The latest announcements from the Principal, PTSO, and NPS...


South Stage presents the annual 9th grade play, Writers…Blocked, on Thursday-Saturday, Oct. 20-22 at 7:30 PM in the Newton South Lab Theater.   Tickets at

Come see the work of our newest theatre artists in a series of 10-minute plays about the struggles of writers.  Writers…Blocked is directed by professional theatre artist Jesse Garlick in our intimate black box theater.  Masks are optional.  The running time is 80 minutes with no intermission.  $10 in advance at  Tickets will be sold at the door if any remain.

Welcome to Celebrate South Week 10/15/22 – 10/22/22


Newton South Families,


We are sending the Update a little early this week to kick off Celebrate South Week!


Thanks to the collaboration between our Class Officers, Class Advisors, Fine and Performing Arts Department, Deans, PTSO, and Boosters, we are excited to bring you Celebrate South Week! Students have been receiving information and updates about the upcoming events through Schoology, and we hope you encourage your Newton South Lions to get involved!


Our summary calendar of events is below and you can access the more detailed calendar using the button below:

Detailed Celebrate South Week Schedule

The detailed calendar can be accessed via the QR code on the flyer.


Our kickoff event is the Girls Soccer game Saturday, October 15 at 6:30 PM. There will be free t-shirts for all student fans and burritos, cotton candy and more for sale at the concession stand. The Dance team will also perform at halftime. Come out and support the team and wear ORANGE!


Our Spirit Week will run as follows:

  • 10/17: Anything But a Backpack
  • 10/18: This is ME
  • 10/19: Pajama Day
  • 10/20: Tie vs Tie-Dye
  • 10/21: BLORANGE Sprit (9th and 10th wear orange, 11th and 12th wear blue)


We hope you enjoy all the amazing events upcoming and have a great week here at South!




Jason Williams (he/him/his)

Vice Principal

Newton South High School

Spirit Week for 10/17 – 10/21
Celebrate South Schedule


Other Updates This Week
NPS Newsletter Released on October 12

NPS released a newsletter on Wednesday, October 12 that you can find here.

South Stage Presents “Writers…Blocked”

South Stage presents the annual 9th grade play, Writers…Blocked, on Thursday-Saturday, Oct. 20-22 at 7:30 PM in the Newton South Lab Theater. Tickets at


Come see the work of our newest theatre artists in a series of 10-minute plays about the struggles of writers. Writers…Blocked is directed by professional theatre artist Jesse Garlick in our intimate black box theater. Masks are optional. The running time is 80 minutes with no intermission.


Tickets are $10 in advance at Tickets will be sold at the door if any remain.

List of Colleges Attending Newton South This Week

Attached is a list of colleges visiting Newton South this week. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kathy Sabet, our College and Career Counselor.


The College and Career Center webpage is here.

Photo Retake Day is Wednesday, October 19

On Wednesday, October 19, we will have a photo retake day. This will be an opportunity for students who did not take a photo on our original date or would like to take their photo again. This will also be the last opportunity for seniors to take a photo for ID purposes. The order form for photo day is attached. 

Here is the schedule for the day. The bells will remain the same, but we will announce once a block for students who would like to retake their photo to come down at some point during the block, based on teacher discretion.

Grade 9 Elections Taking Place During WIN 3

Grade 9 students will be having class office elections during WIN 3 on Friday, October 21. During this WIN, all grade 9 students will report to the Field House.

South’s Second Annual Fence-Decorating Contest Ends October 20!

Get ready for Celebrate South and win up to $100 for your club, group or team by decorating a section of the chain link fence leading to Winkler Stadium Field! All entries must be finished by 6:00 pm, Thursday, October 20.


Click here to learn more and claim a section of the fence today!

Other Upcoming Events

Monday, October 24: Diwali (observed holiday)

Friday, November 4: Last Day of Term 1

Get Involved!

It’s never too late to get involved at Newton South!


Want to catch a game? View the athletic calendars here: Newton South Athletics Calendar

Want to join a club but don’t know where to start? Here are a list of clubs at Newton South!



October 10 – 14, 2022

Newton South Families,

This week marks the halfway point of term 1. Progress reports will be coming out later this week on the Aspen homepage for all students. For each course, this document will show teacher comments, the number of absences (excused and unexcused), and the number of tardies.

