The latest announcements from the Principal, PTSO, and NPS...

Restoring Youth Mental Health

Educators, parents, and students! Join Challenge Success for an engaging panel discussion on youth mental health with Lynn Lyons, Dr. Meag-gan O’Reilly, and Challenge Success co-founder, Dr. Denise Pope. This interactive evening will also feature local adolescent students and provide attendees with concrete strategies for improving youth mental health in their schools and families.

Student Volunteer Opportunity

For the staff opening day event on Wednesday, 8/31, Superintendent Kathy Smith, is looking for a few Newton South students to staff a donation table for a food pantry from 7:45 am – 9:30 am. If your Newton South student is interested in serving the community in this capacity, please ask him/her/them to reach out to Vice-Principal Jason Williams at

Safety and the Environment!


One of our challenges last year was traffic and  student safety in and around Newton South. The Newton South School Committee is working with the Newton School Committee and other stake holders to improve the traffic flow around Newton South.

Fewer parent drop-offs are the key to reducing car traffic. Its better for the environment, creates a more independent student and reduces traffic in and around Newton South. Follow this link to learn more

President’s Letter August 28th 2022

If the success of our first official week is a sign of things to come, we know this year is going to be great!  Our first three Parent Meet & Greets were well attended and hats off to interim Principal Josepha Blocker, Vice Principal Jason Williams and House Deans Meaghan Martin, Marc Banks, and Ted Delicandro for taking time out of their evenings to offer their insights and answer parent questions. We want to send a very big thank the hosts, Kelly and Kevin Flannery and Dana and Scott Elisofon for graciously opening their homes.   If you’re a Freshman or new family parent and you didn’t get a chance to attend last week, please join us for the next Meet & Greet,  click here for a previously recorded Zoom meeting, visit our FAQ page which has all the questions asked at our previous sessions and more: 

  • Monday August 29th, 1446 Beacon Street (SPED director will be available for questions)
  • Tuesday August 30th 930 Washington Street Dorchester (METCO Families)

We are about 30% to our goal of $66,000 for our Annual Dues Campaign!  As we kick off our 2022-23 school year, the PTSO is launching our School Directory Confirmation process and our Annual Dues Campaign.   Every family must confirm their information to be included in the online and printed version.  When you confirm your information you will have an opportunity to contribute to our annual Dues Campaign.  Your annual Dues donation is used 100% to support our school community and enrich the experiences of our students at South. The PTSO relies on annual donations of $70 from each Newton South family. Please pay your dues today!

We look forward to seeing you all around campus!  

Michelle Wetlaufer & Will Adams

NSH PTSO co-Presidents

How to get to School

Safety and the Environment!

One of our challenges last year was traffic and  student safety in and around Newton South. The Newton South School Committee is working with the Newton School Committee and other stake holders to improve the traffic flow around Newton South.

Fewer parent drop-offs are the key to reducing car traffic. Its better for the environment, creates a more independent student and reduces traffic in and around Newton South. Follow this link to learn more

First Day of School Schedule

First Day of School Schedule

Advisory Groups

New Family Meet & Greets

Recording of Zoom Presentation 

August 25, 2022


VP Newsletter August 23, 2022

Green Students Movement

Green Students Movement



The next clean up is scheduled for this Sunday (Aug 28) from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Newton Centre. Meet near the tennis courts in the Newton Centre playground. The date was changed from Saturday because of SAT testing

New Family Night at Newton South

New Family Night is September 8th. At this event the faculty and administration will have a presentation for new families to discuss Newton South and what your child should expect. Because the new family event is one week before our In-Person Back to School Night on September 15th, the administration is asking new families if they would like both events in- person OR if they would like the New Family Night to be on zoom.


You can complete the survey here. One question should take 5 seconds to complete.