking space must pay for and pick up their parking tag and sticker(s) by Friday, August 26.
    • If a student misses this deadline, the spot will be awarded to the next student on the waitlist.

Senior Lottery Parking Form


If you are selected to receive a parking spot at Newton South, please note that you will need to come to school in person and pay the $175 parking fee. This must be in the form of a check or money order made payable to City of Newton. No other payment method is accepted. This fee mirrors the bus transportation fee. More details will be sent to students who get a spot at the notification deadline above.


Note that first semester parking tags are valid from Tuesday, September 6, 2022 to Friday, January 13, 2023. A second semester lottery will take place near the end of first semester.


Please let us know if you have any questions.




Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459

Final Events Schedule

Newton South Students and Families:


We will begin our Final Events Schedule tomorrow, June 17. Please note the following:


The Day’s Schedule

The following blocks and an advisory will meet each day:

  • Friday, June 17: C and D blocks
  • Tuesday, June 21: A and B blocks
  • Wednesday, June 22: F block
  • Thursday, June 23: E and G blocks

Note that there is no school on Monday, June 20.


Directed Studies and Small Studies will not meet. Students who have one of these blocks may go to the Student Center or Library.


After The Main Blocks End

Grab and Go lunch will be available for students each of these four dates before buses depart. Some students may stay after the initial bus departure to see a teacher for extra help or makeups in the afternoon. After this time ends, students may stay in the Student Center until the late bus arrives. Please see the schedule for more details. There will only be one late bus each day.


Last Day of School

Friday, June 24 is our last day of school and a half day for students. We will have an advisory and every class meet. Buses will depart at 12:55 PM. There are no late buses on Friday, June 24, and no lunch will be served.



Please let us know if you have any questions.




Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459

2022 Newton Schools Foundation Honor Thy Teacher

Our Newton Public School teachers and staff have done an amazing job this year under challenging conditions.  If you’re looking for a way to say “Thank You!” to your child’s teacher or other school staff as this school year comes to a close, please consider Newton Schools Foundation’s Honor Thy Teacher campaign. It’s an opportunity for families to thank school personnel by giving a gift to Newton Schools Foundation in their honor, while also complying with the Newton Public Schools’ teacher gift policy. 


Newton Schools Foundation (NSF) is a non-profit organization that raises funds to advance educational excellence and equity throughout Newton’s public schools. Your gift will fund NSF grants for promising educational initiatives, professional development, and programs that address inequities.  To learn more about the programs NSF funds, visit our website.  


NSF will notify the honored teachers and staff of your gift, share the honoree names with the Superintendent and principals, list all honorees on the NSF website, and gift them with a Certificate of Honor and a “2022 Honor Thy Teacher Honoree” magnet that they can proudly display. 

It’s easy to donate online, or you can mail your donation to Newton Schools Foundation, P.O. Box 590020, Newton Centre, MA 02459. Please be sure to include the name(s) of your child(ren) and the names of the teachers and/or staff you are honoring. 


THANK YOU for your donation!

NSHS Weekly Update 6/13 – 6/17

Newton South Students and Families:

Here is the Weekly Update for 6/13 – 6/17. This is a BLUE week, which affects Lion Block and clubs.

Here’s to another week at South! Please let us know if you have any questions.


Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School
140 Brandeis Road
Newton, MA 02459