Additionally, the document will provide a snapshot for where students are with accordance to our new attendance policy. This will show up as a Y or N depending on the number of excused or unexcused absences. Note that this is just a snapshot and that deans and/or teachers will be or already have been in contact with families of students who are at risk of not meeting the attendance standard in a given course. Any questions about your student can be directed to their house office.

Here is the attendance policy FAQ. All students and families will receive a separate email when progress reports are posted.

Celebrate South Week will be taking place from October 15 – 22 this year! The PTSO, Boosters, and South Class Office have a week’s worth of SPIRIT planned! There will be music, athletics, art, giveaways, spirit days, and fun events! Use the QR Code to link to a detailed calendar of events! Get ready to join with your South community to CELEBRATE NSHS!

See below for the full calendar of events.

Enjoy your long weekend, and we will see you on Tuesday!


Jason Williams (he/him/his)
Vice Principal
Newton South High School

Student Volunteers Needed to Serve on the Superintendent Search Committee
The Newton School Committee is seeking volunteers to serve on the Superintendent Search Committee. If you are interested in serving on the Search Committee, please complete this form.

The committee will have representatives from the following communities: NPS administration, NPS educators, NPS families, NPS students and general members of the Newton community. If you are not selected to serve on the committee, there will be multiple opportunities for you to provide feedback and input on the selection of the next superintendent.

Please submit the form indicating your interest in serving on the committee by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 12, 2022. The first meeting of the search committee is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, October 18, 2022.

file type: pdf Superintendent Search – Solicitation of Search Committee – STUDENTS.pdf

59.4 KB

Other Updates This Week
No School on Monday, October 10

As mentioned in the opening letter, we will have no school on Monday, October 10 due to Indigenous Peoples Day.

As there is no school, we will not have an Advisory. This week, we are asking teachers to dedicate a few minutes during F block on Tuesday to make sure you have signed up for your WIN blocks for the week. Any student not signed up for a Wednesday WIN by the end of the day on Tuesday will be automatically assigned.

South’s Second Annual Fence-Decorating Contest Starts October 11!

Get ready for Celebrate South and win up to $100 for your club, group or team by decorating a section of the chain link fence leading to Winkler Stadium Field! All entries must be finished by 6:00 pm, Thursday, October 20.

Click here to learn more and claim a section of the fence today!

List of Colleges Attending Newton South This Week

Attached is a list of colleges visiting Newton South this week. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kathy Sabet, our College and Career Counselor.

The College and Career Center webpage is here.

MCAS Results Available in Aspen

MCAS results are available in Aspen for all students who took the test at Newton South during the spring of 2022 (generally juniors who took ELA and Math last March and May, and sophomores who took science last June). These can be found on Aspen in the Documents folder.

Photo Retake Day is Wednesday, October 19

On Wednesday, October 19, we will have a photo retake day. This will be an opportunity for students who did not take a photo on our original date or would like to take their photo again. This will also be the last opportunity for seniors to take a photo for ID purposes. The order form for photo day is attached.

As we get closer to the date, a more detailed schedule for photo retake day will be available.

Other Upcoming Events

Wednesday, October 19: Passin’ Time during WIN 1 (10:45 – 11:10)
Wednesday, October 19: Photo Retake Day
Thursday, October 20 – Saturday, October 22, 7:30 PM: Writers…Blocked: The Frosh Play
Friday, October 21: Grade 9 Class Elections during WIN 3
Saturday, October 22, 7-10 PM: Senior Homecoming Dance

Reminders for Students
Get Involved!

It’s never too late to get involved at Newton South!

Want to catch a game? View the athletic calendars here: Newton South Athletics Calendar
Want to join a club but don’t know where to start? Here are a list of clubs at Newton South!


Please be sure to clean up after yourselves when you are done eating. We have sometimes seen trash left at tables and other parts of the building which has created extra, unnecessary work for our custodial staff. Remember our school values – Choose Kindness, Listen First, Show Respect, and Take Responsibility.

Students are permitted to eat in the following locations:
The Student Center
Outside, when the weather permits (picnic tables are outside Wheeler House and in the Student Center Courtyard)
The Wheeler, Goldrick or Goodwin Commons
The Field House Lobby
Any supervised area where staff give expressed permission
Auditorium Lobby Tables

Students are NOT permitted to eat in the Library, Auditorium, Lecture Hall, or in hallways.
Students are also not permitted to eat on the floor.

