The latest announcements from the Principal, PTSO, and NPS...

Progress on the Courtyard


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Boosters Club General Meeting – October 26 (New Date)

Team Reps and any other interested Athletics parents and guardians, please mark the date and time for the next Boosters Club General Meeting:

Tuesday, October 26 at 7:30PM on Zoom

Register below for the meeting link.

Questions? Contact us!

A Great Volunteer Gig: Concessions!

With the concession stand at the Stadium field now up and running, the Boosters Club plans to offer refreshments at as many night games as possible. We need your help to make this happen!

Working at the stand is a great way to meet other parents and be part of the action at South while also supporting the school. Proceeds from the stand go to the Boosters Club to provide funding to South’s teams and to events and activities that build school spirit (e.g. Celebrate South Week!).

Click here to sign-up to work a shift at an upcoming NIGHT game including tonight’s Varsity Boys soccer match vs. Brookline!

If you have a player, there are set-up shifts and you can be finished in time to watch the game. Questions? Email us!

Be a Team Rep to the Booster Club

Thank you to all who responded last week. We now have 14 teams with Team Reps, but many teams still need them! We’re looking for reps for teams at all levels—varsity, JV and 9th-grade teams—and for all seasons.

Winter is coming…we especially need those Team Reps for all South’s great winter season sports.

So far, we have Team Reps signed up from:

Girls Cross Country
Varsity Field Hockey
Varsity Football
Varsity Golf
JV Golf
Varsity Boys Soccer
JV Boys Soccer
9th Grade Boys Soccer
Varsity Boys Basketball
Varsity Girls Basketball
Varsity Baseball
Varsity Softball
NEW! Wrestling


Don’t see your athlete’s team listed above? Contact your coach or email us with questions. More info below on the Team Rep role. We look forward to working with you!

Team Rep Job Description

Celebrate South Week

Celebrate South Week
Friday, October 15 – Saturday, October 23

Save the dates for a week to enjoy and celebrate a taste of the great things happening at South from athletics to the arts, clubs and more!


To kick the week off, the Booster Club and PTSO are sponsoring a FENCE-OFF, a fence art/decorating contest.

Starting Tuesday, October 12, all South clubs, groups and teams can claim a section of the chainlink fence leading to Winkler Stadium Field to create a display of their choice. All entries are eligible for a $100 cash prize for their club, group or team and $20 toward art/decorating supplies! Click here for more info! 

Stay tuned for more details on Celebrate South Week. To be part of the fun or to help out, please email [email protected].

From the Athletic Director

Dr. Lellock Gets a Second Chance…at Running the Boston Marathon

From the Newton Schools Foundation (NSF):
NSF has been the lucky recipient of a Boston Marathon charity bib number for many years and we have been fortunate to recruit committed NPS staff and alums who have trained hard and fundraised for the schools.

Last year one of those educators was South English teacher Jasmine Lellock. It was to be her first Boston Marathon. Well, we all know what happened.

According to Dr. Lellock, “After finally qualifying for the marathon–a lifelong goal–and fundraising for NSF, I lost the opportunity to run the in-person race. I was able to run the virtual race in 2020 with my running partner, and now this fall, I will be able to finally run the in-person race for the first time.

“Over the years, my students and fellow teachers have benefitted directly from the grants offered by NSF.  My colleagues and I learned from summer professional development on anti-racism, and my Shakespeare students had the chance to meet a famous actor and playwright. I’m grateful to Newton Schools Foundation for their efforts! I hope you will help me reach my goal of $5,000 to support a cause near and dear to my heart.”

So, on October 11th–the new date for the 2021 Boston Marathon–come out and cheer for South’s own Dr. Lellock and help her reach the finish line.  You can also make a donation to her run in support of NSF and grants to the schools here.

Sports Buses

Our district, like many districts in the state, continues to face transportation challenges as a consequence of state-wide bus driver shortages.

This week we were able to avoid canceling contests by moving games to later times, dismissing students earlier, and asking our parents to transport their children to their games and meets. Our athletes were able to participate without interruption thanks to the parents’ help and the quick action of our coaches.

The situation at the bus companies continues to be difficult and also affects transportation for our opponents, requiring numerous game time changes home and away. We are extremely grateful for our families’ help on such short notice, since–to take last Tuesday as an example–notification about bus cancelations reached our office after 11:00AM.

Please check the Athletics Website often on game/meet days, since changes are posted under announcements there as well as pushed out on social media:
Twitter@NSHS_Athletics  •  Instagram@nshsathletics

NSHS Receives MIAA Sportsmanship Honor

Newton South Athletes were recently recognized with a place on the 2020-21 MIAA Sportsmanship Honor Roll. The South teams demonstrated great sportsmanship during all seasons last year. In a pandemic year, our athletes showed not only grit and resilience but also lived our CORE VALUES by embracing good sportsmanship.

National Coaches Day

This past Wednesday was National Coaches Day, a nationally designated day to celebrate high school coaches. Newton South has a very dedicated group of coaches who work tirelessly throughout the year on behalf of our athletes. They provide opportunities for all our students to succeed while enjoying the sports they love. We thank them for their dedication and celebrate having them in our midst.

Please honor this occasion by reaching to your student-athlete’s coach to share a moment or an action that made a difference for you or your child. You will make their day!

South Golfer Headed to State Sectionals

Lions’ golfer Will Freudenheim has qualified for the Golf State Sectional tournament with a record of 8-1. The Sectional Championship for Division 1 North will be held at Bass Rocks Golf Club in Gloucester on Tuesday, October 19. Coach Flynn will accompany Will in his quest to qualify for the MIAA All-State tournament.

Girls Basketball Informational Meeting

A reminder that the Girls Basketball informational meeting is on Tuesday, October 19 at 2:40 PM in the Field House. Interested students can get information about the program and meet Coach Rogers at that time.

