The latest announcements from the Principal, PTSO, and NPS...

Interested in theater arts or joining South Stage?

Is your SOUTH high schooler interested in theater arts or joining South Stage?

Did you know that South Stage has a parent group to support the staff and students in our amazing theater program?
If you are a new parent or returning parent please join us for a “South Stage Parent’s Social Event”  to meet others and hear more about the program.
Please join us on 10/3/21 from 4 PM – 6 PM at the home of Cara Attanucci and James Miner, 87 Winslow Street, Waban, MA.
This get together will be in the back yard and include drinks and snacks.
Please RSVP at  [email protected].

From the Athletic Director

Boys’ Basketball Informational Meeting

The Boys’ Basketball informational meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 28th at 2:40PM in the Field House. Coach Matthews will attend the meeting.

Reminder: Bus Protocols for Athletes

Massachusetts state regulations require that all students and coaches riding buses wear face masks covering their nose and mouth during their trips. All bus windows also have to be open.

Food is not allowed to be consumed on buses–as required by the bus company’s food allergy protocol. Thank you for your collaboration.

Football Tonight

The Football team will host their first home game of the season tonight, Friday, September 24th at 6:30PM. The varsity squad will play Waltham at Winkler Stadium under the lights. Admission will be charged: $7 adults and $5 for students.

Home Athletic Contests This Weekend

Friday, September 24th

Girls 9th Grade Soccer vs Wayland – 4:30PM

Varsity Football vs Waltham – 6:30PM 

**Blorange Spirit in the Lions’ Den**

Athletics Calendar

Full Athletics calendar, including away contests, is HERE

Always check the online athletics calendar or Athletic Department Instagram (@nshsathletics) for any schedule updates.

Concession Stand Kick-Off at Tonight’s Football Game

Free Snack and Drink for All South Students

Tonight–Friday, September 24th at 6:30PM–during the Football game at Winkler Stadium, the Booster Club will be opening up the refreshment stand. We will also have NSHS Spirit Wear (t-shirts and other gear) for sale.

To celebrate the first home game of the season and welcome everyone back, all South students attending the game will receive a free drink and snack with their admission, courtesy of the Newton South Booster Club.

Many thanks to the parent volunteers, the Booster Club Board and to Coach Dalicandro who helped us make this happen.

Enjoy the game. Go, South!

P.S. We still need a few more folks to work the Concession Stand TONIGHT. Sign up HERE


Become a Booster Club Team Rep

The Booster Club had a great first meeting this week. Thank you to all who attended!

We are still looking for some team reps.

This is a new position in our organizational structure. It’s part of our overall efforts to strengthen the Booster Club’s support of South’s athletes, teams, coaches and Athletic Department. Our goal is to have a Rep for each team, at all levels, who coordinates support for their student’s team and provides a connection to the larger Athletic community through the Booster Club.

The Team Rep will share team requests, provide communication, feedback and support broader initiatives that help all South teams and the Athletic program. This coordination will allow the Boosters to provide consistent support to all our teams, student-athletes and coaches.

Team Reps must be the parent/guardian of an athlete on the team they representing. If you are interested in becoming a Team Rep, please be in touch with your student’s coach.

Questions? Email us! 

Team Rep Responsibilities

Provide Team Support – *As directed by the Coach*

Lead and or coordinate volunteers to:

  • Support the team coach with strengthening team spirit (e.g., team dinners, senior recognition events, community service activities)
  • Support the coach on fundraising initiatives
  • Build community among team parents and fans at all team levels (e.g., distribute rosters, email lists, coordinate family meet & greets)
  • Promote news about the team to the Booster Club
  • Work with coaching staff to understand needs of the team and appropriate resources for funding (team fundraising vs. Booster Club)

Serve as Team Rep to the Booster Club 

  • Represent their child’s team at monthly Booster Club meetings
  • Share updates, spirit-building ideas with other teams through Booster Club meetings
  • Provide input on Booster Club activities and participate and promote Booster Club fundraising efforts back to individual team
  • Vote on funding requests to the Booster Club (to come)
  • Serve as a point person for funding requests to the Booster Club (to come)

As mentioned above, the role of the Team Rep is to coordinate support for a team, not to do it all on their own. We also appreciate parent input/feedback on this position as we grow and evolve our program.

We look forward to working with you!

More Booster Club Volunteer Opportunities

In addition to Team Reps, the Booster Club is looking for all kinds of general volunteers–from selling Spirit Wear and helping plan events to Concession Stand sales and general help.

Many hands make light work. Meet fellow South athletics parents and guardians. Help us promote community and school spirit!

  • Check out these ongoing ways to help our teams and South Athletics HERE
  • Sign Up to work the Concession Stand TONIGHT, Friday, September 24th, HERE

Get Your Car Washed by the Girls Soccer Team!

The South Girls Varsity Soccer Team will hold their Annual Charity Car Wash this Saturday, September 25 from 11:00AM – 2:00PM in front of South.

2021 marks the 20th year that the team has washed cars to raise money to support worthy charities.  Please come out and support the squad this Saturday.

Senior Parent Post-Secondary Planning Night on Thursday, September 23 @ 6:30 pm

Dear Parents/Guardians of the Class of 2022,

We hope you will be able to join the counseling department for a webinar on how counselors support students and their families through the logistics of applying to college and other post-secondary plans students may be considering. Counselors will walk you through the procedures students will follow and answer any questions you might have. This program is a complement to the senior guidance seminars counselors will be leading for students in the class of 2022 during next week’s WIN blocks.

The information for joining next Thursday’s webinar can be found below. Additionally, we invite you to complete this google form to share your priorities for topics you would like to learn about as well as any questions you have and would like to see answered. Participants will also be able to submit questions during the webinar and we will make every effort to answer all questions live (as time allows). We look forward to seeing you next Thursday and working with you throughout this exciting year.


Dan Rubin

Director of School Counseling

Booster Club First Meeting of the Year – Thursday Night!

Reminder! The Booster Club will hold our first general meeting of the 2021-22 school year on Thursday, September 23 at 7:30 pm via Zoom.

The Booster Club supports the student-athletes, coaches and athletic program of NSHS and promotes school and community spirit.

Please join us to learn how you can get involved, support your student’s team and the overall sports program at South. All parents and guardians are invited.

 Register here to join the meeting

Annual Charity Car Wash this Saturday


The Newton South Girls Varsity Soccer Team will hold their Annual Charity Car Wash this Saturday (9/25) from 11:00AM – 2:00PM in front of the school.  2021 marks the 20th year that the girls have washed cars to raise money in support of many worthy charities.  Please come out and support the girls this Saturday.