We appreciate your cooperation as we work together to maintain a safe, healthy environment for all.

October 3 – 7 2022


Newton South Families,


Welcome to the first week of October!


First, we want to wish peace and goodness to all those who are celebrating Yom Kippur this week. Please note that we will not have school on Wednesday, October 5 due to the holiday.


We are one week away from the halfway point of term 1, and with this halfway point comes progress reports. Teachers will be posting comments for students by Wednesday, October 12. We will then post a progress report document to Aspen. Stay tuned next week for more details about this process.


Regarding this week, we have an important safety day during advisory on Monday, October 3. Click below for the schedule:

October 3 Safety Day Schedule

All blocks will meet, but will be shorter to accommodate a special 50-minute advisory. During this advisory, students and staff will work through our different emergency procedures, culminating with an evacuation towards the end of the block. While we hope to never need to use these procedures, it is vital that we are prepared to respond to keep our students, staff, and community safe. If students have any concerns after these drills are concluded, we welcome them to reach out to their dean, counselor, or another trusted adult.


Last, but certainly not least, the district released a newsletter on Wednesday, September 28 that can be accessed here.


Here’s to another great week at South! Please let us know if you have any questions.




Jason Williams (he/him/his)

Vice Principal

Newton South High School



Update on NSHS Phone Outage on Wednesday, September 28

As you know, Newton South briefly lost phone and Internet service towards the end of the school day on Wednesday, September 28. Thanks to the work of our IT team, we were able to resolve this issue later in the afternoon after dismissal. While we hope to not have an issue like this occur again, we would like to use this experience as an opportunity to discuss what would happen in the event we temporarily lost phone service in the future.


First, if there ever is a phone outage and you are unable to contact the school, we will send you a message through School Messenger asking for families to call the Superintendent’s Office if they need to reach Newton South. In case of an emergency, we would still be able to call 911 as we have special infrastructure in place separate from what went offline on Wednesday. We may additionally cancel activities that take place after school if we need to maintain the safety of our students and phone issues were to continue past the end of the school day.


We would also like to acknowledge that some families have raised concerns about the limited cell phone coverage in the Newton South area. We and the City of Newton are aware of these issues and share your concerns about the effect of the limited coverage and its implications for communication, especially in moments like Wednesday afternoon. We will continue to partner with the city to look for solutions to this issue that might allow two-way communication to continue to flow between our school and the greater community.


Thank you for your patience and understanding as we worked to resolve this unexpected issue on Wednesday afternoon.



This Week's Updates
List of Colleges Attending Newton South This Week

Attached is a list of colleges visiting Newton South for the week of 9/26 – 9/30. If you have any questions, please reach out to Kathy Sabet, our College and Career Counselor.


The College and Career Center webpage is here.

Safety Day on Monday, October 3

On Monday, October 3, students and staff will review our emergency response plan during an extended Advisory, expected to be about 50 minutes.


During this advisory, students and staff will practice several drills and a school evacuation and learn about ways we can stay safe while we are in school. We will run an adjusted schedule that can be accessed here.


While we expect the safety day block to last 50 minutes, there may be unanticipated circumstances which may lead the evacuation portion of the block to extend a few minutes into B block.

No School on Wednesday, October 5

As mentioned in the opening letter, we will have no school on Wednesday, October 5 due to Yom Kippur.

Celebrate South Week: October 15 – October 22

New this year!


“CELEBRATE SOUTH” WEEKwill take place Saturday, October 15 – Saturday, October 22! The PTSO, Boosters, and South Class Office have a week’s worth of SPIRIT planned! There will be music, athletics, art, giveaways, and fun events! Be on the lookout for the calendar of events and get ready to join with your South community to CELEBRATE NSHS!

Denebola Customink Fundraiser

One of our student newspapers, Denebola, is fundraising! Here is a link to their Customink page.

Other Upcoming Events

Wednesday, October 12: Midterm Comments Due

Saturday, October 15 – 22: Celebrate South Week

Wednesday, October 19: Passin’ Time during WIN 1 (10:45 – 11:10)

Thursday, October 20 – Saturday, October 22, 7:30 PM: Writers…Blocked: The Frosh Play

Saturday, October 22, 7-10 PM: Homecoming Dance



Reminders for Students
Get Involved!