This Weekend

Friday Games
The Field Hockey teams hosted Weston on Friday night at the stadium field. Congrats to both teams for holding Weston scoreless!

Girls Volleyball teams hosted Wayland in a DCL showdown of two excellent programs. Varsity took the win, 3-1!

The Varsity Football team traveled to Westford Academy, while we didn’t come out on top, our Lions fought hard.

Saturday Games
The JV Football team will host Westford Academy at 1:00 PM at Brandeis Road field.

The Boys JV and Varsity Soccer teams will host Brookline under the lights. JV starts at 5:00 PM followed by Varsity at 7:00 PM. The Varsity record is 3-3-2.

PTSO Weekly Newsletter October 10, 2021

South Stage Parents: New Parents Night and Family Ads Info

Along with Mr. Knoedler, we’ll be hosting a night for new parents and caregivers to hear all about South Stage! Join us on Tuesday, October 12 at 7 pm in the Theater Classroom, Room 9141. Masks required. 

Tickets for our first production of the year, The Three Musketeers, will go on sale Monday, October 11. They will be reserved seating only. Please check for ticket buying information then. 

In the meantime, go ahead and place your family ads! The deadline for Musketeers ads is Friday, October 15. Frosh parents, you can also get a jump on your ads and submit them now – just be sure to choose the correct show when filling out the form. Please use the link below to place an online ad order or download the Family and Friends ad form. You can also see sample ads and pay via Paypal: 

About Playbill Ads:

Congratulate your favorite company member, or even the entire cast and crew, with a special message of support. Add a cute baby or kid photo! You can create your own ad and send it as a JPG or PDF, or you can send us your message and digital image, and we’ll design it for you. 

Additional Donations:

Please consider making a donation in addition to (or instead of) placing an ad. All donations are tax-deductible, and your generosity will be acknowledged with a listing in every South Stage Playbill for one calendar year.   

South Stage does not receive a production budget from the school other than modest stipends for adult directors. Although ticket sales typically cover production costs, we rely heavily on the funds raised through Playbill ads and donations to maintain and upgrade costume, construction, lighting, and sound equipment.  

Our first meeting of the SSPG Board will be on Monday, October 25 at 7 pm, location TBD. All are welcome to join us to find out more about volunteer opportunities throughout the year. We hope to see you then!

As always, all of the latest information can be found at, or following @SouthStage on Instagram or Facebook. Please reach out if we can answer any questions.

Thank you for all of your support!

Cheryl Stober

Co-Chair SSPG

Newton South Artificial Intelligence (AI) Club will have the first meeting October 12th 2:30 pm 

Time: First Blue Tuesday of every month Lion Block,

location:   Room 3220

All are welcome!!! Let’s explore AI together!

Our guest speaker – Susan Wu

-Senior service delivery manager

NCS Group Singapore

-founder of Smart kids coding

Susan Wu

Ms Wu is an entrepreneur with more than 20 years of work experience at Multinational corporations including management positions at IBM, Dell, Microsoft and Hewlett-Packard. She currently works in Singapore. She got a bachelor’s degree in Electronic Engineering from Shanxi Normal University in China and an

MBA from the University of Manchester Business School in England.

In her spare time, she helped non profit organization YOUNGSTARS NIGERIA, where she worked with global volunteers to design and develop the mobile application, . She hopes that female students in Nigeria can benefit from this platform in their pursuit of success.

October 12th 2:30 pm

First Blue Tuesday Lion Block,

Room 3220

Newton SC Candidate Forum
The Newton SEPAC is hosting a Newton School Committee Candidate Forum on Thursday, Oct. 14, 7-9PM. All candidates have been invited and anyone is welcome to attend (virtually). Submit questions to [email protected].

Passcode: 795956

Fence Off !


Fence-off contest

The PTSO and the Booster Club are excited to sponsor the second annual Fence-Off! A fence decorating contest to showcase all the great clubs, groups and teams at Newton South. Decorate a section of the fences leading to Stadium Field and win a prize doing so!

All clubs, groups, teams are invited to claim a section of the chain link fence starting on Tuesday, October 11. Each section of the fence will be tagged with a number and QR code allowing the section to be claimed. Once claimed, you can start decorating your fence any time but Fences MUST be completed by Thursday, October 20 at 6:00 p.m. to be eligible for a prize.

Decorations must:

  • Fit the fence section you’ve claimed
  • Represent your club, group, team or Newton South
  • Be able to withstand rain/wind
  • Be positive and school-spirited
  • Face inward toward the pathway to be seen as people walk the path

$100 Cash Prize for the Winner! 

The club, group or team with the most spirited display will win a $100 prize for use by their club, group or team. Second and third prize winners will receive gift cards for a pizza party! This year’s panel of judges will be the Newton South house deans! 


Need funds? $20 Toward your supplies!
The Booster Club will reimburse up to $20 for supplies related to the fence art contest.

Use this form to upload your receipt(s)


Fence Decorating Sign Up

Get Ready for Softball Season

NSHS Softball Clinic Hosted by Extra Innings

October 14, 21, 28 & November 4  •  7:00-8:30PM

$120 • Extra Innings Watertown

Click flyer to sign up.

Unified Spirit Day October 6th

Keep a lookout for the orange and blue this Wednesday, October 6th, as the Unified Basketball team holds their South Spirit Day. This is a Special Olympics competition for Massachusetts high schools. The school that shows the most school spirit will earn a prize and major bragging rights.

Coach Strongin says, “Wear all your NSHS gear, blue and orange. Got a lion costume? Wear it. If you think you have enough, nope, wear more! Go all out and have fun with it.”

Watch for photos from the day on NSHS Athletics and school social media later in the week. Go Lions!