It’s never too late to get involved at Newton South! Want to catch a game? View the athletic calendars here: Newton South Athletics Calendar


Want to join a club but don’t know where to start? Here are a list of clubs at Newton South!


Please be sure to clean up after yourselves when you are done eating. We have sometimes seen trash left at tables and other parts of the building which has created extra, unnecessary work for our custodial staff. Remember our school values – Choose Kindness, Listen First, Show Respect, and Take Responsibility.


Students are permitted to eat in the following locations:

  • The Student Center
  • Outside, when the weather permits (picnic tables are outside Wheeler House and in the Student Center Courtyard)
  • The Wheeler, Goldrick or Goodwin Commons
  • The Field House Lobby
  • Any supervised area where staff give expressed permission
  • Auditorium Lobby Tables



Students are NOT permitted to eat in the Library, Auditorium, Lecture Hall, or in hallways.

Students are also not permitted to eat on the floor.


We appreciate your cooperation as we work together to maintain a safe, healthy environment for all.

Consider Opting-In to the NPS Chromebook Repair Fund
We encourage you to sign up for our Optional Chromebook Repair Fund. For $25 per year, all accidental damage to the device, including screen cracks, liquid spills, damages from dropping, etc. will be covered. Sign-up and payment for the Chromebook Repair Fund is done through the MySchoolBucks Portal.

Hello Newton South,



Happy October! The leaves are turning, the building is full of energy, and the school year is off to a great start! I am writing to tell you about some important upcoming schoolwide and classroom events that will be taking place over the next few weeks.



Safety Training

As a part of our safety protocols, we train all of our students on what to do in the event of an emergency inside the school or an emergency outside the school, but in our near vicinity. We conducted this training today during a special long Advisory.

During this training, we had a fire drill. If you live in the neighborhood, you may have seen emergency vehicles at the school, and I want to assure you that there was no cause for alarm. Over the last few years, the Newton South Safety Team has worked diligently in partnership with community emergency responders, Newton Health and Human services, the school department and in-building clinical staff to build an age-appropriate training that gives students the necessary information to stay safe, while not unnecessarily raising student anxiety. That being said, we understand that these drills may have a different impact on everyone, and wanted to invite you to reach out to your student’s guidance counselor or dean if you have questions or concerns about these drills and this training.



Social Justice Curriculum

In keeping with our goal of creating educated citizens and embedding anti-racist and culturally responsive practices into our curriculum, our 9th grade history and English teachers will be delivering important upcoming lessons. These lessons are the beginning part of an overall curriculum focus on human rights, genocide, and social justice, which are woven through students’ four years of history and English education.



In the next couple weeks, our ninth grade students will learn about the history and meaning of common hate symbols. The lesson our teachers use has been adapted from one developed by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) in 2020 (“Swastikas and other Hate Symbols”). As the lesson plan states, our goal is to “provide an opportunity for students to reflect on the importance of symbols in our society, understand more about specific hate symbols, and identify strategies for responding to and eliminating hate symbols.”



After learning about hate symbols in history classes, the 9th graders will read a short story in their English classes which involves the use of a hate symbol. Through discussions about the story, students will have an opportunity to reflect further on the impact of hate symbols and ways to respond to their use.



Our staff has been thoughtful about how to deliver these important lessons in a way that will support student growth. We also recognize that these lessons may cause a variety of emotions for different students, and we welcome your continued partnership as we support your 9th graders.



NPS Non-Discrimination Protocol

Towards the end of October, students from all grade levels will be trained in the Newton Public Schools Non-Discriminiation Protocol. This protocol, developed with input from educators, parents, community members and students, guides our practice for handling any incident of hate, discimination, or retaliation in all Newton Public Schools. It outlines both our approach to discipline and our philosophy regarding education and restoration practices when these situations occur. Even in communities like ours, which are vigilant about creating spaces where those of all identities can celebrate who they are, incidents occur. We strongly believe that we have the choice as a community as to how we respond. The protocol describes a process for discipline, for education, for restoration and for therapeutic interventions following such situations. Our four deans and the South Human Rights Council, unfortunately, have already used this protocol for a few incidents which impacted a few students at a time. When incidents impact a small group of people, we do not notify the entire community; however, we handle them with the same level of respect and thoroughness as we would in an incident that impacted more people.



After following the protocol, we have heard from those impacted that they felt supported and heard. While there is “no perfect” when these incidents happen, we are hopeful that we are moving in the right direction. Our FORJ (Newton Families for Racial Justice) and PTSO partners were trained in this protocol last year, and can serve as resources for parents. If you would like to discuss the protocol with a fellow parent, please reach out to PTSO Council Co-Presidents, Terry Prasad and Elsa Janairo at [email protected].



National Hispanic Heritage Month

Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! Our Spanish Service Club has shared a series of options for teachers to use in celebration of Hispanic Heritage Month, which is celebrated annually from September 15th to October 15th. Thank you to Spanish teacher and club advisor Cynthia Manthei for her work on this!



We also have a new exciting initiative taking place during WIN to support wherein students of Hispanic and Latinx heritage meet as a community to celebrate their shared experiences. Thank you to Gene Stein and Helena Alfonso for leading this group of students!


As a school, we have begun our year’s work on social-emotional learning, excellence in instruction and equity of access to our curriculum. Below, I wanted to highlight some things that are underway.



Newton South Lions in Action!


South Stage Designs!

In a demonstration of a bit of theatrical STEAM, students Anna Wright-Lee and Leah Vashevko designed and constructed a scenic element for the upcoming South Stage production of “The Visit.” The play is set in a fictional Eastern European country, and the scenic design concept reflects various Steampunk elements. This gear was carved out of extruded polystyrene, placed on a wooden mounting bracket, and anchored by a vertical boom pole. The gear moves up and down, rotates around the pole, and spins with a motor triggered remotely by our light control board. Thanks to South Stage Technical Director Ryan Spruck for his guidance!



Newton South Girls Volleyball Raises Money for Breast Cancer!

Each year South and Needham play volleyball matches to raise money for breast cancer research through the Dig Pink organization, alternating the match location between Newton and Needham. 2019 was our fundraising high mark with just over $10,000 for the cause by Newton and Needham. We’re proud and driven to keep this tradition going strong each year!



This Friday, October 7th, Newton South will host the Dig Pink Fundraiser game against defending state champs Needham High School! We want to make this event bigger, louder, and more successful than ever!! If you would like to make a donation or know someone that would:


The Game


Family members and friends are encouraged to attend the event wearing pink like our players and coaches. Each team will play their own game in center court in the Field House.



9th Start: 10/7, (approx.) 5pm

JV Start: 10/7, 6 pm*

Varsity Start: 10/7, 7:30 pm*

*Start times are approximate.



Which fan has the best serve? Fans will get to test their serves in a contest for fun prizes between the JV and Varsity match. Tickets $5 at the door.

Unified Basketball Season is Starting!

The Unified Basketball Team opens their season at home on Thursday, Oct. 6th. The game will start at 4:30 PM in the Field House. Come to support our Unified athletes and partners!



Announcing the First Annual Celebrate South Week!

October 15th thru October 22, 2022


Get ready for a week of exciting athletic competitions, PTSO treats, student performance, club events, Spirit Days, and more! More information to come!



COVID Reminders

As cold and flu season begins, I wanted to take a moment to remind everyone of the NPS COVID protocols. It is very important that students stay home if they are sick. Some important guidelines regarding COVID, more specifically:


  • COVID positive individuals should isolate for 5 days.
  • After the isolation period, students and staff may return to school once ALL of the following are true:
    • Fever has been absent for 24 hours without use of fever-suppressing medication such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen;
    • Symptoms have improved; AND
    • At least five days have passed since symptom onset or a positive test result, whichever is earlier.
  • Isolation can end on day 6 as long as the individual wears a mask through day 10.
  • Please let our nurses, Gail Kramer and Karleen Kiritsy, know if you test positive.


Some have expressed concern about staying home if they are sick because of our new attendance policy. (Our FAQs here.) Please, please, stay home if you are ill. All absences due to illness, including COVID are excused. If you are concerned about the impact of illness on your child’s attendance, please contact your child’s dean.

As always, we appreciate your partnership in making the South a safe, spirited learning community. For those of you celebrating Yom Kippur, I wish you a meaningful and reflective day.




Josepha Blocker

Acting Principal


What is Celebrate South? Celebrate South is a weeklong event where we celebrate all the students that make South an amazing place to learn and grow. This year it will kick-off with a Girl’s Soccer Game vs Strongsville High School from Ohio (October 15th) and wrap up with a Varsity Football game vs Boston Latin (October 21st). But we all know that South is not just sports. In between there will be a production by South Stage, Passing Time Talent Shows, a school-wide Fence Decorating Contest, Spirit Week Theme Days, Music and Dance performances and so much more!

Click here to learn more, donate, and/or volunteer!


Have you noticed the new Clothing Bins in front of the tennis courts on Brandeis Road? Newton Public Schools placed the bins to help make donating, reusing and recycling unwanted clothing, shoes, linens and textiles easy and convenient. Beginning November 1, textiles in Massachusetts can no longer be disposed of in trash and in our blue bins (and never go in the green bins). Textiles and shoes that can be reused or recycled account for approximately 5% of our waste in Massachusetts. Helpsy takes all clean textiles and items that are on their list and will reuse higher grade items. Nationally, 50% is reusable, 45% is recyclable.
Newton Public Schools (NPS) is partnering with Helpsy to collect whatever we can wear, sleep in, or dry ourselves off with. This includes anything made from wool, silk, linen, cotton, polyester, leather, vinyl, hemp and rayon. Find a full list of accepted items here. Higher grade items are resold to thrift stores in North America and other secondhand markets across the world; lower grade items are turned into rags or things like stuffing and insulation. Helpsy is a Public Benefit Corporation and a Certified B Corp with an environmental mission. Donations generate a small amount of revenue for NPS which will likely be used for sustainability work at NPS.
Bins at NPS schools brought in over 25,000 lbs of clothing in August, which equates $2,500! 
The NPS Facilities staff will be the primary point of contact for any concerns or issues related to the bins (damage, vandalism, need for a pick-up). Call 617-559-9000 or email [email protected]
Find answers to frequently asked questions here.


Volunteers are needed to help with the 23rd annual Halloween Window Painting event, taking place this year on Saturday, October 29 (raindate: October 30 ).

Registration is now open for student painters in grades 3-8, and merchants in Auburndale, Newton Centre, Newton Highlands, Newtonville, Nonantum, and West Newton have offered up their windows to the creativity of these young artists.

We need help posting assignment sheets on participating windows before the event, and supervising the painting on the day of the event. If you’re a high schooler, parent, or guardian with fond memories of Halloween Window Painting or just have an appreciation for public art, we’d love to have you join our crew of volunteers. To learn more or sign up to help, contact [email protected] or sign up for a specific volunteer task here.

ATTENTION SENIOR PARENTS: Seal of Biliteracy deadline Oct. 19

Parents — please see below the announcement shared with all our seniors.  Please let us know if you have any questions about how you can support your child in pursuing a Seal of Biliteracy.
Attention Seniors!!
Do you speak a language other than English?  If you read and write it as well, let colleges and future employers know by earning a Seal of Biliteracy on your transcript!
The process is simple, and you can use it to demonstrate skills in any language you’ve learned, whether at home, in school, or elsewhere.
Click HERE for detailed information about the Seal, including how to qualify and a link to register.
The deadline for registration is Wednesday, October 19.
If you have questions, contact Ms. Murphy-Ferguson, World Language Department Chair, via e-mail, Schoology message, or live in room 6209.

LIGERBOTS OPEN HOUSE: September 29th, 6:00pm

Does your student have an interest in STEM or business, including software, engineering, finance, public relations, fundraising, writing, photojournalism, videography, graphic design, or public speaking?

The LigerBots is FIRST Robotics Competition Team 2877, Newton North and South’s combined, award-winning team that builds a new 120-pound robot every year to compete in a robot game with other high school teams. LigerBots runs like a small business, and students gain real-world skills through project-based learning in many STEAM fields. Our experienced mentors act as teachers and guides to help enrich your student’s experience with the team.

Meeting times in the fall are on Mondays in the Newton North engineering room from 6:30-9:00 p.m. and on Thursdays at Newton South from 6:30-9:00 p.m. New team members in grades 9 – 12 from the two Newton high schools are invited to any and all meetings. We are also seeking adult mentors, especially in the fields of web design and coding, mechanical engineering, and finance.

If you’re interested, our open house for new team members is September 29th, 6:00 p.m., at Newton South High School. For more information about the LigerBots, please email [email protected] or visit our website: